Now I know all of you are just so excited to hear about the continuing filler adventures of World Trigger. Because…you know…there’s such a possibility of any character we’ve met so far dying or anything that can alter the story in any way…no wait. The other thing. NOT doing that.
Either way, evil mcfiller is doing some stuff. I could just end it there, but i suppose i should explain what happened EXACTLY with these two episodes.
So after that whole big deal with the guys saving the people in the buildings, the bad guy got a lot of trion and can now do something evil. Meanwhile we cut back to Wet Blanket who is practicing in the training chamber…and he lost. Because he still sucks.

No joke, the next six minutes is just of Xeon being a dick. He can’t swim so Wet Blanket offers to help. He says no and basically go fuck yourself. They then decide to hang out a campfire where Xeon talks about how every person is expendable.

As they’re talking about shit, the bad guy decides to actually do something and uses that massive trion to summon a crazy big thing. The group goes to fight it, but Wet Blanket and Xeon get captured in a Trion cube that can’t be broken by trion. And that’s basically all that happens in episode 54. (Do you see why I had a hard time reviewing that one?)

The next one has a little more happen, but….you know…it’s about what you’d expect.
So yeah. Wet Blanket talks about how they can escape, Xeon says it’s hopeless and not to believe in your friends…you know, the usual.
Meanwhile we find out that the thing the bad guy is trying to do is use the trion soldier as a giant bomb and level the city. Because…….oh yeah. To destroy their spaceship so they can’t escape. …honestly I think that’s a bit EXCESSIVE as he jumped to basically GENOCIDE…and that would bite him in the ass as EVERY SINGLE BORDER AGENT would hunt him down after that and kill him….but hey. he’s a filler villain with a filler plan.

Because the bad guy gave away his plan due to hubris to Wet Blanket, he’s able to tell the group outside that he’s not only going to blow up the city, but also that he has a bunch of extra trion from a ferry he took hostage. And he told them this for……..absolutely no reason. But…Fuck it. We needed exposition I guess.
A bunch of the Border agents hop aboard the ferry to save the people, but then Wet Blanket has the idea that if all of the agents let themselves get captured in the boxes, they can break out all at once. So they do that.

They all arrive at the heart of the trion supply and destroy it before the trion soldier can reach its destination.
So the bad guy just decides to lift the thing and basically throw it at the city. However FINALLY wet blanket convinces Xeon to release Chika and he does, so she can transform and she blasts it far enough away from the city so it doesn’t do any damage.

And, like a captain planet villain, the bad guy escapes, shaking his fist.
These two episodes were…..well, they certainly existed! That is something I can say for certain. They did in fact exist. The first of the two was really irritating as I am honestly not sure what they’re trying to get out of us with this Xeon character. He is just a giant fucking asshole. All he does is bitch, complain, and talk about how he would sacrifice everyone else’s life for stuff that means something to HIM.
Are we SUPPOSED to like this guy? He’s a douchebag and Lillith is a doormat. I do not like EITHER of these two. I really wish the bad guy would just kill and/or capture them. They’re terrible characters and really are just bringing this whole arc down. There’s a difference between being tortured and being a flat out asshole.

That is really the biggest problem with this filler arc. The main character in the arc is a total asshole toolbag. I don’t care about him and therefore don’t get worried when he’s put in danger. Because I’m actually HOPING he gets owned. That’s not something I should be hoping for.
Not a whole lot was accomplished these two episodes other than nobody died. That’s really about it. The bad guy’s still shaking his fist, and we haven’t resolved anything. I really do hope this arc ends soon because this is just getting stupid. I’m really not enjoying this and want to get back to stuff that matters.
OH yeah. And one more thing…
Episode 54 : 5/10
Episode 55: 6/10
54 Duckfaces: 4