There is so much going on, I don’t even know where to begin.
I believe it is justifiable to be either screaming internally or at the top of your lungs, “HOLY SHIT!!!”, “WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!?!?”, “WHAT IS GOING ON?!” a million times throughout the entire episode. There was so much shit going down, that this episode lived up and exceeded my expectations of the true hype I was expecting after last week’s extremely over-hyped episode.
This week, they didn’t waste a beat. It was an extremely fast paced, action packed episode. Less talking, more fighting. They did a good job focusing more on Yuuya’s and Selena’s fight than Shun VS Sora’s rematch as we had already seen them duel before. But I am starting to wonder if they will be interrupted at some point given what is unfolding right around the corner.
Let’s start off with the mind blown player of the week: Beserker!Yuuya
Okay so honestly, I don’t even know anymore. I was more or less confident with the indication we had received that it was Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon who was possessing Yuuya, but today, they made it very clear that it was Yuuto who took over- but strangely enough, Yuuto was struggling right off the bat. But then shit happens when the pendulum was swinging and Yuuya’s and Yuuto’s souls merged into one and frankly speaking, I have no idea who’s in control at this point. The only thing we do know is that the Dragons have SOMETHING to do with the possessed/berserk states, and we know enough that neither Yuuya or Yuuto would be maliciously grinning with glee awaiting to annihilate the Obelisk Force, so: Is it safe to assume that is Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon taking the wheel or is it truly their “inner darkness” as they constantly describe it to be? I mean seriously, a few minutes ago Yuuya/Yuuto were being beaten to the ground by the Obelisk Force and then the next, looked as if they flipped the immortal switch. Once they truly merged together, Beserk!Yuuya didn’t even FLINCH when he was hit by the direct attacks. He stood up as if he was a zombie, brushed off the dirt and returned them a malicious smirk that is ready to ‘play’ with his preys. Nevertheless, he is going to annihilate them next week and it won’t be pretty.
But as he goes ahead and pummels his opponents into the ground, he will have two witnesses watching from afar. It will be Mieru, who had came out to check up on Yuuya since the broadcast is still down and Gongenzaka who was looking for another opponent. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see Mieru entering the fray again. By choosing to have Mieru and Gongenzaka at the scene, it provides us a great opportunity for vital insight on what is happening to Yuuya. With Mieru, there is definitely a possibility her psychic powers will feed us the information we have all been craving for, and I believe Gongenzaka will provide us a level-headed insight of the duel unfolding before them.
While the chaos unfolds in the Ancient Ruins sector, Yuzu and Dennis have encountered Selena. Yuzu as expected questioned Selena whether or not she is Ruri, but quickly catches on that she is most likely someone else, and learns that she is her Fusion World Counterpart. On the other-hand, throughout the episode I found myself confused about Dennis character. But while I was doing the screencaps and re-watching some of the scenes, I managed to for most part, cleared up my confusion. There were times throughout the episode were I was puzzled by the way he was behaving and was briefly under the impression that he is aware of Academia, and he knows about the war between worlds- hell, for a second there I even considered the possibility that he was a refugee from the XYZ World- thankfully THAT was quickly debunked when he had drawn a Fusion Spell Card. But with so much going on, I had failed to catch the first time that Dennis had an escape route up his sleeve, but was distracted by the Obelisk Force who soon jumped into the scene and failed to react on time, resulting the quick victory Selena had desired after putting up with his shenanigans for so long. Whether or not his illusion act would have saved him and dragged on the duel a bit longer, we will never know. But the truth is, Dennis basically had shot himself in the foot early on by taunting Selena, failing to recognize that this girl is out to kill, not to play games with a foolish opponent such as he was purposely making himself out to be. He had a chance to XYZ Summon, but he decided against it since he knew at the very least Selena was misunderstanding something and it had to do with him being an XYZ Duelist. Frankly speaking, I am hoping we won’t have to see Dennis again any time soon, but with the Obelisk Force turning out in greater numbers than we had initially anticipated, they will probably need all the manpower they can get and Dennis will probably be one of them, if he isn’t sealed into a card by the Obelisk Force before then.
