So yes, welcome back to the series about how fantasy people would suck against fighting armies. And once again….that’s pretty much what this episode entails. I mean don’t get me wrong, it’s hilarious, but…yeah. It’s exactly what you’d expect.
Still, i’m sure you want more of the juicy details then just that. So i’m just going to go head and start with the recap now.
So the episode opens up with the main guy asking for reinforcements. They decide to send them the reinforcements which includes lots and lots of helicopters.

And to make this situation even funnier, they, no joke, play “Flight of the Valkyries” over the loudspeaker. I am not even kidding.
Meanwhile the bandits are kicking Wah Daddy’s army’s ass. And they kill one of her friends who was the commander.

All while this is going on, Rory is getting kind of…um..frisky with herself because apparently as an emissary of the god of death, when people die around her she gets turned on.

Finally she can’t take it and runs off to the battle and the SDF follows her.
When they get there she and the female SDF member start to kick a whole bunch of ass.
And that ….is when the all the helicopters show up and fucking wreck everybody’s face.

Of course after that, the battle is pretty much over as the SDF just annihilates everything.
The townspeople then of course cheer for the army and Wah Daddy is sad because Norma died.

Then of course they talk to the SDF so they can determine what their terms are for being the victor of the battle. They basically tell them to life the tax off the town, treat the prisoners humanely and let them take a few of the prisoners. And….that’s about it.
Wah Daddy is of course shocked at how little they want and of course because they’re the “Enemy” is still angry at them because they made her realize how much she sucks.
The girls then finally get to do the thing they’ve been trying to do for the past two episodes and sell their dragon scales to what looks like a young Leonardo Da Vinci.

As the episode begins to wrap up the group is driving along in their trucks when they are stopped by ‘Wah Daddy’s’ knights. They could easily shoot the shit out of them, but they don’t and the main character decides to talk to them. He steps out of the car and they threaten him with weapons. He tells his men to drive away and is left alone, now pretty much their prisoner.

And that’s where the episode ends.
This episode….honestly now every time I see the SDF roll up i’m like “pfff. well. This battle’s over.” Because when they show up they just decimate the FUCK out of EVERYTHING. The problem with that is that they could have ended this battle REALLY QUICK but ‘Wah Daddy’ gets her stupid asshole genes from her father and doesn’t understand how not to be an idiot.

It also looks like her knight aren’t much better in the intelligence department as they try to pick a fight with the guys who fought off the dragon. I swear, everything ‘Wah Daddy’ touches is just full of stupid.
I am however actually wondering where this whole ‘main character captured’ thing is going to end up. I hope it won’t be stupid, but, knowing this chick is involved, there won’t be any promises.
This episode did not have a lot in the way of character development as there was too much ass kicking. (Unless of course you count Wah daddy being sad….I don’t.) This show IS still keeping my attention though and I am interested in keeping going with it, despite the fact that they think I care about Wah Daddy. Once again…I don’t.
And, to end this review, for your pleasure, here is a picture of the main character accidentally squeezing Rory’s boob.
You are welcome.
Episode 6.5/10
“Wah Daddy is of course shocked at how little they want and of course because they’re the “Enemy” is still angry at them because they made her realize how much she sucks.”
…Um, she’s not angry at them, she’s scared as hell. She realizes now just a bit of how badly the empire overreached itself by attacking these people, and she thinks they’re going to act the way governments and armies that she’s grown up with will act. Which means she expects them, at some point in the near future, to stop sitting around sending out scouting parties and making temporary treaties with people, and just f&#king roll over everything: conquer the empire, level the capital city, execute all the leaders, rape the women, enslave or kill the men, etc. She’s realizing that they’re screwed, that the only possible way to survive is to make peace with Japan, but that she doesn’t have the authority to do that alone and no one in authority will believe her about how screwed they are, because the abilities of the JSDF are completely outside of these people’s ability to conceptualize.
That’s also why the Rose Knights are perfectly willing to stop Itami’s squad. Even if they’ve heard the reports of the “men in green” driving off an ancient flame dragon, they don’t believe them. That’s simply impossible as far as they understand the world. It must just be peasant stories growing more exaggerated as they’re told.
This was one of the best homages ever !
A very factual homage to “Apocalypse Now” one of the best War Movies Ever Thank -You
First Robert Duvall as Lieutenant Colonel William “Bill” Kilgore, 1st Battalion, 9th Air Cavalry Regiment BTW they said they were going Kilgore in the anime
The “Ride of the Valkyries” Music straight out of the move / coming in with the sun behind them / and the actual helment scene !
You should watch the segment you wiil appreciate the episode so much more !
This is beside Rory and Kuribayashi going all out ! Add it all up I am blown away literally
The ED sets up more tension !