Well we’re back after this series decided to take a week long hiatus in Japan. And I know everyone here was DYING to see the resolution of the Idol/gang sister story. Well…too bad because it’s not over yet. It’s a three parter. Anyway, As this is part 2, this is “The Two Towers” of this arc, and let me tell you, just about as much happens in it.
What DOES happen in you may ask? Well, let’s get started.
So the episode picks up with the idol telling Kagami that if her sister doesn’t quit the gang, she’ll have to quit being an idol. Intrigued by this, Kagami decides to help her out. Now, she’s supposed to be on stage at a live feed at this point. Unfortunately, she’s at Kagami’s so she’s going to miss it. However, Kagami has a plan and sets up a makeshift stage with his students in her old elementary school and she does her announcement there.

So after that’s over, the idol trusts Kagami and tells her her backstory about becoming an idol. And if you’re worried if this flashback has sepia tone, well….it’s more of a black and white as seen through a dirty lens… so…close enough?

It turns out that back in the day she was supposed to go audition to be the idol, however, as you can see above, for medical reasons she couldn’t. So Taki (the gang sister) decides to take her place and pretend to be her. Of course, even though they’re twins, having seen pictures of the sister before, he knows it’s not her, because…well obvious reasons are obvious.

However, Taki manages to convince the director that her sister’s even better than her and to give her the job. So they do, and ever since that, the idol sister believes that she really stole Taki’s life because she was the one who auditioned.
Kagami then decides to do one of his patented lessons for her.
So what happens next is Taki was supposed to defend her title on stage for a Family Ranger fan performance, but she couldn’t make it, so Kagami has the idol sister pretend to be her to defend her title.

The girl that goes on before her is an asshole and insults Taki which, by association means that her sister was offended because she’s just pretending to be Taki.
The next part is filled with Kagami being like “you performing for her is as important as her doing it for you” and she has more flashbacks about singing for her sister even though she’s nervous.
However, the idol singer goes on stage and rocks it, winning the singing competition.

However Kagami goes off and tells the idol to get changed in a separate room of the creepy abandoned building. And of course she gets kidnapped.

And that’s where the episode ends.
This episode….had a lot of talking from the idol chick. Not saying that lots of talking is always a bad thing, but I found myself getting very bored in this episode. I kept expecting more to happen, however, it was a LOT of self introspect and flashbacks. I would say that actual plot stuff took up less than half of the episode. Mostly it was her going
Remember when stuff happened?
I’m a terrible person!
After this episode, all I really know is this girl feels really bad about something she thinks she’s guilty of. There wasn’t a lot of Kagami to be had this time around. I see the lesson Kagami’s trying to have her learn, but this whole episode just felt like it was dragging and dragging. I think this storyline could have been resolved this episode if they hurried up, but I can tell they REALLY wanted to drag this out to three parts. However, unlike the crossdresser 5-parter, I actually kind of care what happens here. I’m not tired or annoyed yet. I am willing to give one more episode to this arc. There’s at least more at stake and two people are involved. So…just finish this arc up next episode and everything will be A-ok.
Episode 6.5/10