Well we are back with Tribe Cool Crew. And it’s not a week of Dance Road, so you know what that means, Yep. It’s time for another filler episode. OH BOY! Last week we had an entire episode to cup and ball kid, so who’s the focue this week?
Ah. Mizuki. Well good. She actually happens to be one of the five main characters. Plus she’s the only one with boobs so…double bonus. (hahaha Double bonus. I see what I did there. I actually didn’t intend that.)
So what’s Mizukis issue this time? Well it seems that every day she’s coming to dance practice tired and her friends don’t know why. Thankfully the show tells us.
Apparently first thing in the morning she’s helping old men learn how to dance, (however it ends up giving more massages then dancing)

Afterwards she has a job as a hostess where everyone seems to call out sick so she has to do more shifts, rehearsing with Tribe Cool Crew and then finally having to go to a donut shop every single night to listen to her friend complain about her boyfriend. She gets home around 1 am only to have to get up around 5 the next day.

It’s apparent to everyone in her group that she’s running herself ragged but Kuma says not to worry about it. Kanon can’t however as she’s worried about her friend, so she asks Mizuki if she has a few free minutes to talk.
In this conversation we learn a bit more of Mizuki’s backstory. It seems that she wasn’t always the outgoing person she is now. In fact even after she got in shape after the last flashback she was still very introverted, and decided to settle on a new affirmative catchphrase that she pulled out of a box. The winner happened to be “Okay”

Because of this she doesn’t like turning anyone down ever if it affects her negatively. However Kanon tells her that when she normally says okay it’s usually very perky but recently it seems forced.
Mizuki realizes that she doesn’t have to force the okay anymore as she’s already a new person and fixes her life. She tells her boss that she can’t work all the time and cover everyone’s shifts, she tells her friend to suck is up and for her to try to put effort into the relationship instead of just complaining, and she tells the old guys that if they want to dance, she’s going to make them work for it.
Now with Mizuki well rested, she’s back to her happy self and that’s where the episode ends.
As you can tell with this episode, riveting stuff.

While the episode basically boiled down to “Mizuki not being able to say no”, it was still a cute episode. We don’t really get very many episodes devoted entirely to Mizuki as usually she’s sharing the spotlight with Kuma, so it was nice for Mizuki to hold her own for an episode. She’s one of my favorites and it was interesting to learn more about her.
The only issue is there really isn’t much to say about it. Mizuki said yes a lot, got tired, realized she didn’t have to and started to say no. That’s really all there is to it. It’s a cute episode with an indepth look at her past and that at least was interesting.
Most of the main cast was delegated to either “I’m worried” or “Eh, she’ll be fine.” The only one who really did anything was Kanon and that’s just to have the chat with Mizuki.
Still, as far as fillers go, it was still a decent one. It was better than last weeks, but that’s mainly because it was actually a character I gave a single shit about. But it was cute and it was nice to see Mizuki happy again.
Once again, if you miss it, you’re not going to be lost come next episode, but i’d say it’s still worth watching. That being said, not too shabby.
Episode 7/10
If all the filler episodes were like this, I’d be okay with them. Just please…PLEASE no more pickle episodes. PLEASE.