That title pretty much is the sentiment this episode. Really. Why are we doing this? I could have sworn we were smack dab in the middle of a giant fight with Hakumen No Mono. Who seriously sat here and went “Hm..I see what you’re doing here but I need to interrupt you with a few episodes about a weird kid who wants to destroy the spear and prove his scythe is better with a weird lady in charge.” Seriously. I don’t think ANYBODY wanted this. All it has done is bring the story to a COMPLETE halt. I mean at least you can say that the stupid time travel crap explained something. This…THIS does absolutely nothing other than waste time. Nobody wants you Kirie or whatever the fuck your name is. You’re annoying. Go die.
(Sigh) but I suppose it’s my duty to talk about what happened or lack thereof. Fine. Here you go.
The episode starts out with Ushio feeling bad that he was too weak and couldn’t save the old lady. Tora tries to get Ushio to get over it by fighting him, but Tora ends up getting pissed off at his self pity and leaves. Then that stupid fucker with the scythe shows up to take the spear saying that he’s going to destroy it. He has that red cloth that binds the spear so he snatches it from Ushio and leaves after binding him.

Tora meets up with the American looking dude as he talks to him about Ushio. Meanwhile the girl who tried to take the spear earlier frees Ushio and travels back to the head priest guy to tell them that Kirie (i don’t care what his name is so i’m just going to keep calling him “Kirie”) stole the spear.

He tells Ushio to go get the spear back and sends them in the direction where he probably went.
It just so happens that Tora and the motorcycle guy are already there fighting off random artificial lifeforms. They eventually discover that this is where Kirie was raised and after they meet up with Ushio and the girl, they begin to fight off a large monster.
Of course, it’s not as simple as that as we repeatedly get this episode interspersed with day for night shots and sepiatone as Ushio reads the diary of the guy who made these artificial lifeforms.

It talks about how he was a monk that was trying to make the perfect weapon so they didn’t have to wait for the successor to the beast spear but ended up going crazy and got banished. He continued his research and a woman showed up and offered to help and kidnapped a baby and made that baby the super special fucktard that is Kirie.
Ok, here’s a problem I have. This new kid character’s whole schtick is saying that the spear shouldn’t be important because everybody should be able to fight and the spear is only to make a special person awesome so they should make a bunch of these super special scythes. Okay fine, but Tora says in this episode that the scythes are shit and can’t really do much of anything.

And on top of that, the only GOOD scythe is being used by someone who IS super special awesome, so that completely negates his argument. So he’s not only a stupid character, but a hypocrite. Awesome.
The episode then ends with them about to destroy the spear and Ushio has to stop it.

That’s the end of the episode.
This episode was completely pointless. This whole subplot is pointless. I could have sworn we were in the middle of a battle with Hakumen No Mono and the thing about meeting Ushio’s mother. I couldn’t give two craps about this creepy woman and her strange asshole boy that are doing something stupid with scythes. I really don’t. I don’t care about the backstory of how the scythes were made, and I don’t care about the resolution to this. I want Ushio to get his spear back, throw this kid and the woman into that molten lead and let us get back to business. We got shit to deal with and can’t get sidetracked by stupid 1 and stupid 2.

I’m not sure what they’re going for, unless they felt the need to add some filler in. If this is actually canonically part of the manga I would be very shocked as it seems to bring the story to a dead stop and seems to completely break the flow of the show.
I can’t wait for this to be over. I don’t care about this side story. It’s pointless, annoying, and a complete waste of my time.
Get your shit together show.
Episode 3.5/10
Dude, did you just say Vana-… Aw, Dude, noooooo. Why oh why did you say that abomination wooord… I’m physically pained just reading the name there, let alone imagining how bad ‘marathon Van-…’ ow, ouch, eugh, OW, OWW. OWW, MY HEAD. MY HEAD…!
Edit: Just found out you did reviews for Van-… you know, that. You brave warrior you.