So wow. Finally. Know how you see that one girl with the blue hair in the opening? You know, the music chick? Yeah well, I guess they finally deemed it necessary for her to show up. You know…. 9 episodes in. For the past few episodes I was actually sitting here wondering to myself if they kind of just…forgot about her. It seems they haven’t. They were just taking their sweet time getting to her. So how does her debut look? Let me tell you.
So the episode begins with our 4 main characters on a skype call
Oh, sorry, my bad. A “SKIP” call.
They’re discussing how the game’s coming along and how they’re not going to be able to go much further without music, but Tomoya doesn’t know any music people.
It’s then that his cousin shows up unannounced in his house, letting him know that she’s going to be staying there for a while because she ran away from home.
He teases him with her sexiness and also is a general pain in the ass to him. And it makes me laugh.

The girls find out that he has a sexy cousin living with him and all go into crazy jealous mode. Especially the black haired chick
This chick’s cute but she is SCARY in yandere mode.
The rest of the episode basically consists of the cousin tormenting Tomoya such as throwing out a bunch of his anime stuff and offering to take him to meet girls.
We find out that she’s in a band (huh. what a coinkydink) and she plays the music exactly the way that Tomoya imagined the video game would sound. The episode ends with him asking her to be a part of his game….and naked. because why not

and that’s where the episode ends.
This episode…..I have to say was one of the less painful ones. The main reason for this is because the cousin is busy tormenting Tomoya and he doesn’t have the opportunity to be creepy to anyone else. And I like this.
Some of the things the cousin does, (barging into his place, throwing out his valuables) If this were a normal person, I would actually feel bad. But because it’s this guy. This guy who has caused me so much pain and frustration over the past 9 episodes, I actually find it very therapeutic and like karmic justice.
This character is very laid back, and, even though she probably wants his dick, it’s in a relaxed, non-competitive way. If she gets his dick, she does, if she doesn’t, she doesn’t. However she gets to fuck with him and it’s hilarious to see him pissed off.

With this sort of turn around it’s actually making this show bearable. Seeing someone knock this guy down a peg is fantastic. I don’t know if she’ll keep this disposition or become his bitch, but I hope the latter doesn’t happen.
Here’s the thing. This show wraps up next week. I do NOT see how this can end. I think they’re going to HAVE to do another season or a “read the manga” style ending. Because there’s no way they can wrap this all up by next episode. There’s just no way.
At the very least though this episode was enjoyable. At least Tomoya wasn’t able to act as much of a douche as he usually does.
Not a fantastic episode, but better than average. Also, THANK YOU for FINALLY bringing in the music chick. only…. 5/6 of the series is over.
Episode 6.5/10
While I enjoy the show leaps and bounds more (the benefits of being relatively new to anime?) I must say that this episode was just as refreshing for me as it was for you. Musical, energetic, level-headed… Yeah. She’s good. I’m actually hoping they’ll carry her theme of “war on otaku” further. Aki’s definitely way too developed in that area.
More than that, I hope she provides balance to Aki in a different, more direct way than Kato. Kato’s impact is probably for the long haul, but Michiru dealing with real problems, not having some sort of unpleasant past history with Aki, being the ribbon that’ll tie his “gift” to the dating-sim world together with her music, and just being a family member, yet his complete opposite, all under one roof… Yeah, I can see a lot of potential for growth due to her. If episode 00 was any indication, she doesn’t become tame/reserved/refined with her stance towards Aki like the other girls.
As for the episode count, I wouldn’t at all be surprised if they announced a split-cour for this. In fact, it’d make all the sense in the world. The best note episode 12 could leave off on is, say, the first fully complete and perfected scene in their game. Heck, in that case it’ll probably be the scene with the heroine standing atop the hill as the hero looks up at her. So we’d have a sense of finality in terms of the team finally being complete, but be anticipating more because the real game making starts then.
For the record, is it just that the emotional decisions the characters make at times aren’t 100% logical that bothers you, or do they just seem to have no sense at all to you? Like last episode with Tomoya and Eriri taking stabs at each other before agreeing to work together and leaving their differences aside for another better time.