It has begun…

Sorry about the delay! I was experiencing power outage due to freezing rain!

I think this would be an appropriate time to leave this here:

IT’S HAPPENING, SHIT IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN! They were so crafty this episode, it was such a slow burn, deliberately done to leave us with this dramatic cliffhanger. All of the major players are now either already at the scene or are on their way there. Yuuya made no progress whatever in his fight against Barrett, shackled down and essentially being tortured for information of Yuzu’s whereabouts (which he didn’t have anyways). Reira meets his breaking point, unable to protect Selena further, who tends desperately attempts to protect herself but is too paralyzed to do so. Sora then comes flying in to save Selena, but just as he validates he has switched sides, motherfucking Yuuri arrives just as he says it and looks to apprehend both of them, but not before wanting to ‘play’ with them first, which Sora would fight in Selena’s place.YGO ARC V Ep 91 Img 0019 But then Yuugo crashes the party and forces Yuuri’s attention onto him, but not before saying too much and letting it slip how he thought Selena was underground, which gave Yuuri all the information he needed to know Yuzu’s whereabouts. Luckily for us however: Yuzu is no longer there- but on the otherhand, she (as I expected of her), is taking the initiative on her own to locate Yuuya, and is now using her bracelet to lead her to him. Oh, and if that wasn’t worrisome enough, all four dragons are summoned and everyone is going berserk, and Yuuya unfortunately looks like he is suffering the worse of it, probably because he already sharing his body with Yuuto’s soul. As for the dragons- we are about to find out what kind of role they play in all of this. At some point along the line, I had started to wonder if the dragons are connected to the boys’ souls in some sort of way, because of how they are all affected when they are summoned together within the same dimension. Yuuri was visibly experiencing discomfort since he had sweat on his face when he was going to fight Yuugo and vice versa, but Yuuya of the three of them was the one who was undoubtedly experiencing the most pain.

YGO ARC V Ep 91 Img 0016I think it’s worth to mention how it is interesting how three of the four dragons were designed with orbs/spheres on them. Clear Wing Dragon is the only one without them, making me curious if perhaps (and this is a stretch speculation) its name has a hidden purpose behind it, or is merely coincidence of how the designs played out. On that note: Yuuri’s Starve Venmon Fusion Dragon is quite an intimidating one, coming second to Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon.

Although little progress has been made this episode, (like I said it was super~ slow) there were some things Yuuri had said which raises a lot of concerns, along with the fact next week episode is supposed to be a tragic reunion. First off, Rin. Yuuri kept on telling Yuugo she is not here anymore. It is hard to determine whether he is referring to the Synchro Realm or her actual existence. For whatever purpose Professor needed to use them for, something had happened to her, and it is probably safe to say it applies to Ruri as well. It is also worth considering if something similar is happening with what is happening with Yuuya and his counterparts, to be merged into one- in order to do whatever they are required to do fulfill the Professor’s goals. And lastly, Death Flags: This has been brought up a lot as of the late, in particular referring to Sora. Yuuri outright told him, play in Selena’s place and how he should be prepared to be executed in the process, since he would rather eliminate him than to drag him back to Academia to be punished for his betrayal. But for the time being, Sora is being spared from the fight as Yuuri had decided postpone it by focusing on Yuugo first. The question now is however, is anyone going to be alright once this berserk episode is done with?

I expect next week’s episode to be insane and probably heart-wrenching. Safe to say, my heart isn’t ready.

Random Note of the Week: Yuzu should at least keep her hood on…


Blogging Anime since Summer 2009, & Founder of AngryAnimeBitches Anime Blog ...I may or may not be addicted to writing

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Becs

    shit has happened! Yuya goes beserk when only 3 dragons appear now that all 4 are here he’s really in trouble… I actually thought that Yuya might be experiencing more pain because he was the leader of some kind with all four of the counterparts, i admittedly kind of forgot about Yuto maybe being the reason he gets more pain… But honestly i think there is more evidence that Yuzu (less so on her admittedly but its still there) and Yuya are the leaders of their respective counterpart circles.
    Yuya’s eyes when he goes beserk mode are different from Yugo, Yuri and even Yuto’s (we saw his soul had his whole open eyes glowing a colour) Yuya’s pupils get smaller and the middle of his eyes glow an ominious red like he has something terribly evil dormant inside him which is likely the dark soul that Mieru saw ages back inside him!
    Yuzu’s evidence admittedly isn’t much and not very conclusive because her bracelet now has two known abilities, it can transport the yu-bros (i call them bros cos its short) away from each other as now it is REALLY confirmed that Selena cant do that with her bracelet and her bracelet has the ability to ‘lead’ her to Yuya (i’m not sure if its only Yuya it can lead her to, but if the other bracelets have the same ability which isn’t a far off assumption i’d say… i suspect they are attracted to the Yu from each respective dimension…).

  2. Wilfredo Clear Wilfred

    “What, the same face as ME?”- Yuya’s impression when meeting Yuri for the first time
    Oh Jesus ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! Yuri is nowhere near the resemblance as Yuya, and I’m getting irritated for the show’s snail-like progress as of late!! As for Barrett’s two beyond OP plot device Traps that prevent one from playing the game at all, should they be released they’ll either undergo HEAVY editing or be outright banned!! I’m pissed that the large parts of the show is pointless shit-talking and only the final parts are interesting with 4 Yuyas ready to wreck havoc again and send Barrett to mothafucka hell (hints from preview), but Starve Venom Fusion Dragon, what an UTTER DISAPPOINTMENT in its summoning and why it got 2800 attack while the other three maintained 2500?? Whatever, I despise this episode so much, 3/10!! XP
    Next week, please let Serena’s bracelet do some work man, and with Yuzu rushing to Yuya let’s who’ll get warped away this time, and again hell to goddamn cliffhangers!!

