Well, its Thursday and that means it’s time for wacky shit day. If it isn’t Punch Line and its nonsensicalness, then it is time for the other show that has injected itself with sugar and crack that is, Etotama. So lets see, what could the she’s gotten the seal from the cowgirl and the rabbit…who’s next on the chopping block?n this episode that leads up to this? Well let’s find out.Ah. The sheep. Sure, why not? So what happens in this episode? Let’s find out.
So the episode starts up with the gang finding out that Takeru is sick. However, he sneezes a few times, and it affects all of the Eto-shin. It first puts them in bathing suits, then hot spring towels, and then stars (to signify nudity).

It turns out that the sickness is actually caused by a super Sol/Lull virus that attacks the human’s sol/lull and destroys it from the inside out. It seemingly affects everyone except for the sheep and Nya-tan, driving everyone kind of insane with different results.
…also it kills the boar girl again.
See… It seems now they’re going to try to pull a Kenny from South Park with this girl and maybe kill her every episode.
S’not funny show. Fail.
So it seems the only way to stop this virus is for the sheep to go into Takeru’s body and destroy the virus from the inside while Nya-tan has to stay outside and protect his body as slapping the infected temporarily bring them back to their senses. Got it? No? Too bad because that’s all this show’s giving you.
The sheep seemingly beats the viruses however a giant virus pops out of Takeru’s body and Nya-tan slaps it, defeating it.
The sheep is so glad for Nya-tan’s help that she gives her her seal.
However then a few moments later we find out that Nya-tan gave Takeru the sickness herself by being a selfish stupid bitch the night before and the sheep girl is justifiably pissed. And that’s where the episode ends.
If you think that this recap was short, it’s only because, not a lot happened this episode. All you really missed me recapping is the usual of Nya-tan being a doofy, selfish idiot.
Here’s the problem with the show. There is NO reason Nya-tan should be in the Zodiac. She’s selfish, immature, irresponsible, manipulative, and stupid. and to top it all off she is annoying as fuck. There is NOTHING redeemable about this character. She’s not funny, she’s not interesting, and her voice is grating as all hell. If she isn’t screaming for undeserved Sol/Lull she’s screaming 4th wall breaks which the way she does it, are NOT FUNNY.

If you couldn’t get it from my previous reviews, I don’t like Nya-tan and honestly, I don’t WANT this bitch in the zodiac.
As the sheep has been delegated to the background for the past four episodes it’s nice to see her in the forefront for once. She is a very adorable character. She’s soft spoken, but cares about people and lets a lot slide off her back.

See, this is the way i’ve begun to watch this show. I pretend i’m watching a show about the antics of the 12 members of the chinese zodiac and all the while I hate Na’vi from Zelda going “Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen!” in my ear, and I do my best to ignore it. That’s the feeling I have with Nya-tan. She’s distracting, irritating, not funny, not interesting, and she just gets in the way of what I believe to be more interesting characters. Oh yeah, add the sheep to my list of Zodiac members I like (List now comprises of Rooster, Tiger, Sheep, Ox, Mouse, Horse)
However, i’m not going to dismiss a show simply because the main character is terrible. Hell, if I did THAT I wouldn’t watch half of the shonen shows out there. Side characters can make or break a show. But if you have a painfully weak protagonist, they have to pull double duty. And honestly, at least the ones I like, seem to be holding their own while doing this. Still, I wish Chu-tan would just kill Nya-tan. I mean it won’t happen, but a man can dream…a man can dream…

Episode 6/10