So we are back. And the question that’s on everyone’s mind is, was the first episode just a fluke, or was episode two just as charming? Well, luckily for you guys, you have me to recap and give you guys my opinion on the matter. Aren’t you all so lucky? That being said, let’s jump right in.
So the episode starts up with the gang noticing that there’s been an empty seat since school started. That empty seat belongs to Armin who hasn’t come to school, so the teacher asks them if they’ll go talk to him. On the way there they buy some meat buns, but a titan bully tries to steal it from them. Luckily Levi shows up and knocks the titan out.

However he leaves behind a pin. Approaching Armin we find out that he doesn’t go to school because he gets cold very easily and doesn’t want to leave school because he’d have to leave his blanket behind and needs to stay warm. Then randomly Levi comes in and steals his blanket.

They go to find Levi to get the blanket back, but also because Eren thinks he’s really cool and wants to join whatever club he’s in because the teacher told the group that they have to join a club within 24 hours, or he’ll assign them a club himself.
Meeting up with the kids at school they figure out that he belongs to a super secret Titan fighting club which….is advertised on the front door.

When they enter the room they are greeted by over exaggerated versions of the crew including the scientist girl who has been collecting toenails, and a guy who keeps biting his tongue.

They talk about how vehemently they want to join as well as meet with Levi so they can get Armin’s blanket back. To summon him all that has to be done is incorrectly sort recycles and he bursts in (once again, playing up his cleanliness thing from the other show).
They all talk about how they want to join, and Levi accepts all of them into the group.

Oh, and he returns Armin’s blanket because he was just repairing it.
However, since the club they joined isn’t an officially sanctioned one, they all get sent to join the cleanup club.
And that’s where the episode ends.
The recap for this episode was pretty short, but that’s because a lot of the charm of this show isn’t the plot, but the little jokes that go on WHILE the show takes place. A good example is after Eren incorrectly sorts the garbage, Levi hits him, and for the whole rest of the scene, Mikasa’s in the background being pissed off and it’s just a funny thing to see there.

So the question I had asked in the beginning was, did it keep its charm? And the answer I would have to give it is yes. I still am enjoying this. In fact, still a lot more than the original. This is more fun, you know that it’s not going to take a morbid turn, and I can relax and enjoy myself with these characters without having to worry about any of them dying.
Yes their little traits are played up to the nth degree, but that makes it charming. It makes them caricatures of themselves, but in a way that also makes them endearing. I never once said these guys are annoying and really want to continue the series.
This whole episode was spent on joining a club and it had my interest the entire time. That’s something of a feat itself as I’ve been known to be picky. But there’s enough in-jokes for people who have seen the series to keep it funny but also enough jokes for newcomers who have never seen the series before.

All in all, enjoyable episode. Not as crazy laugh out loud funny as the last one, but still enjoyable nonetheless.
Episode 7/10