Oh it’s done! Thank sweet merciful jesus it’s finally done! Um..yeah, if you couldn’t tell from that outburst…I haven’t been enjoying this series recently. Like…at all. Why is that? Well I will most certainly get into that rant after the recap. So let’s do this as I recap one of these episodes….one last time. Let’s do this.
So the episode starts up with the guy from last episode really liking Yamato. He tells Takeo as such and how they’d be a better fit. Because of hearing this, Takeo thinks that maybe they are a better fit and goes into a bit of a depression slump. Then he realizes how much he likes her (yeah, i’m saying like because we’re 24 episodes and he still says ‘suki’ instead of ‘aishitemasu’. Yeah i know it’s a cultural thing, but at this point, since there’s been NOTHING in this show other than them googly eyeing each other I think they should at LEAST say that.)
However Takeo then realizes he actually has balls and tells him that he won’t just give up Yamato so easily. Baker guy then says to Takeo how he’ll win first place in this baking competition and then tell Yamato how he feels.

The day of the competition comes and he realizes he forgot his baking tools and there’s no way he could make it back there and back in time, so Yamato asks Takeo to do it. The baker guy doesn’t think Takeo will do it, but he ends up doing it surprising the baker guy, and the he ends up winning the competition.
He tells Yamato how he feels but SURPRISE SURPRISE Yamato’s like “oh, but i love Takeo!” REALLY? I HAD NO FUCKING IDEA THAT WOULD HAPPEN!

And the episode and thus the series ends.
I just…i’m so glad this show is over. Here’s the thing. This show started out with a really cute premise. FOR A 5 EPISODE OVA. The biggest fault of this series is that it really REALLY overstayed its welcome. There wasn’t enough substance to make this any longer than a 5 episode OVA. maybe MAYBE a 12 episoder if you really stretched. But there was ABSOLUTELY no reason this show should have been 24 episodes. No reason at all. They dragged and dragged this show on with absolutely not drama or substance. It just…kept…going.
Let me get to the breakdown or i’ll just keep ranting.
Head: The premise? Very nice idea. I am a big fan of the not bishonen guy getting a love interest. It’s very original. The problem is that’s ALL this show had going for it. That’s the only thing that separated this from anything. And the issue is, that gets old VERY VERY fast. The friend characters and Suna ended up being more interesting than the two main characters. and that’s pretty funny. But not in a good funny. In an annoying funny. It is very hard to review the overall plot of the series because THERE IS NONE. Honestly, after they become a couple in episode 3, I couldn’t even really tell you what the plot was. It became a blur of nonsensical scenes of them being mushy gushy. There was literally NO STORY. To be perfectly honest, i got so bored with this show that I didn’t even watch the episodes that weren’t mine about halfway through. Because…I just didn’t care anymore. But i’ll get into more of that in the heart section.

Eye: I’ll give it to this series, it had a different character design than a lot of the shows i’ve seen before. And it was a pretty well designed show. I liked the style and the way they went with exaggerated expressions sometimes, but usually kept it in check. However that being said it still had some faults. For example, I found that a lot of the time, the series would get really realy bright. I know it was a stylistic choice, but at times I almost felt as if i were staring at overexposed film. Also they seemed to really love their pastels. I noticed a lot of the scenes seemed to be colored in pastels as it seemed to be sunny… a lot. Even the days when it wasn’t they seemed to be painted in that bright style.
The other thing that was unique to this style was every once in a great while they would put little word lines next to the characters with silence accompanying to signify what they were really thinking. This was a cute syltistic choice and was used sparingly early in the series. However, just like everything else it had to overstay its welcome. I noticed in the final episode they went CRAZY with these are they blotted up the screen nearly every 10 seconds. They took a cute idea and overkilled it. Which is perfect symbolism for this series. Pretty things that overstayed their welcome.

Heart: okay, here is going to be the lengthy part. This is where the series got really really bad. The first three episodes were adorable, cute, and turned some tropes on their head. I really am a fan of the first three episodes. That being said, this series was 24 episodes. As I have said in the past, this series had enough plot for a 5 episodes OVA. That’s about it. There was nothing to gain from keeping the series going. Once the two of them got together, that was basically the story that needed to be told.
Now, here’s the thing. I have said in the past that a story doesn’t end just because a couple is together. and that is correct. However, just because they’re a couple it doesn’t give you free license to make the series about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Just having them go “I love you snookums wookums” isn’t a show. That’s nothing. Maybe MAYBE if you want to have a single episode about that, and sort of in an ironic way, it would be okay. But no, they do it for 21 MORE EPISODES.

