I feel like not a lot happened in this episode, but a lot happened in this episode. If that makes sense. Nothing in the terms of action, but we learned a lot of things. But first let’s get sexy Chuchu out of the way.
- The girls go to a concert of the popular Eastern band, Tsurezure Ayatsuri Megunan, or Tsurezure for short.
- The bad guys have their eye out for Cyan, which Maple probably knows something about, and so does his rival in charge for Cristacristi. Bad guys want Cyan to improve and join their band to be the best in the world.
- We shortly meet the members of Tsurezure, the girls meet them afterwards.
- The girls note the band’s originality, and try their own part of originality.
- Rom and Syuzo indeed have a personal thing with each other.
- Moa is extremely homesick.
- SHINGANCRIMSONZ are even bigger dorks than I thought.
I guess the most important thing here, even though there isn’t much to say, is what the bad guys want with Cyan. Because, remember, she’s the “chosen one” and has a lot of talent, though she hasn’t completely awakened it yet. We just know right now they want her to join their band and take over Sound World, and that the manager of Cristicrista works for him, and Maple knows something. I don’t know if Maple is working for the bad guys as well and recruited Cyan on purpose, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Last week we looked into Retoree’s character, but now we had a little look at Moa. We don’t really know what kind of mission she’s on right now. All we know is that she’s supposed to observe Midi City and then return home with a report of everything. She’s really homesick, happily reading the message her mother sent her. She misses her mother and her home, but she loves Midi City. But she mostly loves music and her friends. She wants to go home, but she also doesn’t want to. Moa has a huge fascination with Tsurezure because of the kinds of songs they sing. They sing of songs of their homeland, because of how far away they are. Moa really connects to that message, and she’s absolutely in awe when she actually gets to meet the main singer of the band. I don’t know when Moa’s inner conflict is going to be resolved, but sooner or later she’s going to have to tell her bandmates the truth, even if it’s going to hurt.
SHINGANCRIMSONZ comes back, which made me super happy. Them staring at the girls when they were in their outfits, and then in the end putting gross stuff into their ramen and singing about it was hilarious. But I was right, Rom and Syuzo have a personal history with each other. It was touched on a little, but Rom and Syuzo were both in a band together in the past. And Syuzo rocking black hair instead of the present blonde! We don’t know how long ago this was, but somewhere along the way there must have been problems with their band and they had to separate, and this created some hostility between them. Well, mostly from Rom. And the separation seems to be by Rom, since Syuzo still awaits him to return. So there’s more characters I’m interested in. We haven’t seen much of Syuzo yet, so I’m curious to see whether he’ll become more important or not later on.
And I guess the most fun part of the episode was when the girls contemplated how to make their band more popular. They took notes when watching Tsurezure’s performance, and noted they needed more originality. Retoree’s version of originality meant their outfits, so the girls tried on many outfits, from bunny suits, to lolita, to skimpy gym clothes, to whatever the hell Moa was wearing followed by villainous laughter. She’s honestly becoming my favorite now.
This was a more slow episode, but I still enjoyed it. Even though it was a little slow, we got a lot of stuff thrown at us. And it was a major plus that our crimson boys came back because they’re just hilarious.
I had to laugh at the costume bit:
“Which one do you all think works best?”
“GAH! We weren’t looking! What are you talking about!”
Also the boys turning their theme song into a song about ramen (each of them overindulging in some sort of seasoning to the point of rendering it inedible) was similarly hilarious.
In other news, Moa has developed a surprising degree of depth that I had not expected out of her character when this series started. I’m liking her quite a bit, although still not as much as Cyan. It does seem to be… almost ironic that if Moa would be willing to trust Cyan and tell her about what’s troubling her and how she feels, Cyan could probably relate to those feelings better than any of the other girls. That feeling of homesickness, of being far away from the place where you belong, in a world that isn’t yours, unable to be with your family and the people you love, and yet still somehow really liking where you are and not being in a great hurry to leave… Those sorts of feelings are things I am sure Cyan shares. It might do both of them good to talk it out with each other; if either of them had any reason to tell their most closely-guarded secret to each other, of course.
What was even better is that they still did their poses in the end, but with the ramen bowls in their hands lol.
Oh yeah definitely. The both of them are gonna have to out their secrets some time, I think it would be most convenient for Moa and Cyan to tell each other. Also, their feeling of homesickness is something that they can relate to and grow even closer. Which would be good, since they are still slowly getting more friendly with each other. But yeah I was surprised they would give Moa more depth, I just thought she’d be the cutesy character only there to be…cute.
One thing also that I noticed for this episode was Megumi Han’s voice as the drummer of Tsurezure and the so-called “master,” and oh yeah Moa’s done as Doronjo from Yatterman for a major prop reference.
The ramen part was totally funny the crimson guys did their own version of the SHINGANCRIMSONZ theme. As for Cyan, I was wondered that what if she told her band mates that she was actually came from Earth and just went to Midi City because of her tough “secret mission” to save it from the bad guys whilst I just realize already about Rom and Syuzu being once together in the past, but I’d want to know more about it.
Felt sorry to Moa to the fact that she missed her mom so much but I’m sure that she’s very proud of her own daughter joining in a cool band like Plasmagica.
Moa has potential as a guest villian on Sailor Moon; the laugh’s pretty good.