With a high pitched “WHAT” and a lot of anger at Kazuki I come into this episode to be, pleasantly surprised. She just wanted to spend some time with Isla to straighten her out for Tsukasa. I guess this was the only way she could do it without looking suspicious but it still gave me a bloody heart attack.
I’m very glad this episode went the way that it did.
The sweet part in this episode is how, while Kazuki does give her pushes here and there but it’s really Isla that comes to this conclusion herself. When they go out on a retrieval, she says to the Giftia and it’s mob boss owner “Everything is better when you’re with the one you love.”
It was that moment in the episode where I pretty much screamed “FOLLOW YOUR OWN ADVICE” you dummy. Which is pretty much what Kazuki says to her.
I really like Kazuki this episode, after last episode. I was pretty mad at her, but this episode you really get a feeling that she cares about Isla and Tsukasa both. Also,I’ve made the Evangelion parallels before to Michiru being Asuka, Kazuki being Misato…well if you take a look at Kazuki’s fridge. Well the inspiration is all but confirmed.
I also really grew to like Constance this episode, who is a character I’ve been wanting us to spend more time focusing on for a while now. He’s seemed pretty interesting but has been mostly pushed off to the side. The time he spent as Tsukasa’s partner was nice, but i’m happier to see him back with Kazuki at the end of the episode. I’m really glad to see her ask him out to drink.

Isla is trying to push Tsukasa away for his own good. So he won’t be hurt, but she looks into the future and wonders how she’ll be remembered by Tsukasa. If she keeps pushing him away, what kind of memories will he have. Obviously not good ones.
I think, at last we got to the root of Kazuki’s strange behavior. It’s her guilt in leaving Isla the way she did. Leaving Isla with only bitterness despite all the happy memories.
All of this leading to he scene, where in front of everyone. She admits, that she wants to make happy memories with Tsukasa. That she wants to be with him, until the very end. That she loves him. I’m not crying, you’re crying!
I’m gonna be perfectly honest with you here, the only thing that could of made this part of the episode better for me? Is if they’d kissed.
Now this is the kind of episode I’ve been looking for, one that doesn’t force comedy. Let’s the characters evolve and gets things done. Nothing felt forced or awkward, everyone just played to their strengths. Yes there were some comedic moments but for once I wasn’t begging for them to be over. It’s good to see the series actually working towards it’s strengths for once.
That being said, this ending is WAY too happy and with no episode preview or title. I’m just sitting here, a stomach full of dread going. “OH GOD, SO MUCH HAPPY….THIS ISN’T GOING TO LAST!”

That feeling only gets worse when you realize that there are only three more episodes to go. There are a lot of theories going around about how this series could end, i’m not going to lie. I’m not holding out for a happy ending. I don’t believe some miracle is going to make her remember. I don’t think her life span is going to magically get longer.
I honestly believe [and really hope] that the moral lesson of the story that Plastic Memories is trying to tell us is to value our memories. To cherish them and not let them be tarnished. Even if you know someone is going to die, don’t distance yourself or push away. This is all the time you have, use it well. At least, that’s the kind of ending that i’m hoping for.
We’ll see, how are all the plot threads going to come to together. [THE THREAT OF R. SECURITY IS KILLING ME]
I wanted to drop this series many times because how painful it is to watch something that you know for sure the couple won’t get a happy ending…but here I am…I was screaming when he confessed to Isla in ep 8…
Darn it, why can’t they just create a memory card for these robots!???