The biggest problem with this series is it TRIES to have what they consider conflict. The issue is, it is NEVER ACTUALLY conflict. Here’s an example from this episode I just reviewed. So this guy likes Yamato. Takeo thinks they might just be a good match together. But here’s the problem. YAMATO HAS NO INTEREST IN HIM. There is no conflict because there’s never the possibility of the other being interested in another party. We know this from the beginning. If they wanted to do a series like this, there are a few possibilities.
1. Have Yamato actually conflicted as she has feelings for this other guy but also has feelings for Takeo
2. Have the two of them break up due to the societal pressure only to get back together later. (or not if you want to go the sad route and get sympathy from the audience and to learn a lesson)
3. Have Takeo or Yamato fall in love with one of the people who like them and have a long fight in their head over whether or not they love takeo/yamato because they were their first crush and if they really love them or just because they were looking for love and they just happened to find each other first.
4. Have them fight and/or break up like a real couple.
Any of those options would have made this show an actual story. Not only that, but they took away the only other thing that would have been interesting, aka the Sena love story sideplot. Notice how in the last episode the fro guy and his gf go like “love you” for about 5 seconds and it’s over? THAT’S how long we want to see it on screen. 21 episodes of it is absolutely insane.

The other girls that fall in love with Takeo (especially Sena’s sister arc) REALLY left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I felt really bad as i really liked her character but i knew that the series was too busy being in butt love with Yamato X Takeo. It left me feeling uncomfortable as I sat there watching it because i knew all that was going to come of it was Takeo going “UH DUHHHHH!” and the girl getting her heart broken. Also, this guy was supposedly such a loser that he couldn’t get a single girl and now 3 girls like him but he’s staying with the first one? oh god! this has turned into harem show! ahhh!!!
That being said, i got extremely tired of this show as it didn’t DO anything. It was like they paired the two together in episode 3 and were making a three episode OVA and the studio’s like “Okay, fantastic. Now make 21 more episodes. but don’t change their relationship status AT ALL.” Seriously. they got together in episode 3 and in those 21 episodes, he called her by her first name ONCE and they kissed, ONCE. So you’re sitting here wondering, “well what the hell DID happen?” And that’s my point. i’m racking my brain and I can’t think of a damn thing.
This series was 21 episodes of “I wuv you!” “No, I wuv you more!” and after a while, it isn’t even cute anymore. It’s annoying. It’s like when you have friends who recently got together and are in the “Honeymoon” phase of their relationship. you want to watch Ore Monogatari? Stare at that for 5 hours. There you go. you saw Ore Monogatari.
Overall score: 4/10
Honestly, i’m just tired. I’m tired of this show, and i’m tired of nothing happening. If the show could have had any of the things i had mentioned earlier, it would have been much better. If it had Sena get a romance, it would have been better. If it was shorter, it would have been better. This anime was the Titanic of animes. It was a great idea, the voyage started out great, but poor execution lead them to their doom.
I’m done. I’m so glad i’m done. You know what? I’m going to go out on a limb here. The other show I reviewed with Berry had more plot. That’s right. I’m going to claim KOUFUKKU GRAFFITI had more of a plot.
This series is done and i’m not going to miss it. Which is so sad because I was so excited when I first heard about this show. But now, I really couldn’t care less. I’m done. See you next time.

