I say this easily and without any fear of someone going “Gah! You spoiled it!” Because…well.. it’s the main characters of the series basically going up against 1 group of random guys and another group that we kinda know but not that well. It would be like Yugi dueling against Tristan. You know he’s going to win, so someone telling you he did isn’t going to cause riots.

Anyway, I should probably tell you HOW this all came to be. So let’s get going.

The episode begins with another 4 1/2 minutes of recap. So, you know, good that they’re not wasting out time or anything. When that’s finally over we see that the guy it looked like Yuma was about to beat last episode, he actually did because he learned a move the previous day called “grasshopper” where he can use his trion as a platform to jump.

Tell....Brock...he's  my idol.
Tell….Brock…he’s my idol.

After that they kind of all just run around and fight for a while, the commenters making quips about what’s going on, etc etc.

The next thing that happens is that Brown haired Ron Weasely catches up with a sniper and, knowing he can’t get away, he takes a pop shot at Yuma which damages him, but then Ron takes out sniper #2

No! My Genericness! Seriously..did this guy have a name?
No! My Genericness! Seriously..does this guy have a name?

Then it looks like Yuma’s about to be defeated by the captain of the sniper team. But he’s not as he cuts his off at the legs using grasshopper as a feint.

curses! Who would have thought that the random group wouldn't have won?
curses! Who would have thought that the random group wouldn’t have won?

Ron Weasely then tries to sacrifice himself to have his teammate beat Yuma, but, thanks to Chika’s interference, that doesn’t work.

Yeah, that's pretty much what would happen if Ron ACTUALLY fought in a battle.
Yeah, that’s pretty much what would happen if Ron ACTUALLY fought in a battle.

After that however, Chika’s position is given away, and before bailing out, the legless sniper guy takes out Chika. (I know, surprising that one of the main guys got taken out, right?)

That only leaves the smoking guy, who while distracted by Yuma, gets taken out by Osamu.

And with that, the battle ends.

The new ranking puts their group at #8 overall.

"Wow, I can't believe they made it so high in only two matches!" "Who the hell are you?" "I'm not really sure!"
“Wow, I can’t believe they made it so high in only two matches!”
“Who the hell are you?”
“I’m not really sure!”

They celebrate their victory and that’s really where the episode ends.

Yeah, this recap was a bit short. Why? Because not a whole lot happened in it. It was a bunch of talking, battling, and the team winning this round of the B-rank war. I  mean, there were some cool things like Osamu doing stuff, but this episode doesn’t really have a hell of a lot to talk about. There were no plot revelations, nothing big happened, it was really just an episode of the group winning a ranking round against people that aren’t that relevant to the plot.

Why does everywhere, including official Border Tournaments use the duck face?
Why does everywhere, including official Border Tournaments use the duck face?

Yes it was nice to see them win, however as indicated by my title, there was never really any doubt to be had. So, all in all, a good episode, but, nothing to write home about. Short review I know, but…there’s really not a whole lot to say. They won, cool, let’s move on.

Episode 6.5/10


Duckface Counter: 2