“Let’s embark on our voyage with rhymes of love”
“Shred the darkness with our shining lives and glowing hopes”
What the hell does that even mean
Somebody has missed a poet career here
Yo Yo Yo It’s Charibo, here to review the third episode of our new bishounen and pseudo sport series. When the cast is composed by more than 60% of guys, you can be sure that I’ll watch it and review it. And when it involves music, I’m throwing money in the air like I don’t care while 50 cent is playing in the background ◟ʕ´∀`ʔ◞
But I digress
The main idea behind this long and awkward intro was to “subtlety” introduce the new crappy idol group: Galaxy Standard.
Galaxy standard is an idol group from Saisei high school which also happens to be a Stride Club. Somebody will have to explain me how and why they’re doing both things. BUUUT, there are Idols so … Yeah, I’m falling so hard for that Idol Fan service crap. I’m so ashamed of myself. The episode actually starts with them saying crappy idol stuff but eh:

So Honan High School is here to have a match against the Idol/Stride team Saisei. Which is composed of:
- Asuma Mayuzumi, the dude that helped Riku in the last episode
- Bantaro Chiyomatsu the blond one who’s crazy
- Kaede Okumura the little chibi with green hair
- Tasuku Sensoo but I don’t care I’ll call him Ginger Yu Narukami cuz they have the same hair cut.
- A violet Ponytail dude with a stylish Fedora, dressed like Master Reiji cuz he totally has the hots for him.
- Master Reiji who has poor clothing tastes since he’s wearing a pink and white suit, that makes him look like he’s going to rock the dance floor at a Disco party. I know Disco isn’t dead but sometimes I wish it was. However, he’s still hot.
I’d like to warm you, there’s no way I will remember all those names. I know, I know, I have a short memory. But there’s at least 4 Stride Teams with 6 members each. No way I’m going to remember 24 names. I have other important things to do like…
After reflection, I don’t have anything better to do.
Kaede wanted to see “Mr. Kuga”, also know as Kyosuske who apparently is supposed to be on the Honan Stride team. I don’t remember if someone clearly told who is the deep white hair dude from the previous episode but for me that’s Mr. Kuga. I mean, I’ve seen to many anime with that kind of plot, this it’s just too predictable. Now I’m realizing that if I’m wrong I’ll be the last idiot on earth. OH WELL, I’ll get this title someday one way or another so the sooner, the better.
After that, Ginger Yu starts bitching about the Honan team. If Kuga isn’t a part of the Honan team then, they are worthless shits and blablablah I’ll spare you the details.

But as expected, Master Reiji, the second best guy in my opinion tells Ginger Yu to cut it out and starts complimenting everyone cuz you know, he’s the smiling prince type. There’s also some stuff about a cow mascot that I didn’t really get, but apparently Reiji and the Fedora guy went to Kobe to buy an example of that mascot because Takeru had the same. That’s a bit creepy is you ask me, but who am I to judge Master Reiji’s actions? Before leaving, he whispers to Takeru that he’s looking forward to their race, that he makes his kokoro doki doki,that he’d love to marry him, to have kids and that Italia would be a great place for a honeymoon but that they have to be quick because the reduction on the plane tickets ends soon.
Now it’s time for the race, which honestly, wasn’t as exciting as I thought it would be. However, I like how the running order and the presentation of the race was made, the different plans and the way they played with them was quite nice. Yeah… I have to like something sometimes you know, otherwise I pass for the girl who like to criticize everything. I’m not saying it’s not the case though ʕ; •`ᴥ•´ʔ
So Riku is facing the cheerful Asuma dude and before the start of the race, Asuma asks Riku if he’s Yagami Tomoe’s brother. That’s the second time that he seems interested by Riku’s brother.
I’m beginning to think that there is some bromance going on here too
Too much bromance in this show, I can’t handle it.
