At this point, I have come to the conclusion that the guy who wrote this show is a big fat guy who’s never had a girl like him in his life. That is literally the only reason I can think of that someone thinks this is okay or normal. Look, I am all for suspending my disbelief when a bunch of girls end up falling for a guy who’s nice to them, someone they’ve spent a lot of time around, that’s fine. This show, for being so short is so unrealistic, it’s like I’m watching Miia from Monster Musume. AND THAT’S NOT A GOOD THING. What do I mean by that? Let me explain.
So we’re introduced to another main character. This girl who works in the fat guy’s office who we meet on a train. A random guy is groping her and then the fat guy accidentally falls on the groper. Not on purpose mind you, this is COMPLETELY on accident.

He even apologizes to the groper who then leaves the train.
However, this is the ONLY provocation the girl needs to fall head over heels in love with this guy. Like, there’s nothing else. He accidentally falls on a guy, and she wants his dick. She goes from nothing to head over heels love in less than 30 seconds. Also….LOOK AT THIS GIRL

Like, that’s not even attractive. That’s like “Girl, go get some reduction surgery”. Yeah it looks good now, but try seeing how your back feels in 20 years. Also, that perk isn’t going to last. That’s going to be pretty nasty when you’re like… 50.
Anyway, despite the fact that she dresses like a stewardess for some reason, she now follows him around the office offering him marshmallows. I’m assuming as I’ve never actually seen these girls do any actual work, that they are paid to just try and get in this guy’s pants. She first tries by spilling water on his pants and attempting to clean it up (that’s what the picture on the featured image is). Of course though, it wouldn’t be this show without creepy stalker girl showing up and taking a picture.

Big boob girl tries to tempt him with marshmallows again, but we learn that the first creepy girl is luring him away by tempting him with toasted marshmallows.

And then, we get, what I think, is one of the creepiest things i’ve ever heard in one of these shows. Big boobed girl asks first stalker girl “Is he your boyfriend?” to which she responds by saying this.
This. This is not funny. This is not cute. This right here. This is SCARY. This is leading down the path of Yuno from Future Diary or the chick from Misery. I don’t know WHY the author thinks this is a good idea. It’s not. This guy has shown NO hints or any sort of clue that he likes her back. She is basically giving him no choice in the matter. She is saying “No, he’ll be fine eventually.” I would not put it past this chick to get him drunk and then rape him to get pregnant so he has to be with her. That’s how fucked up this chick is.
Whatever. The episode ends with the two becoming rivals.
Seriously. This show isn’t funny. It isn’t cute. It isn’t anything. It’s fucking creepy as hell. I don’t know what they’re thinking with this show. I really really don’t. The main fat guy is too stupid to notice ANYTHING, the first girl is creepy, and the other girl is so bland it hurts. There is no reason to like this guy. All he fucking cares about is marshmallows. There’s oblivious, and then there’s this guy. This guy sends obliviousness into a whole new realm. I can’t even measure how stupid this guy is. It hurts my brain to think about.

This guy isn’t just dense, he’s borderline mentally challenged.
When girls are fighting over a guy, there has to be a reason. In these sorts of shows, it’s either because he’s really pretty or popular, he’s a nice guy, or he’s been their friend for a long time. This guy fits into NONE of these stances. We learned that this new girl likes him because he fell on a groper by accident. That already bases your entire reason for a relationship on a lie.
I can’t believe for a three minute short how ANGRY i’m getting about this show. But it’s just that stupid and fucking frustrating. Seriously. Goddamn it show.
Episode 4/10 (because at least big boobed bitch is better than crazy bitch and she had more screentime)