First of all, I must say I was more favorable to episode 22 than Hideki. First of all, these new trion soldiers are designed to capture Trigger users, which makes it make far more sense, and the episode actually does do things to make them seem intimidating. I also like the use of strategy and tactics in how each side is working. While it is baby’s first shonen, that shows there is thought put into some aspects of the story.

Anyways, as for this episode, there’s more revealed as to what our enemies are going for, and plotting. Its told very simply, but it is at least interesting and showing strategy in basic sense.


The enemy is forcing a choice, either focus on protecting the civilians and risk getting caught by the Rabots, or fight in groups and let the mook trion soldiers attack the civilian areas. Neighbor has really no choice but to move in units. It shows at least Border is thinking and working in clear tactical measures.


We also see more elite squads, which is pretty cool.  We’ve seen them fight each other and their skills, so seeing how they handle these bad boys. They’re mote methodical, and working to take on the Trion soldiers, and hey, its pretty neat. We also get to know a bit more about the enemy neighbors from acto….whatever.


Welcome to the Not-katsuki. I know its mostly likely coincidence, but come on. A diverse bunch of people and personalities in a dark lit place, with black robed with red highlights. it has really big Akatsuki vibes from it. They argue, they squabble, and it seems a few are planning to go out at some poin later on, so we might see some cool fights later on.

At some point, naturally, Duckface pulls out his Black Trigger, and its OPness gives it the power to take down the monster Rabot. It clearly defines how powerful the black triggers are..and it shows part of the issues around using it.



Two squad members freak the crap out and attack Duckface because he’s a neighbor and that means he’s an enemy. While I can point out how stupid these guys are, having soldiers be panicky and stupid is sadly one of the more realistic things this show displays. And it brings up an issue for Duckface. Naturally, Osamu doesn’t like the plan to possibly put some in jeopardy who are the most safe, mostly because he wants to protect Chika. However, he has to understand the nature of the situation, and asks for permission to go and support them. They allow it (he’s only a B squad, and not that big), but Duckface cannot. His Black Trigger is an asset in this fight, and in this panicky, chaotic situation, people seeing him will freak out, thinking he’s an enemy. Basically, the two have to split. While I’m not that personally invested, I at least like characters that think rationally and make decisions and splitting up. Hopefully Osamu will actually get a chance to do something cool.

Also, the enemy bombs the main HQ with their huge blimp things. Neighbor manages to force them off, but again, its something that makes sense on both sides.  Naturally, the HQ would be targeted, and naturally they have their own defenses against it. And it did have a cool shot of Jn’s rival fighting them off.


Overall, not much happened in terms of plot twists or reveals, just individual moments that were..well handled.  The series is pretty smart, and this episode shows some of the good stuff it can do, but I don’t feel the same emotions as I do on other shows, and that makes it a bit…lifeless. Hopefully, while they’re handling things competently, they’ll make us actually care and have a bit more fun with the show later on.