Everything Becomes Free. I’m almost certain that’s what Magata’s little message meant. With all the talk about freedom, I think that’s a better guess than what I had thought up of last time. This episode was slower than last week’s (can it even get any slower?). We didn’t get any clues this episode, sort of. Most of this episode consisted of, you guessed it, exposition. But man let me tell you that the Director’s wife was suspicious as hell.
I know that everyone handles grief and death differently, but the woman’s husband and niece were both killed in a matter of hours, and she’s acting like it’s any other day. She invites the others to eat cookies she made and she doesn’t dodge any of the personal and touchy questions Moe asks her, recounting the memories matter of factly. I don’t know, I would be a mess if my husband were dead. Killed, more specifically. Not even a day passed and she looks chipper. Her attitude the whole time bothered me so she’s as much a suspect as anyone else in the building. She could have a motive but we don’t know much about her other than she’s the Director’s wife, and Magata’s aunt. And thanks to her, and Moe being nosy, we learned more things about Magata and that fateful night of the murder that we never would have known, maybe not in this exact moment.
- Magata’s mother was killed first.
- Magata was covered in blood and holding a knife.
- Her father was killed but before shouting “I won’t let you do this!”, which made Magata scream “like she was possessed”, then went into a laughing fit.
- Kurimoto Kishio, one of her personalities, was supposedly her twin brother that died during birth. He was the first of the personalities.
- Sasaki Suma, another personality, was based on her maid from America who died in an accident. A shock so large Magata left America and never went back.
- And Michiru Magata, the only other personality we know (and also the name of the robot) was based after a doll Magata had brought to the lab. After the murders it was covered in blood and tossed out.
From what we learned, of the personalities that we know, most of them were based off of people that died. Like I said for the aunt, people deal with death in different ways, and Magata was surrounded by it. Her maid, her brother, then her parents which was maybe her doing. What’s interesting was that we learned of a doll, the doll she had brought to the labs when the night of the murder took place. But really, when we’re talking about a doll, I don’t think it was one of her personalities. I think it could have been her uncle.
We opened with an uncomfortable scene after Shiki and her uncle’s passionate night (i hate this). They enter this deep talk about wanting freedom, to go to an isolated place, to not have things tying them down (which is something Saikawa mentioned later). The uncle mentions somewhere like an isolated island and gathering plants and cutting up fish with nothing but a knife. Interestingly, later we get flashbacks of Magata buying a knife to “gather plants and cut open fish”. In the very last scene of the episode, Magata and her parents, with Miki nowhere in sight, have a dinner celebrating opening up the labs and also to celebrate the uncle’s birthday. Everything is normal, but I had a bad feeling in me when I saw Magata’s strange expression when the red wine was poured into the glass. When both her parents leave the room, Magata hands her uncle his present. A box. When he opens it up, it’s the same knife she bought in that shop. He looks shocked and when he looks up at Magata, she says it’s the knife that will bring them freedom. The uncle narrates the joy and terror he felt when even considering what she wanted him to do. Which is what I mean when I say, maybe the uncle was the one that killed the Magata parents.
Which is what contradicts what the aunt recalled to the group, but she never said she was at the scene of the murder, only her husband was. So her husband could have easily lied to her about what happened. From what she knows and told the group, Magata killed them, covered in blood and holding the knife. But the fact that Magata gave her uncle the knife suggests that he was the one that killed them, for his and probably her “freedom”. I never shook off the feeling that Magata was a manipulative character, and from Saikawa’s definition of a doll, a doll is something that is controlled. Magata got what she wanted by controlling, and she did so by controlling her uncle to be with her, sleep with her, and then kill her parents. Magata said she watched a doll kill her parents in front of her, and that could have meant her uncle. Magata would do anything to eliminate anyone that would trample over her freedoms, and in her eyes it looked like death was the only way.
Which brings me to sensei, who’s really hard for me to describe. He seems to look up to Shiki Magata, even after learning all these things about her. He defends basically everything Magata had did and was like, while Moe brings her down, and to hear Saikawa praise her hurt her. But he brings in the usual philosophical talk that Magata was probably the most normal and human person. Sensei brings up that Magata was the most brilliant in the sense that she had all these personalities within her instead of fitting into the status quo of everyday society, which makes you fit into this one personality. It’s constraining, restrictive, and it ties you down. She defied mainstream society and she thought differently and had different morals than everyone else. He thinks she was pure. He puts her on this freaking pedestal, and honestly I don’t like him. But it really was an interesting conversation that took up a lot of time. We do get an idea of Saikawa’s character, a little complicated, but the way he describes Magata really I think might be the theme of all this.
Defying society. What is right and what is wrong? Why are certain things right and why are things wrong? Why can’t we engage in incestous relationships? Is it really bad to be attracted to your uncle? Is it bad to want freedom? Is it wrong to kill for your freedom? Magata was always one to think differently and she was certainly not “normal” or fit in to society. She only saw death as an escape, so that makes me wonder what she was being free from before she was killed as it was implied that she knew her death was coming. Still so many questions with no clues or answers this time.
And again this episode showed more things about Moe, like the purple she mentioned before was what she was wearing when her parents died. But why did she blurt that out when she looked at Magata’s corpse?
Personally i think that the seventh of magata’s personalities is the murderer – in both the murder of her father and the murder of herself
this whole theme of the body confining the soul and that only when the body is removed can the soul be free is really disturbing and twisted.
after all – we are not human without our bodies, they are our medium for the soul. Nothing exists without its expression, its effects and if magata is trying to say that her soul exists without her body she would have to rely on it being perceived and known about. ie another magata who takes on personalities (who, by the way, needs a body)
however if she is trying to say that ‘freedom’ is being free of the body and not definable, in the same way that dark is the absence of light and not its own state, then she is denying her own humanity.
Humans are NOT souls plural. they are the expression of A soul. Magata is deluded in thinking that she posseses mulitple ‘souls’ as in reality as they all are a part of her and her actions, there is nothing to differentiate them. In this way i find sensei’s argument void; he says that we posess personalities/souls that we are forced to consolidate by pressures of society and as such magata is ‘great’ and somehow unchanged from childhood. Surley it is better to call her childish then? she is not the full extent of a human who has learnt through trial and tribulation the meaning of herself and how she must employ it.
I guess what is being portrayed here is the very confilct that creates humanity; the idealistic soul vs the realistic body. Our soul tells us we need to be free, treated well, not be mean to other ect. but our body reminds us of what is attainable, realistic – you may have to supress freedom for freedom’s sake.
For me at least magata is childish and arrogant, she assumes that she is MORE human than those who embrace their humanity. She has a highly inflated sense of self entitlement and its really getting on my nerves
As such she values freedom and other ideological concepts as outclassing the realistic nature of humans – ie her freedom is more important than your body, hence she kills her own body and her parents.
on a side note the OP is awesome! – its all abstract and funky, i love it
*wipes brow*
*walks away in silence*