    1. Eva

      Well to be fair it wasn’t like SUPER SHOCKED kind of reaction like he had in the past, it was more like, “OMFG THE FUSION EDITION” xD
      LOL if you were to put it this way: Academia using cards that should be illegal to use makes total sense. Why the hell would they follow the rules? XD
      But I agree, Starve Venmon’s debut was extremely underwhelming. I was thinking to myself, “Eh? That’s it? No build up? Tis a shame”. I would guess rather than that dragon form, his merged edition would be an even bigger threat- like Odd Eyes Rebellion Dragon… Or so i would hope.
      I’m hoping we’ll see something happen with Selena’s bracelet as well, SHOW ME THE POWERRRRR~

      1. Risanai

        I feel like the issue of Starve Venom’s introduction is both how they rushed it, and how it doesn’t even have good animation…or even rendered in CG.
        So, it’s like Ultimate Falcon all over again but even have less excuse because it’s supposed to be one of the show’s flagship monsters.
        Hoping that both it and Ultimate gets better appearance later down the road.
        Four beams of light obliterating Barett next episode…I wonder who they belong to.
        This episode does a good job in setting up for the next one. Just…i don’t know, the reveal of Starve Venom felt just like a footnote rather than something big. Great design and idea…ruined by bad animation.
        Since next episode’s title is Tragic Reunion, I hope Yuya and Yuzu reunite…just as Yuya is going even more berserk. Would be a good way to spend the week before Valentine’s.

  3. The Uncreative

    Another thing that worries me about Sora (that I forgot to mention) is that, if I remember correctly, Kurosaki DOESN’T know that Sora has changed sides. He left immediately to fight guards at the mere mention of Academia before Crow told Gongenzaka and Sawatari who warned him about Obelisk Force in the first place.
    So now we have Kurosaki searching for Academia soldiers. Depending on what happens to the Yuyas, Yuzu and Serena, and on whether he, Yuzu (who has her bracelet) or Tsukikage arrives first to Yuya and co., Shun could very easily get there and find an immobilized Sora, and things could get ugly. Maybe. If Yuri doesn’t card Sora first, that is.
    And (uh, WARNING FOR WILD MASS GUESSING – if the above wasn’t that already, lol) yeah, it’s not that farfetched to find an scenario where Yuzu’s bracelet sends all the Yus away except… Yugo, this being the Synchro dimension. Or (worst case scenario) where, through a convoluted series of events, Kurosaki only finds an oblivious Yugo, an unconscious Reira-and/or-Serena and a defenseless Sora at the scene.
    There are more obvious things that intrigue me; the Yuyas, the Dimension Travel app for Android appearing in someone(Sora?)’s Duel Disk… but I’ve already gotten all carried away here, hehe, sorry .-.

    1. Eva

      Yeah I am concerned about that too. Tsukikage forgot to pass on the memo about his switch of alliance went he reunited with Shun. Hopefully, Sora’s actions will prove he indeed had changed side so Shun won’t jump on him. If anything, if Sora is still conscious, he might just say, “TAKE SELENA AND RUN” kind of thing, because Selena’s safety is the priority. Even then, I wonder what would happen. I am more curious of who will get there first, Shun or Yuzu, because I am under the impression there is going to be some sort of light show to basically send up the flag of, “OVER HERE!!!!! THIS IS WHERE SHIT IS DOING DOWN”
      //There are more obvious things that intrigue me; the Yuyas, the Dimension Travel app for Android appearing in someone(Sora?)’s Duel Disk… //

  4. 75chaosflare

    I actually liked this episode showing the kind of struggle that is going on knowing that Yuya can’t do anything at the moment and is seemingly helpless against Barett.
    It’s also interesting that Yuya finally sees Yuri but Yuri pays little attention to him, kinda like the same thing when he first saw Yugo. I doubt it was forshadowing anything vital about Rin in a bad way probably Yuri’s response with Yugo earlier with thinking he’s making it up with Yuzu being died following with “Then Rin should be in your heart as well”.
    Starve Venom Fusion Dragon’s was one that I honestly didn’t expect but it does indeed look as an amazing polar opposite to Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. Yuuri’s fusion face was so badass and creepy that it’s quite fitting.
    Lastly, apparently Sergey’s using the remake version of Earthbounds in next episode.

    1. Eva

      It was a good slow burn episode! Tricky to write because sometimes it can end up boring or feeling draggy, but I think they set the pace pretty well by constantly rotating around various character events taking place.
      So they were the Earthbounds!!! I knew they looked familiar!

      1. Wilfredo Clear Wilfred

        Spoiler Alert!
        I just watched episode 92 and sorry, SERGAY VOLKOV seized the limelight ahead of the Berserk Yuyas, who were subdued by Yuzu’s bracelet (and both Yugo and Yuri got warped away) since Serena’s bracelet did literally nothing! First he curb-stomped Barrett, who deliberately wrestled Serena back to Academia (holy crap she got separated from the rest of the crew in such manner, oh no…), then his Earthbound forgeries crushed Odd-Eyes Rebellion and Yuya got KO’ed, and finally he brushed off Tsukikage & Sora so easily with his mecha-body to capture Yuzu (after she only reunited with Yuya for a brief moment), who was now officially Roger’s bounty after he was pissed that Serena slipped away from his hands XD Next week there’s an extra show to “entertain’ the city faggots: A showdown of SerGay Volkov vs friggin’ Duel King JACK ATLAS!!![/spoiler]

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