This is getting really interesting.

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I’m writing this not having watched Episode 10 yet. I’ve got certain circumstances which involve me having to torrent directly using my university’s network from today until the end of the week. If I do get discovered, I’d rather not let them know I’ve encroached on their bandwidth to download borderline hentai. It’s not the reason Episode 9 is late though, I forgot I hadn’t done it yet. Sorry.

Shinmaou 9 Img007But yes, things are getting really good! I’m actually quite impressed by how they’ve managed to introduce what is presumably the season’s final boss, especially as there was a twist to the inevitable cliché of Mio getting captured by the enemy – Maria turned traitor. Or rather, she was never really on Mio’s side to begin with. I didn’t think they’d do something like this… Maria’s supposed to be the cheerfully lewd loli! It’s very sad seeing her like this, and it definitely explains that scene featuring her discussing something with Takigawa from last episode. Another thing I didn’t expect was that the reversal of the Master-Servant pact was fully intentional, and not in the sense that it would lead to sexy times that Maria could then film. Rather, it was engineered by Zolgia precisely because it would more easily lead to Mio’s mind breaking. What a douchebag. I think Maria’s only hope of returning to Mio’s side is if Basara somehow manages to free her mother, which I would like to think is the most important reason why Maria is fully subservient. I presume she does feel a bit of guilt inside over what she did to Mio. At any rate, it’s some surprising character development on her end – I don’t mind, but I was okay with her just being a lewd loli as well.

Shinmaou 9 Img006The irony is that Takigawa, or Lars as the other demon called him, is still very much a bro at heart even though he’s supposed to be a plain enemy. At least, again that’s what I’d like to think – maybe I’m seeing a good that’s not even there! He said all that stuff, but still brought Basara to the place Mio was being captured in the end – albeit knocked out, that is. It’s the easiest way of him still adhering to his orders and helping Basara out, as now the latter is exactly where he wants to be. Of course, it might actually all be a bluff and Basara’s fully working with Takigawa whilst pretending to be unconscious so he can do what he wants to once he’s in Zolgia’s hideout. This would probably be the better option, come to think of it – because if Basara is losing to Takigawa as he is now, he’s got no hope of beating anyone else, much less save Mio. Also, just a thought on the current Demon King – he sounds young, and I have a feeling he’ll want Mio to marry her instead of wanting to kill her. It would ensure their child is super strong, and sounds like a very typical evil king plan.

On top of all this real plot, we had lots of ‘plot’ involving best girl! Yuki is pretty emotionless most of the time, so it was great seeing a different side to her. Or listening to her, more like. Apparently she has a nice ass, or is into butt stuff or something. What a babe.

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Yuki why are you so perfect?

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Chris Marshall

    Since I saw episode 10 I guess I’ll say this as a general question. If Takigawa is helping him (99% he is)….why? I mean sure he’s technically “friends” with basara, but its just weird to just go against your demon-kind just for a male bro-friend he made out of a whim. My hopes is that after this he still wants to be Mio’s observer so he goes and lives with Basara, adding himself to the harem and Maria becoming the Opra of Master Pacts “You get to pact with Basara!” “You get to pact with Basara!” “Now You get to pact with Basara!”-just to add to her amusement. But no no…realistically speaking, I’m guessing Takigawa has closer ties with the current demon king or is somehow related (or at least by association) to Mio, hence why he’s helping Basara.

    1. Vantage

      I now have access to Episode 10, and will be watching it ASAP!

      It might be because he does think of Basara as a friend, and that’s more than he could ever have with Zolgia and the rest of the demons. He feels like someone whom Zolgia would think of as expendable, and so Takigawa would actually be better off in the long run with Basara. But yes, maybe he does have something to do with Mio. It would make more sense, and that would mean Takigawa and Maria have mirroring roles.

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