Oh boy! This episode brings in the fat ass character who can’t stop eating. Man. can’t tell you how I’ve waited for THIS character to show up. (hint, not really) But, it does round out our 6 main characters from the opening theme song so..you know, might as well do it.
So the episode starts out with the family realizing that a bunch of food has gone missing. First Kokoro accuses her brother, then he accuses her, and before long the entire fridge is empty.

The parents head out to replenish the food and the Cocotamas are going to try to catch the food thief by leaving a trap for it with some cake as bait. It works surprisingly and we meet our 6th, Cocotama, Goku. I mean Luffy. I mean Toriko. I mean Chouji. Fuck. I mean Mogutan. Yeah Mogutan. That’s the one.
His schtick is, you guessed it, he eats a lot. They welcome him and Kokoro brings out some extra snacks she had for them to enjoy. However, as they’re doing so, they notice Mogutan is eating most of it and if this keeps up, he’s going to eat everything to the point that the rest will starve to death.

So they try to hide the rest of the food from the fork god, (yes he’s actually the fork god. Then again I guess it’s no less schticky than the lipstick goddess) but unfortunately his tail can sense food and he tries to get to the food. It is at this point however that Kokoro’s cat sneaks in the room as Kokoro forgot to close her door.

The cat shows up and starts to chase them as cats do. Mogutan doesn’t seem to give too much of a shit until the cat crushes one of the cookies. Then he decides he needs to do something and uses his magic to create a large human like thing out of food containers. The cat runs away and everyone thanks Mogutan. (Even though he kind of did it over the crushed cookie and not you guys but whatever. Semantics I guess)
Afterwards Mogutan talks about how he was born when they had great times at the dinner table. Kokoro gives him the contract and she gives him his own room. Oh. and he eats all the food they make for a party because he eats a lot.

He tries to make up for it by summoning more food, but only ends up summoning a giant pepper. The end.
This episode……well……I have to say, out of all of the Cocotamas, this guy’s probably my least favorite. And that’s a shame, because I try to like the fat guys, but this one really is kind of a dick. He takes all the family’s food, eats all the party food, and even though he knows the rest of them are hiding the rest of the food, he purposely goes and eats it anyway. And to top it off, the only reason he saves Gerocho is because the cat broke his cookie.

I can’t say i’m really a fan of this episode. For the whole time I wanted the rest of them to say “Oh my god, quit eating our shit you fat fuck”. Is that all this guy does? Like…eat? Is..is that it? The rest of the characters had some kind of motivation and while they all have their annoyances, I like the rest of them in their own way. This guy….this guy just kind of sits there and eats. Um….exciting new character? I’m sure there are those out there who find this guy cute, but I just couldn’t get into this guy. He just annoyed me and he could have redeemed himself by saving the gang out of his own worry for them. Not because….you know, a cat broke his cookie.

All in all, the episode was kind of a big….meh. I didn’t really enjoy it that much as it focused on a character that annoys me. Well at least he’s in the group now so hopefully next episode it will go back to focusing on the rest of them.
So..yeah. 5/10