You know, I often wonder to myself if I am the only person watching this show outside of japan. It seems whenever I look up anything about this show I can’t find a single damn thing in America. It’s strange but it’s also kind of nice. It’s like I am the single source of Tribe Cool Crew reviews in America. And all I have to say to that is…you’re welcome. (you can feel the modesty from there can’t you?)
So this episode is a side character one. Meaning, if you were hoping for an episode focusing on the Tribe Cool group, then you are going to be sorely disappointed. Still, it doesn’t mean the episode was BAD. What was it about? Let’s begin.
So the episode starts up with the machine gun dance group going to practice with the team Sakura duo. When they get there they see that the two replicated the dance road stage nearly perfectly and they begin to work together. However, as Team Sakura doesn’t really have any visual cues it’s hard for the other team to follow. They leave, the older guy and the girl chasing one wanting to try again, but the third guy not wanting to dance with them again as he says they don’t work together and adamantly refuses to dance with them again.

He goes home as we see that he lives with 3 brothers and sisters and just his mom who has to work a lot of shifts just to make ends meet. (I’m not sure why this scene is here other than to show that when he made his promise not to eat his favorite food until they agree not to dance with team Sakura again he really meant it)
The next scene then involves him talking to Haneru who basically tells him, ‘if you don’t succeed the first time, don’t give up.’ Haneru tells him about how basically the same thing happened with him and Kanon and now they’re a great team.

He decides to give it another shot and they go back, however Team Sakura really now wants to dance with Kanon, so Haneru and Kanon have a dance off with the Machine Gun team. There’s really no winner as Team Sakura is impressed with how Team Machine gun managed to incorporate their style into their own, but Team Sakura performed their own dance themselves.

While nothing is really official it looks like Team machine gun and team Sakura might team up, and that’s where the episode ends.
This episode….was kind of a filler. However it will only truly be a filler if the two groups don’t join up. I like the idea of these 5 getting together officially, but I don’t know if they’re going to do that. If they did that, I think that would be a definite upping of the game for Tribe Cool Crew as they would have to keep up with both of those teams, and they’re already incredibly difficult to beat.
I’m not really the biggest fan of team Sakura, but with the machine gun group together with them, it brings a new dynamic into the show.

I see what they were trying to do with this episode though. Seemingly every mainish character gets their own episode. The cup and ball guy had one, team Sakura had one, hell, even moonwalking guy had one (I’m just so sorry it had to be the pickle episode). I feel as if they thought they had to give the other member of Machine gun his own episode. The only issue was, there wasn’t as much conflict as there was for the other one. I mean, it was okay, but he mainly caused the conflict himself and that really was the only thing stopping him.
All in all, it was an okay episode. Nothing incredibly important to the plot, know, it was there. So… middle of road? Dance road that is! aha aha ah…i’m so witty.
Episode 5.5/10