Speaking of the devils… The Obelisk Force showcased their ruthless brutality, revealing a good portion of how they had terrorized the XYZ World. The sickest part of all is how they aren’t even engaging in a duel, they flat out send out a monster, end turn and directly attack their targets and deliver true damage. On top of that, I have underestimated the numbers Leo had sent out with Sora in search to retrieve Selena while picking random targets on the whim while they are in the Standard World. But with that in mind, we were shown just how large Reiji’s operation team is as well. There were two members who I did not take into account to be under his wings- the two ninja characters whom we had seen a briefly (one of them being the one to have defeated Mieru during the second round). The ninjas today were the ones responsible for sweeping both Yuzu and Selena out of the scene and to safety while Reiji’s LDS Idol Force arrive at the scene to face off against the The Obelisk Force. Honestly, I am actually nervous for them and I hope they get out okay- otherwise… yikes. Reiji might be forced to improvise with the remaining competitors because while they may not be the strongest, they may very well be the only ones left standing to put up a fight- which by the look of it, those fated individuals are already slowing but surely coming together.
Next week Yuzu will have the opportunity to properly confront Selena and gain more information on the situation. I look forward to their interactions and how Yuzu will react to Selena’s explanations, as well as to how she will respond.
Before I wrap up this week’s entry, I would like to add one more thing that wasn’t quite relevant to this weeks’ episode, but may turn out to be next week. I have frequently noticed I have been overlooking Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon for a while now since Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon had stolen the spotlight (heck he is even being spoiled with new summoning animation sequences). I do find it relatively strange how quiet Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon has been (especially when he is Yuuya’s original ace), and as well as how easily he has been overshadowed by Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon’s presence. Out of all the dragons we have met so far, Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon has so far been the only one who hasn’t gone insane yet. I am curious to see whether or not there will be a reaction towards Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon when the two of them together will take form as The Rebellion Supreme King Black Dragon. (Can’t tell you how excited I am for it).
Random Note of the Week: Awkward moment is when Yuzu’s dad is the only one who is concerned about Yuuya and Yuzu.
This episode was so gorgeous to look at! I still stand by my question on why don’t they just get the good animation directors to work on every episode (because apparently judging by the preview, quality is going to take somewhat of a dip)? While Yuya’s duel was the most underwhelming (on behalf of his opponents) I kind of understand why though. I mean considering time constraints, it would take the duel longer if the Obelisk force actually did something. Though I’m more surprised they can attack on the second person’s turn. How the hell is that even fair? I’m kind of hoping Yami Yuya duels Meiru and Gong after this….to which they will probably beat him at expense of one of Meiru. Um….last two notes: 1) I want Serena’s deck!!!!! 2) Yuu, why you sound so beautiful?!!
The entire episode was eye candy! <3 <3 <3 Unfortunately if they have to rush through the production to meet the deadline or have a low budget for the episode the animation quality will dip. It's something every animation production goes through and considering this is a 100+ episode series, there are bound to be dips here and there. They'll touch things up for the DVD/BD editions (or at least that's what they usually do). It only bothers me when it's an IMPORTANT!!!! episode when the animation dips too much, but based on the preview I don't think it's something to be too concerned about.
There is definitely a possiblity for Mieru and Gongenzaka to end up dueling against Beserk!Yuuya, but considering the struggle and uh... insanity that is happening, I more or less expect Yuuya to pass out once the match is dealt with. Oh right, I forgot there is a third witness: Reiji. I wonder what he will think of this insanity.
I have seen people calling out on the Obelisk Force playing unfairly, but I think it's safe to say what they are doing is similar to what the douche knights were doing, otherwise they are an entirely different feature set up for their duel disk to allow them to deliver true damage whenever they wish.
YES I WANT SELENA'S DECK TOO! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH I WONDER HOW LONG WE'LL HAVE TO WAIT FOR HER CARDS TO COME OUT! TT_____TT It took Bloom Diva three sets before she debuted in Crossover Souls.
After watching this episode I realized that those two new magicians if you look up close seemingly resembles Yuya and Yuzu. Also seem like magician forms of Beast-eyes and Runes-eyes, which would make sense based on the Beast-eyes originally came from Yuya fusion where as Rune-eyes was first constructed out of Yuzu’s fusion card in episode 23.
I find it interesting with the fact that ever since Yuya ran into the plot it became extremely difficult to go through his ideals. He always believed that dueling was for the sole purpose of making people happy all until the first Shun vs Sora duel. Then Runs into his alternate counterparts fighting to death while possessed by alternate dragons. Wakes up 2 days from a coma he receive after absorbing counterpart for the expense of dueling a student who wins card games by beating the crap out of you. Tries to convince said student that he’s not dueling the right way only to end up failing by getting possessed by the dragon. But he finally seems to catch a break when Dennis shows up, only to be short lived the next episode by Witnessing first hand people getting carded then automatically turning Supreme King/Yami Yuya and cause him to hate them. Lastly, goes full berserk on everyone that stands in his way including friends.
