I’m going to die from watching this show, I swear I am. I’m just so happy and I actually clapped at the end of the episode. This is just so…wonderful. I’m fuzzy and warm. Ahh…alright, let’s get to it.
First off, I want to say…SUNA. SUNA. SUNAAAAAAAA. Suna is the real MVP. He honestly is the Blue Ogre, but that also makes me worried because in the story, the Blue Ogre ended up alone. Will Suna end up alone too? No I don’t want that, I want him to be happy! Because he deserves it! Happy!
When they were at the park, the first time they met up to return her cellphone, Yamato asked Suna about Takeo. If he has friends, or a girlfriend. When she finds out that he doesn’t have a girlfriend, she’s actually really shocked. Like, really shocked. So shocked that he doesn’t because she thinks he’s super cool. Being so cool, she thought he already had a girlfriend. So when she found out he indeed does not, she got really happy and said out loud that she likes him, and that it’s okay to like him because he’s single. She was seriously gushing over him. Again, Takeo just can’t believe any of this. He reminds Suna that he once said Yamato was a nice girl, but he only said that because he really did think so, but not in a romantic way. Because when Takeo’s not around, she only says great things about Takeo. Because unfortunately, all the past crushes that Takeo had were awful girls. All the girls that he liked talked shit about him behind his back. Takeo didn’t see that, but Suna did. And when those girls confessed to him, he dumped them on the spot because who would want to date a girl that hates his friend? SUNAAAAAA. YOU WONDERFUL FRIEND. SEE, THAT’S A TRUE FRIEND. Since they were kids, Suna has always looked out for Takeo. Always. And these two fit that Red Ogre story to a T and it just warms my heart so much. I love Suna, I love Suna so much. But honestly I love everyone in this show. But Suna…you definitely are the manliest of men.
It’s then that Suna’s mom comes in, saying Yamato is here to visit him. He tells Takeo to hide, and he hides under the bed, but…the bed is in the air. But when Yamato walks in, she doesn’t even realize (how can you not?). She tells Suna that she cried in front of Takeo, because when he started talking about how great Suna is, she thought that was his way of turning her down by trying to get her with Suna. She starts crying again, and Suna asks if she’ll give up. She won’t, because she won’t meet anyone else like Takeo, and she says out loud that she really likes Takeo. Suna makes Yamato repeat that over and over, just to Takeo can finally fucking understand, and then he tells Takeo to get out from under the bed, so he could face her. And finally, holy crap this was fast, Takeo and Yamato properly tell each other their feelings for each other.
NOW LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING. I was worried about this show because of the misunderstanding. If you guys watched Kimi ni Todoke, namely the second season, you know how painful the misunderstandings between Sawako and Kazehaya were. They were so bad, and even though I love the show, I was getting so frustrated, because basically everyone but then knew that they liked each other, but they took fucking forever to tell each other. And when they finally did and called each other a couple, it was like I reached the top of a fucking mountain because man that was painful. But luckily in this show the misunderstandings were already resolved and they confessed! That was fast. But that makes me happy, because usually confessions usually don’t happen until the very end of the show, so we don’t really see the characters together. But with Takeo and Yamato confessing now, we can see where their relationship will flourish. Also, NO LOVE TRIANGLE. THAT’S THE ICING ON THE CAKE.
But yes, those werre really the highlights of the episode. The next day, the three go to the park, where Yamato made a thank you cake for Suna for helping them out. Aww. And it’s then that Takeo tells Yamato the story of the Red and Blue Ogre, and how Suna is really like the Blue Ogre. But Suna doesn’t think the Blue Ogre did anything all that amazing, because that’s just what friends do. And I just…*clutches chest* I can’t breathe. You can tell that he really cares for Takeo. We saw a few memories of them as kids, namely that Takeo gets up and personal, and Suna thinks it’s hilarious. Great friendships like this are my weakness. I already said this, but I love Suna. But I also love Takeo, and I love Yamato, and I love this show. I always look forward to this show every week, it gives me a good dose of fuzzies and happiness.
Like you said, I was expecting some Kimi ni Todoke-level misunderstandings from this anime. (Maybe not as extreme as the KnT ones were in season 2, but still a lot of misundersatndings.) I love KnT, but those eight-ish episodes of season 2 were painful. Good old Suna prevented that from happening.
I also loved the post-credit scene! Suna's laughter is so refreshing, and Yamato was so cute. I'm still not entirely sure what to make of her character, but she's growing on me.
I know this isn’t my week for this show, but I just had to say this. I’m not normally a big fan of romance shows. In fact, I can only think of a handful I even like, but jesus this show. My god I loved this episode. This is one of the most adorable things I’ve seen in years. Completely agree with you Berr!
KYA! This series just makes me heart melt. >v< SUNA FOR BEST GUY!
(is that a thing?)