Berry’s Final Thoughts
…………Okay. So…I’m actually at a loss for words because I basically agree with everything Hideki said. Like…damn, he’s right. I agree. The last episode played out exactly like I said it would, so I just didn’t know how to feel. And that makes me sad. In the beginning I adored this show. This show did something right that other romance/shoujo don’t do. The main characters (namely Takeo) aren’t your stereotypical protagonists. Like any typical shoujo, Suna would fit more as the main guy as he looks like one (look at any other shoujo protag and they all look alike) but no it’s Takeo. And Yamato loves him for who he is. Appearance doesn’t matter and that’s wonderful. Then, the couple get together early on in the show and the show avoided cliche misunderstandings thanks to Suna. And I can’t talk about that enough because I’ve seen so many shoujo and romance and have seen the same tropes over and over again to the point where I want to scratch my eyes out, that when this show did something different I just wanted to sing. So after this point, I was excited.
Now, I love fluff. I love fluff. I love seeing characters be all gushy mushy with each other with sparkly backgrounds when it’s not too corny, and for awhile I was enjoying the episodes. But then I noticed the pattern that really…nothing was happening. When I thought conflict was going to arise, it didn’t. Like with the college thing. The perfect conflict there. The most realistic thing would be to realize that they possibly can’t go to the same college together. They most likely won’t even study the same major. That’s realistic! But they’re soulmates or whatever and Takeo tried hard to get into the same school. And that’s kinda clingy, and I hate that. Fluff is fantastic (for me) but I wanted the show to mix things up a little. When Takeo and Yamato love each other so much, bringing in other girls that like Takeo and another guy that likes Yamato…well, we as the audience know that nothing is going to happen because they’re so doki doki over each other. SUKI DA!
Things were only cute for awhile, and when the show focuses so much on only Takeo and Yamato, things can get stale. Poor Suna…he was given the shaft. I WILL SAY THIS AS A POSITIVE. I loved Takeo and Suna’s bromance. Their friendship is fantastic and I’m glad we got to see that, and I’m also glad he and Yamato became great friends too. I’d say Takeo and Suna’s frienship is one of my favorites I’ve seen in anime. As for the other characters in this show…I liked Ai. I really liked her, but we didn’t get much of her. We didn’t get much of the other characters either. It was all Takeo and Yamato. That’s it. So, again, things got stale.
The only jokes this show had going for it were:
- Takeo is huge and dense, but sweet.
- Yamato is too innocent and pure.
- Suna is super hot but huh? he and Takeo are friends?
- Takeo has otherworldly powers or something
- SUKI DA! <3333333
So the comedy was also limited too. Basically just read what Hideki said because I share the same thoughts and I don’t want to repeat myself (except the art, I liked it).
I’m just so sad. This show started out wonderful. It didn’t have the typical shoujo tropes I hate (tons of misunderstandings, rival girl, love triangle, etc.) so I was ecstatic. But in the end, it didn’t turn out like I wanted it to. It started out strong but gradually the show got more and more dull. It had a great idea, but it wasn’t executed right. I gave it a 7/10 but now that I think about it that’s way too nice. I’ll probably change my score to either a 5 or 6/10. (the overall score on MAL is way too high) I’m sad. ;(
I agree with all your points! I gave it a higher score (6/10), but it really irks me that people call Oremono one of the greatest romances ever. Despite the fact that it defies stereotypes by reaching a confession scene in 3 episodes, all the episodes afterwards are repetitive. (After all, there’s a reason romance anime typically spend the entire show to get a confession!) I still enjoyed watching this anime once a week, but even then like you said, the conflicts are so artificial. Takeo finally getting attention from so many girls at once was ridiculous. Suna’s romance mini-arc was pathetic. And the last rival was just stupid. I’d be more interested in seeing minor conflict between Takeo and Yamato–not so they’d break up, but just because real relationships can get rocky at times.
The only issue I thought was really significant in this anime was at the very end, when Takeo wondered if he really is good enough for Yamato. It’s understandable for him to worry about his appearance, since he’s such a gorilla compared to most people (physically). But since that issue was introduced in the penultimate episode….it never allowed the characters to develop at all. It just ended with a very stale, VERY predictable “I love Takeo” from Yamato. Wow, I never would have guessed!
Well it’s definitely not the greatest romance, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t want conflict where they’d break up either, but at least something! Just something where they don’t agree on something, or the college thing like I mentioned. SOMETHING! And oh my god poor Suna.
AND YES! That’s exactly what I said last week! Takeo lacking self-confidence in himself would have been a stronger conflict to have earlier on in the series, probably when he and Yamato got together. It really could have saved his character from being one-note and actually flesh him out, and he could have gained more confidence in himself. But leaving that until the very last moment doesn’t have that impact. It’s just like…fucking duh. You guys have been going out for about a year now, of course she’s not going to leave you.
Love is harder than this shit. What a disappointing end.
Sometimes i Think japanese dont know how to write a Love Story without the “im love you but ill wait until the last episode for a confession” cliche.
Literally NOTHING HAPPENS here.
24 episodes in a nutshell:
“Plot tickens until confession then…
Takeo: Suki Da!
Yamato: Kakkoi!
Every fucking episode”
Not a romance expert but maybe VA-11 HALL-A might be some palate cleansing? Not sure it’s out, it’s supposed to be a non japanese VN.
Actually there should be more stuff made by christine love, again not my bag but I heard of them in my circles of gaming nerds.