Assassination Classroom: Civil War
That joke probably would have been better last week.
In their first year of middle school, Nagisa and Karma were close friends for awhile. Nagisa looked up to Karma because he was the type of person to do whatever he wanted. They both became friends when he found Nagisa reading about that ninja character they both like. Everything was going fine until the distance started forming between them. Nagisa thought Karma was staying away from him because he started getting bored of him. But it was actually because there was something about Nagisa that actually freaked Karma out. Like there was something mysterious inside him that would one day kill him. The feeling was too much for him, and so he set his distance.
This fight brought out so much emotions between them, and it served them well. They were both able to come to an understanding and understand each other more. They’ve changed a lot in this assassination classroom, they have both grown in different ways. In the end, Nagisa won. He never stabbed Karma with his knife, but knowing he had lost in the choke hold, Karma surrendered and Karasuma called it Nagisa’s win. The two boys are back to good terms.
In the end, Karasuma made a proposition that they will have the month to find a way to save Koro-sensei. If they haven’t found any way to save him by the end of the month, they will have to go back to finding a way to assassinate him. Post credit, the class figures that some group must be studying a way to save Earth, they just need to know who. Ritsu, growing up herself, hacks all lab databases in the world, and the students are able to see that an American group is what they’re looking for, but they can’t access the data. It’s information that’s being studied in space and that will be sent back to the lab at the end of the month, which could probably hold all their answers. Koro-sensei comes up with something and asks Karasuma and Irina to leave the class. He brings up a rocket that is about to be sent to space, and it’s supposed to carry a dummy with it. And so he asks…what if instead of a dummy, it had real people snuck into it?
Yup, that’s right. Sneak into space. Amazing! Children sneaking into a rocket and exploring space. That is so crazy and I am all for it. Question is, if they really even are going to do that.
Fantastic episode! Very exciting to watch, and the showdown between Nagisa and Karma was thrilling. Now with a goal set in mind, it begs the question whether this class of assassins is going to succeed or not. Save Koro-sensei!