It’s stuff like this makes me think that Yuya seems to have a sad life overall, it’s not even 50 episodes and he’s already at his darkside.
Being spared for the first 35 episodes just shows how much he was being spared from all this crap that is happening to him. ; v ;/ It is sad to see Yuuya struggle to follow through with his ideals. It makes you wonder how he is going to adapt to the situation and stay true to his entertainment style, There is a part of me that wonders if Yuuya is subconsciously rejecting the reality of the crisis and that is what is making him vulnerable to the situation. So many violent things had happened through Duels that goes against his ideals, he doesn’t want to accept it. This is of course a random theory, so even I take it with a grain of salt- but his ideals being crushed right before his eyes is probably one of the reasons to be triggering the Possessed/Beserk!State mode.
At this point, I think I can safely say I hate the writers for leaving us on cliffhanger after cliffhanger. But that’s why I am so eager to see the next episode.
There’s the attacking before everyone (ie: Yuuya) has a turn first thing again… Reiji, there is something wrong with your duel system B|
But I’m also glad that they focused more on Yuuya’s and Serena/Dennis’s duels than Sora/Shun’s. The second time they swapped back to it and Shun had three Force Strixes on the field, my first thought was “thank god we didn’t have to sit through him summoning all of those”. The names of Shun’s new monsters surprised me – “Fuzzy Lanius” and “Singing Lanius” – they’re kind of cute, don’t you think? I was expecting something more dramatic/actiony sounding from him.
It seems like half of Standard is using Fusion nowadays, so I keep wondering how much stock to put into the idea that Dennis is FUSION SCUM for having a Fusion card. Right now, I’m sitting on the idea that instead of “the enemy”, he might actually be a defector from Academia. He had that “just as I thought” thing when Serena pulled out her Moonlight Cat Dancer (argh, her archetype is so pretty!!!) and like you said, seemed to have an idea about what an “XYZ remnant” was. And maybe actually met Yuuya’s dad somewhere??? I wonder where he disappeared off to after the smoke bomb went off… not enough ninjas to go around.
And all of Yuuya’s faces at the end of the episode – he looks so bloodthirsty! Like he’s just waiting for the others to be done with their attacks (what manners, following the rules and all) before he can go and tear them apart. Yuuto had never acted like that, even when he was possessed by his dragon. I wonder how many weeks it’ll be until they show us what’s actually going on. And where Yuugo is during all of this.
At this point it’s SCREW THE RULES, because Academia plays dirty.
That would be interesting for Dennis to be a defector from Academia, but I won’t hold my breath for it to avoid setting up expectations. In fact, strangely enough, a lot of the people in the fandom thinks Dennis is Yuuri- which I find it totally bizarre and makes zero sense. On the other-hand, there have been some interesting point outs regarding the purple haired kid (the one on the right) from Reiji’s LDS Idol group. The speculation that is going around is that he is the one who is Yuuri in disguise- which I have to admit would be an interesting twist as Yuuri had a brief debut and haven’t been seen or heard of ever since.
And yes, I have to double-check Shun’s new monsters’ names because I had a hard time believing it the first time! They are cute names!
One of the reasons I found this speculation sounding possible, is the fact that this kid is the only one whose eyes are hidden by his hair. Everyone is all BISHIE looking, but this kid, mysterious. When I think about the reasoning for hiding his eyes, it would be to hide Yuuya’s eyes resemblance, minus the evil eyebrows.
I am a HUGE fan of Selena’s archetype, I can’t wait to start collecting/building them! <3 <3 <3 Ugh I wonder how long we will have to wait for their release though ; v ;||| I hope they will be featured in the Clash of the Rebellions Booster Box...
Yeah BLOODTHIRSTY BESERKER ON THE LOOSE! LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!! (seriously I can't get over how they insert that tag line when Yuuya is gonna bonkers). Here hoping Mieru will help but understand what is happening to Yuuya and Yuuto.
Lmao I still go “…wow.” whenever he goes “I summon Fuzzy Lanius” because.. wow. It sounds more like something from Sora’s deck.