Kohinta is facing Chiyomatsu and Ginger Yu is against Heat. Ginger yu can’t resists and tells Heat-senpai that he doesn’t like him.
Kaede is running against Ayumu, and he keeps on harassing him about that Kuga fellow. Finally, Master Reiji is against Takeru, they take the advantage of the opportunity to exchange other love words before the race begins. There’s not much things to say about the race though.They are all doing crazy spins, and amazing stuff but I wonder if there are not actually loosing some time by doing that kind of thing. Simply running would be quicker but, oh well YO SHALL ENTERTAIN THE CROWD. And I came here for pretty boys and the parkour so I won’t complain ʅʕ•ᴥ•ʔʃ

During the race, the first two duos are kind of even, the most difficult part for Honan is during Ayumu’s turn. He thinks he doesn’t have the skills required to do the crazy parkour stuff and goes through an little existential crisis while running. Ayumu arrives with 4 seconds of delay, so Reiji thinks it’s the end of the race cuz he believes that Takeru will never be able to catch up with him. However, one must not simply underestimate Takeru and he’s running power cuz he’s able to catch up with Master Reiji. Even if Saisei wins the game, Reiji and Takeru crossed the end line with less than one second of difference.
But I shall notice, the non existence of any kind of fair play from Ginger Yu who tried to block our dear Heat senpai during the race. Well done Ginger Yu, you’ve just graduated from the ASS-OCIATION, creating douchebags and high class jerks since 1980. Congratulations. Now a word from the director Makoto, proud hero of school Days:
” Hello, Hello, welcome to the ASS-OCIATION, I’m very happy to give Ginger Yu this Dick Trophy. He had only 3 lines in this episode, but he managed to be the douchiest ass of the whole show. Here’s a example that everyone should follow. Again well, done Ginger Yu, I hope you’ll continue to piss everyone off for a long time”.
Maybe I’m not fair on this one and blocking your opponent might be allowed by the Stride Rules
(if there’s actual rules for this “Sport”)
but honestly
He’s a dick
Ayumu thinks it’s his fault if they’ve lost the game. Honestly I thought it was his fault too. I mean, he was far behind Kaede… But according to Heat-senpai, his score was one of the best… I don’t really understand how… buuuut… Yeah… I don’t know.
HUUUM I need someone to explain this chart to me…

Because they’ve lost their match they don’t have any sponsor. But fear not, Heath’s sister has started a brand for them called “Runruly” so they no longer have to worry about the sponsorship thing. Now they’ll be able to participate to competitions and especially to the “End of Summer” Tournament which trials tours start next month. They also have new jackets, they seemed happy about it, I personally don’t really care. Saisei’s jackets are way cooler in my opinion, they are more sassy. As expected from the team SASS- HEY, I’m so good at making bad jokes.
As for Nana, well, LOL. Nobody gives a damn fuck about her, that’s funny. She’s completely useless. Well, okay, she’s their operator but… besides that, in this episode, she hardly talked. And the guys are too busy touching each other to pay attention to what she’s saying. Poor Nana… I feel bad for her, really. It’s like being in a big bakery full of gay chocolate cakes and being the only straight raisin bread that nobody wants to taste. Sucks being raisin bread…
See ?
I can say deep things when I want to
In the next episode they will be competing against another team of hot dudes. Honestly, I hope the race will be more exciting than the one in this episode. It’s not that I didn’t like the episode, but I had a “MEH” feeling about it. That wasn’t really interesting and also it’s quite sad to know that the show is going to introduce so many teams and characters that they will have no time to develop. So yeah, for now on, this show is distracting me, nothing more.
In the words of Austin Powers, “That’s not a woman…It’s a man baby!!” ;D
At least Hozumi’s future modelling career is now guaranteed…
Ayumu has the best score because he took the least amount of time to run his course – about 50 seconds. Compare to others like Heath , who took more than 1 minute to run his course.
