Meet the Karasuno Volley ball team again and the World-famous professional party pooper Tsukishima

I like to call this episode the “Quotes generator”. There’s so many clever sentences about personal accomplishment  and willingness to change things that I was easily able to fill half of an entire page of my ” Sentences to say in real life so people think that you’re a cool and clever person” book. What ? Never heard of this kind of book ? You should start writing one. I can assure you, it’s quite handy. Especially when you need to do inspirational speech or when you’re participating in some in high-society dinner. My favorite one so far ?

” Just because you’re trash doesn’t mean you can’t do great things. It’s called garbage can, not garbage cannot”.

You will thank me later. ᶘ ͡°ᴥ͡°ᶅ

★  ✩   ✯  ✰  ☆ 

This week episode starts with Yachi overhearing Takeda and Ukai talking about a problem with the bus. It has already been booked by another team. So in order to go to Tokyo they need to pay more money which they don’t really have. In addition, Yachi still feels insecure about herself. All the members of the volley-ball club keep on harassing her an try to convince her to join as the second club manager. But even if she’s happy that Kyoko asked her to be the manager, she’s really going through a lot of thinking. She says that people usually don’t pay much attention to her and don’t ask her difficult tasks. She’s always the “Townsperson B”, the protagonist that nobody remarks. And she ends up asking herself if she should join the club or not.  She’s not really strong-willed when it comes to do things on her own.

I know, it’s sad for Yachi. But don’t worry, here’s a Sugawara Fan service picture to cheer you up. 90% chances of success .

Later in the evening, Yachi happens to talk with her mom about the possibility of her joining the volley ball club as their manager. Her moms is worried about her daughter willingness to do this job and she says this harsh but yet true sentence :

“Joining passionate people when you aren’t going to give it your all is the rudest thing that you could do”. This makes Yachi even more worried about her personal motivations to join the club than she was before. Even if it wasn’t a really nice way to say it, I think Yachi’s mom is right. She didn’t want to be mean when she said that, she just wanted her daughter to be stronger and true to herself. Yachi and her mom have a complex relationship, they don’t really understand each other. I’m guessing Yachi’s mother is a single working mom and her job seems to be time consuming so she’s rarely home. Therefore they don’t have so much time to spend together trying to understand each other.

However, Shimizu tells Yachi that when she started as the Volley-ball Club manager she merely knew anything about this sport. For her, you don’t need to be really passionate or knowledgeable  about something to start doing it. At the beginning you jut need to be curious. Yachi also asks Hinata, who is the perfect example of  going crazy about something, why he is so pumped about volley ball in general. How does he managed to be motivated enough to study really hard to go to the Tokyo games? Why does he not want lose against the other team that bad even if it’s only a practice match ? Why does he seek victory so bad ? His answer ?

Yandere look
Hinata’s innocent yandere look is back for another round

After Yachi saying another time that she’s just the Townsperson B, Hinata comfort her. Apparently he was also the Townspeople B in theater plays. “Townsperson B has it’s own kind of awesomeness”. Because even if the Townsperson B is not the hero of the show, will the story still be the same without him ?

So, after studying with Kageyama and Yachi for their exams, Hinata convinced her to tell her mom that she will be the new volley ball team manager. What she does in the middle of the train station. Such a cute scene. I would also like to nominate Hinata as the best personal life coach for  the year 2015. There you go Hinata ! that’s the spirit ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧

So now, she’s officially the new Volley-ball Club manager. Maybe to prove that she cares about it, Yachi decides to makes a poster for the Club in order to collect money, portraying Hinata as the new “little giant”.  At the same time she’s able to reinforce her relationship with her mother who helps her with the poster composition since she’s an art director (or something like that). Her strategy seems to work because thanks to the poster Takeda-sensei receive a call from a person wiling to donate money to the club. Thanks to Yachi’s initiative they will be able to go to Tokyo.

This episode ends with the announce of the Exam results. Will the “four idiots” get sufficient grades to join the practice matches in Tokyo ? ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Sans titrel
Their faces are priceless

This episode was pleasant, mostly concentrate on Yachi but it’s nice to see good character development. At the same time we get to hear a lot more from Shimizu, she’s way more talkative than in the first season, for Tanaka and Nishinoya ‘s pleasure of course. Also I ship Hinata and Yachi so much. Please let this happen! ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

★  ✩   ✯  ✰  ☆ 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. exof954

    Loved the episode, even though I’ve read the manga (HAIKYUU IS JUST THAT GOOD!!). As for HinataXYachi, I’m honestly happier with the two of them as really good friends- YACHI x KYOKO FTW!! XD

    Also, slight spoilers:
    When Tsukishma was going on in his head about how it would be impossible to block Ushikawa, I was just quietly laughing to myself, because guess who one of the only people who will ever directly block Ushikawa is? XDDD cue spoiler-filled hype

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