I saw those theories too! I also think it’s more likely that Yuuri is the purple-haired AKaBa48 member than Dennis. Those points about his hair colour and face shape and hiding his eyes were interesting, but I’m trying not to put too much expectations on both since I’m still wondering how either work out with time details. How long has it been since Reiji formed that group of Idol Lancers? Yuuri was sent to Standard after Sora was summoned back in that duel with Yuuto if I recall correctly. The tournament has started already, is that enough time for Yuuri to go in and get into Reiji’s ~trusted~ response team? And Dennis should have been in the tournament since the beginning too…
I hope we see another one of Selena’s duels soon! None of the people around me duel anymore so buying the cards is really only for collection purposes for me now… and this is the first YGO series I’m following since DM so I’m super out of touch with the dueling meta nowadays whoops
Pffft, they’re having too much fun with Yuuya raging in that preview with that happy chipper music and that tag line – people have made graphics of that “THE FUN IS JUST BEGINNING” tagline over Yuuya’s berserker face and it’s just.. /crying laughter. Looking forward to seeing how Mieru and Gongenzaka deal with possessed!Yuuya up close.
Well there’s also the factor that Academia has the Dimensional Teleporter system installed in their duel disks, so they can go back and forth (or be dragged back)k so it would be possible for Yuuri to go back and forth. But as you pointed out, we don’t know when Reiji put together the LDS Idol Force, which could have been as the tournament went on rather than beforehand (since he is scouting for the strongest duelists after all!). But like you, I’m not holding my breath for it- but I will give major props to the writer for that sneaky sneaky twist if the purple haired kid IS Yuuri in disguise.
*SOBS* ME TOO. JUST COLLECTING THE CARDS BECAUSE I LOVE THE SHOW AND THE CHARACTERS AND THEIR DECKS. On that note, have you watched 5Ds yet then? TOTALLY recommended I loved that show, it’s produced by the same director as this series. You can watch it now on Subbed on Crunchyroll *bows down to CR for picking up license*)
The slogan “The fun has just begun” + Batshit!Yuuya = Priceless. I eagerly await for the Abridged Series folks will do when they reach this point.
YUUGO PROBABLY BROKE HIS D-WHEEL AND HAD TO TAKE IT TO A REPAIR SHOP. HE TOTES BROKE ONE OF THE CAMERA FEEDS OR AT LEAST A CCTV CAMERA AFTER CRASHING INTO A POLE (AGAIN). Can’t wait for him to return- I miss him so much, we need some good slapstick hilarity with all this doom and gloom going down. (Not that I’m complaining, MWAHHAHA CHARACTER ANGSTTTTT)
Huh… that could work. Especially if Yuuri has more control over his transporter than Sora does. Maybe the time constraint works out if Yuuri had been traveling back and forth already before the tournament and on one of his later trips back to Fusion, the Professor gave him an extra mission to find Yuzu or something? /wild guessing. And it would be could if it actually happens!
YES, being happy to have the cards because you like the characters and monsters so much! Too bad it gets so expensive though OTL I forgot how much they tend to cost before I started looking for them again.
And I have watched 5Ds! But it was really only the first ~60 episodes that I really enjoyed… the things that I liked about those arcs largely disappeared after that, and the rest of the anime really tended to drag on for me until the end. I still think of the first part of 5Ds pretty highly though.
IMAGINE THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENING. Reiji going “cut off that camera feed B\” and getting “sir, it’s already off… (but I don’t know why)” as an answer. And Yuugo at the repair shop lmao “why do you have a duel disk in your bike?” “WHO DOESN’T???”
*SOBS* SUCH AS DARK REBELLION XYZ DRAGON! ; ___ ; WHY MUST IT BE SO EXPENSIVE/HARD TO GET?! >_> I don’t even known if it’s worth buying a booster box or ten packs of special editions…….
I may have to wait as long as I had to do Black Rose Dragon ahahahahaha *SOBS* It was worth the wait though.
The first 60 episodes of 5Ds was definitely the best of it’s series, and then it dragged until the final Arc, which was quite good, I enjoyed it. But the Dark Signers Arc will forever be my fav. = v =
Okay, so I read the synopsis for ep 47….and without spoiling all I can say is YESSSS!!! Continued hype! I honestly didn’t expect these match ups to happen…well halfway. Things are hitting the fan!