OOoooh…. Still, I just…. So Kaede is really quick then ? Because he managed to put 4 seconds of difference between him and Ayumu. And do all the parts of the race have the same length ? I’m a bit confused… He has the best time, and he didn’t even parkour, does that means parkour is useless ? You go faster by running ? igerfbhgûoeqd
I guess it’s just different strokes for different folks. Some are faster running, while some are faster parkouring around the place.
Character wise, how does Stride compare to Free!
This anime is predictable and average, but overall, it’s quite enjoyable to watch for me. The next episode is ‘Goodbye Kadowaki’, and while I have mixed feelings about that (I’ll tell you why at the end), I’d like to share my super long, lame predictions (seriously, beware the lameness and length; it’s insane).
(1) Ayumu will realize that he’s turning the team down as he’s not very athletic (well, he’s originally a Shogi club member; you obviously don’t jump high obstacles or do back-flip stuff in Shogi, even if your friends somehow managed to convince you to join their parkour training), then he will quit the club or almost quit, but then the team will manage to convince him to stay. He then becomes their relayer and Nana finally becomes the manager (as we know in episode 1 he was a better relayer than Nana, even gave her advices, and Nana is good at organizing and analyzing data, so there you go). If you question who’s going to take the runner’s place if Ayumu becomes a relayer, well, I believe a certain long violet hair dude whose name may or may not be Kuga Kyosuke will provide you an answer. This way, they’ll become a solid team and everyone is happeh.
(2) Ayumu will train himself harder to be better at Parkour thingy after his almost-or-already-quit-the-club drama I mentioned above, and their line-up runners will stay the same till the end of time, or at least until a certain long violet hair dude finally rejoins the club, adding another drama. I personally prefer my first prediction, but this is also a possibility.
This may or may not shock you, but my favorite boy so far is Ayumu Kadowaki (yes, the glasses Shogi Club captain, and no, I’m not joking or having a fever at the moment). Seeing my predictions above where I rambled on and on about Ayumu, you’d realize that none of the predictions have the plot where Ayumu quits the club for good EVEN THOUGH THE NEXT EPISODE IS TITLED GOODBYE KADOWAKI WHAT THE HECK ANIME HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME I ALMOST HAVE A HEART ATTACK WHAT IN THE NAME OF TWENTY SHAVED ALPACAS IS THIS THIS BETTER BE A JOKE TELL ME IT’S A JOKE ANIME I’M SERIOUS WHAT THE HECK breathe His quirky attitude and joke is at contrast with his latest struggle and guilt, and I’d loved to see more of him. Heath is okay, but for me, Ayumu is the best run away to the sunset to avoid Charibo and Berry
Wow, your prediction number one is the same as mine, that’s a bit scary. So yeah Kuga Kyosuke aka the really mysterious violet or white dude will join. I mean, he’s in te Opening and Holding Heat’s hand. talking about mystery.
AHAHAHAHA YOU FELL FOR AYUMU ! Well, I guess I shouldn’t laugh because I like Reiji, who’s probably HELL A GAY but I don’t give a damn. He’s so good looking and nice kind a jerky… fufufufu. Heath is second I guess, now I won’t have to battle against Berry, I take Reiji, she can have Heat-senpai. Even if he’s hot… Am I making the right choice here?
Anyway, I like Ayumu, he’s not my favorite, but his jokes are funny. Like you said, this show is a bit predictable, so I’m sure Ayumu will be fine. Keep those Alpacas safe plz, no animal bullying in this territory XD
Yeah prediction 1 sounds like the best bet. We won’t totally be saying goodbye to Ayumu. But they really did make him to be less of a Stride and sporty person since he always showed more interest in shogi. So Mr. Deep Guy it is. And Nana doing stuff in the background…with no interaction with the boys. Alone.
Aha, don’t worry I’m not like those rabid fangirls that attack you if you don’t like Best Guy. With is Heath, but that’s just me. >:3c