In this episode, Amami’s friends play a bigger role while Amami faces some trouble with some of the ghosts, while also repaying them in the end.
This episode, Amami is plagued with nightmares from that perverted cat, wanting to see her panties. She comes to school drowsy, and when taking roll, the ghosts answer for Amami for her, but it’s not just one voice but a lot. She gets harassed by what we see a large group of fanboy-looking ghosts. Inoue takes her to the nurse’s office, where strange paranormal things such as objects in the room floating happens, but Amami gets a good rest. She explains to her friends that she had a better dream, where a samurai screaming “Heaven’s wrath!” saved her from the cat. Just then right outside the window, we see the samurai fighting the perverted cat. This time, Amami’s friends really can see the ghosts now because Uehara figured out that the ghosts can appear in pictures. So she’s constantly taking pictures of the ghosts in her school, and writing about them on her blog. This plays a bigger part in the episode later.
We meet another student who’s joining the group of friends, Yamada. He and some boys discuss how surprising it is that no one bullies Amami, which is actually what I pointed out last week. They think it’s because people are too afraid that they’ll get haunted if they do, but then they talk about who’s scarier: ghosts or humans? Yamada walks up to the girls and asks them this same exact question. We get varied answers from them. The next day, Yamada comes up to them with a rumor. It’s been raining lately, and there’s a rumor of a ghost girl with no face offering her umbrella to people who don’t have one. Amami then gets upset suddenly. She tells them that she actually walked with the girl the other day. She asked her something about eye strain (that’s a strange topic) and didn’t even know that they girl didn’t have a face when asking her, so she’s afraid she hurt her feelings. So the next day she makes those rain dolls for the girl as an apology, gives it to her, and they walk home together again.
Amami’s caring nature is shown throughout this episode. She really cared about each spirit, as she makes gifts for every single ghost she knows. She even makes a hat for the perverted cat! Amami treats these ghosts as real people, which I think is really sweet. Instead of being afraid of them, like pretty much everyone else is, she speaks with them, looks after them, and just like this episode is titled, she befriends them. Her kind nature proves grateful in the next mini segment.
Uehara gets a random phone call and email from someone she doesn’t know. But then they figure out the sender is from the “roll-call samurai”, naming him that after he tried to answer for Amami when she was sleeping during roll call again, but mixed up his words (also the one in her dream). Later on, he sends another email but one that makes sense. Amami met him and learned that he had starved to death, so Amami met up with him with a rice cooker full of rice and other food, and they shared a meal together. She was also kind enough to clean up his grave for him. Ever since then, the samurai has tried thanking her. He sends an email to Uehara, asking her to give her a present in his place, which were four-clover leaves. The friends go to the grave and get the leaves and give it to her. Later, Amami knits a scarf for roll-call samurai, and later on he sends a picture of himself to Uehara’s phone to show himself wearing it. All’s well that ends well.
It may be strange for a girl to bring food to a ghost. We think to ourselves, wait, ghosts can’t even eat because they’re dead. Well you think wrong. The thought is there, and she’s spending her time with him, and she was thanked in the end. Very sweet and funny episode. My only question is how was roll-call samurai able to call Uehara’s phone and send a picture to her?

Ah, this was wonderful learning about them all and introducing the boys we’ve seen in the opening/wandering around the class. Loved how Ogawa was humming the opening theme, but I do wonder why she finds her “servants” so comforting. I also enjoy how Uehara and Esumi had a connected dark past, rather than it just being one teasing the other about theirs. It was rather enjoyable and touching how they touched on every single ghost mentioned thus far, I didn’t expect that.
All in all a cute show and still fascinating too! I’ve been seeing that people enjoyed this episode a good deal more than the first 🙂 Can the same be said for you?
Yes I did! It’s not like I didn’t like the first episode, but I liked this one a lot more. I felt like this episode had a smoother pacing, not all over the place like the first. And I also enjoyed that they touched on all the ghosts so far.