After all the Stand users that we got in Stardust Crusaders, those that represented the tarot and the Egyptian Gods. Well let me tell you that from now on, the Stand names are going to be named after American rock bands, rock band albums, songs, etc. Yeah we had a few like Speedwagon, Esidisi (AC/DC), Vanilla Ice, but now they’re going to be Stands. The Hand, Okuyasu’s Stand, is actually named after a band called…The Band. Just when written in katakana it’s hand instead of band. So yeah, from this point on to the later parts of Jojo, Stand names are going to be named after bands. Some will make sense, some will sound cool, and some will sound stupid but hey this is Jojo. 🙂
So after beating the crap out of Angelo, Angelo actually makes a remark that someone else will go after Josuke, the one that gave him his Stand. Jotaro reacts to this and wants an explanation. A year ago, while Angelo was in his cell awaiting his execution, he had been startled by someone who had somehow appeared in his cell. Before being able to do anything, he was shot in the mouth with a bow. This kid in a school uniform had with him a large bow and arrow and shot him with it. It looked like Angelo had been killed but he was actually alive, because he had the aptitude. Because he had the “aptitude”, he remained alive and in turn received a Stand, which was Aqua Necklace. We couldn’t get the whole explanation because Josuke beat the crap of Angelo again and changed his form for hurting a child, but the news of this bow and arrow and a high school guy caught Jotaro’s attention. He needs to find this person with the bow and arrow, so he won’t be leaving anytime soon. In another picture Jotaro had, it’s a picture of Enyaba from Part 3 holding the bow and arrow, so she was the original owner.
We see my son Koichi looking up some stuff in the school library. He’s noticed that there have been over 80 disappearances in Morioh, which is much higher than the average. He agrees what Jotaro said, that there is just something terrible that’s already arrived in the city. A great danger hiding somewhere, and it keeps getting worse with Josuke’s grandfather dying. Josuke finds him in the library, and they walk home together.

While they’re walking home, we get a funny little scene with Jotaro going to Josuke’s house. Tomoko opens the door and mistakes Jotaro for Joseph for some reason. She jumps at him, hugs him tight, and tells him how much she loves him and smushes her face in his chest…I’m jealous. Jotaro just stands there like “Um, m’am, please, I’m not Joseph.” And honestly how did she mistake him for Joseph? First, Joseph is hella old, Jotaro isn’t. Though Jotaro is half white, he’s also half Japanese and looks more Japanese than white, sooo….Tomoko, hello? Jotaro explains who he is and asks for Josuke, but finds he isn’t there yet, so he heads off and says he’ll be there later. But before leaving, he turns to Tomoko and tells her that if Joseph had been here, he would have protected her and her father without a doubt from the dangers ahead, even if he’s really old now. But because he’s so old, Jotaro doesn’t want him here so he’s taking his place. Just some words of comfort in her hard time. *swoons* S-Suki…(●♡∀♡)
We get introduced to our new enemies. While Josuke and Koichi walk home (passing by the Angelo rock), they pass by an abandoned house. Koichi looks up and notices someone by the window of the second floor and he asks Josuke about it. Apparently no one lives there, and realtors are always stopping by to shoo the homeless people that sneak in. Koichi wonders if he saw and ghost and peers his head through the front gate, which freaks out Josuke because ghosts scare him. Ghosts and turtles, he’s a weird boy.
It’s then that Koichi catches sight of someone, and suddenly his head is being crushed by the gate by someone named Okuyasu. Apparently his father bought the place and he lives there and doesn’t want them trespassing. While he and Josuke bicker, all of a sudden Koichi is shot by an arrow. The same bow and arrow Angelo had mentioned, and the same silhouette from Angelo’s story. The guy up top recognizes Josuke from defeating Angelo and knows he means trouble so he shot an arrow to try and make Koichi a Stand user, even though it’s not looking too good right now. Josuke tries to run over to Koichi to heal his wounds but is stopped by Okuyasu. They have a battle, where we get intoroduced to The Hand, a Stand that is able to swipe things away, even swipe away space to do something like teleportation. Josuke has trouble, but he figures out Okuyasu’s weakness pretty quick (the right hand) and defeats him quickly. About to strangle Okuyasu into unconsciousness (yikes….), Josuke notices Koichi’s body being dragged away inside the house. He runs inside and meets the owner of the bow and arrow.
Poor Koichi. ;_; More and more Stands users can be created with the bow and arrow, so they have to destroy it before things get really bad. We don’t want another Dio. Seriously, we don’t want another Dio, anything but that!
To be fair, Okuyasu KO himself with his own ability. Not since Hol Horse (who shot himself with his magic bullet that he have total control over) have someone unintentionally hurt themselves via application of their stand.