The typical school festival, with spirits causing trouble for the students. This is actually the second time that I get a school festival episode with ghosts this spring season. *looks at Re-Kan* Except with Rinne, there’s more at stake, even though some of the episode was still very silly, like this show usually is.
Some episodes in this show are more entertaining than others, and this one just happened to be more on the boring side. Especially the wig part. Basically, the wig is a Tsukumogami. A Tsukumogami is an inanimate object that soon gets its own spirit, and this wig spirit has been haunting the drama club ever since it was thrown out among some other old props. Rokudou uses a special sticker on it to make it talk, and the spirit is mad that it was cut from the play it was in. Apparently it was a Cinderella play, and they all think it’s the wig to Cinderella, and so they put on a Cinderella play to make the wig happy. Sakura plays Cinderella and she looked cute in the blonde wig, but the wig actually wasn’t for Cinderella. The wig isn’t actually a wig; it’s the horse’s tail, the horse that the mice turn into. But originally the horse was cut from the play because the stage was too small and they only had room for the pumpkin carriage. Sorry, horsie. And so they made it play the horse and all was well. This part was a little boring, but I found it hilarious that the wig was able to control Sakura and make her kick the others, and all she said was a little “Oh, my.” with that non-expressive face of hers.
The other half of the episode deals with another Damashigami, but it looks like after this episode they’re going to play a bigger role. A Damashigami stole the head of a boy who had died, who was a boy from a middle school who was popular and was sent love letters to. Like any Damashigami, this one used the girls’ crushes to his advantage and made it seem like he returned the girls’ feelings as Kimura. And since these girls are so desperate for him, they easily fall into the Damashigami’s trap of being sent into some strange mansion world, where he’ll take them to be killed. To also get into the mansion world, Rokudou sends a love letter to the Damashigami and dresses himself up as a girl. In a frilly pink maid outfit. And honestly this was the highlight of the show.
Also, in the end Rokudou snuck an entry into the school’s drag contest, and he won. The prize was a dozen cup noodles. He’ll have food for another week. You sneaky boy.