Now, before this episode aired, I can’t say that I ever said to myself “I wonder what would happen if the characters from AOT had a sports day at school.” However, after this episode I am saddened that I never asked myself this question, because the answer is pretty damn funny. And yes, through some sheer force of incredibleness, the show has not gotten bad. I know, I’m surprised too. That being said, let’s jump into the episode.
So the episode starts off with Rico being pissed at Jean for skipping clean up duty. To punish everyone she makes them all clean the windows. However because of that they’re all late to titan club and are forced to clean again.

Levi then shows up and tells them to stop complaining. The scientist chick thinks it would be a good idea for all of the people to compete to see which grade is better in Sports day and the losers have to clean the Titan building.
The day of the event arrives and Christa as well as Annie end up being cheerleaders.

The first round is Sasha trying to win the bread jumping contest. In which she loses to the scientist chick and a titan. (not sure if the rules allow that).
The second round is Rico vs Jean while the other classmates try to hit them with balls while they’re standing on poles.

Jean uses his omnidirectional device but ends up getting taken down by Rico.
After the first two rounds end the other two grades have hundreds of points while year 1 has exactly 5. However as per the norm the final round is worth the most points, so…you know, like every sports movie ever, the other two rounds don’t count.
Things look grim but then Mikasa gives a motivational speech and everyone has renewed vigor.

The final round starts and they do pretty good, including getting the second years headband. (yeah the point of the game is to get the leaders’ headbands) but they have to end up sacrificing Armin’s team to get there.

Unfortunately for them (and me as I’m not really a Levi fan) Levi beats them and the third years win.
However, after all is said and done, the second years realize that they are pretty good kids and help them clean and that’s where the episode ends.
Once again, this show has some good clean fun. I enjoy this show for what it is. They take characters that only know death and destruction and put them in a fun scenario and we see how they would react. And it’s honestly fun. Seeing these guys in a sports festival really makes me laugh.
Some of these characters died too early in the other show and it’s really a treat to see them react to each other. Marco and Thomas especially.

Also, if you’ve watched this series you’re going to notice something. And that’s the severe lack of titans. I for one enjoy this. It gives me time to enjoy these characters in a habitat where the focus has to be on stupid crap like death and destruction. They’re used as a background device and a framing mechanism. Which is all they should be.
I know I keep lauding this show left and right but that’s only because i enjoy it so much. If you like the other AOT, fine. But honestly, after watching this show, i’m not going to watch any more of the original. To me, this is the canon version. I like the characters here more, I have more fun, and every little thing they do is overexaggerated and is just a lot of laughs. Every week I wait for this show more and more.
Episode 7/10