Okay, so I do I explain my emotions? Through the entire episode I was sobbing how beautiful it was and was thanking Dennis for preventing Yuuya from being overtaken by the darkness, but then the preview comes around and… the way Dennis is behaving around Yuzu is making me suspicious of him. I can’t help but question his motives because Yuzu is my baby. I AM CONFLICTED! DAMN YOU PREVIEW!
But for now let’s pretend the preview didn’t happen, because it’s the only way to honestly convey my thoughts.
Dennis is an entertainment duelist from LDS Broadway. He is a fan of both Yuuya’s and his father’s performances and had always wanted to have the chance to duel with him. Given that wish he had, I would say it was well worth the 2000 LP penalty that was inflicted due to “interfering” with an on-going duel. The reason why Yuzu was not penalized was because she was already locked in a match, where as Dennis wasn’t. This entertainment duelist just wants to be magnificent and it was hilarious to see him cover two of the balls of fire that the grunts have been repeatedly abusing (seriously, I can’t even accept them as action cards at this point, I mean- HOW MANY FLAME BALL SPELLS ARE THERE?!), actually delaying Yuuya from using an Action Card which he used later. But the highlight of Dennis’ role today was keeping Yuuya grounded. As a fellow entertainment duelist, he understood what Yuuya was afraid of. And when Yuuya needed that re-assurance the most, it was Dennis that called him out, telling him that it’s going to be okay.
This is what caught my attention though. During Yuuya’s previous duel, we have seen Isao attack Yuuya relentlessly, but at the time we weren’t given the opportunity to see what was going through Yuuya’s mind throughout the duel. So I found it was iconic for Yuuya to have used the Red Angel and the Red Devil Pendulum Monsters to Pendulum Summon, because it was essentially what he was fighting against. We knew what Yuuya’s fear was, it was succumbing to the darkness, and perform viciously as the Red Devil. It suggests that there’s possibility that it is his subconscious fear/insecurity is what makes him vulnerable to being possessed. If that is the case, it would make a lot of sense in a way because surely, despite their cool under-fire demeanor, both Yugo and Yuuto surely have fears and insecurities of their own that involves their survival. So the dragons’ possession (which was confirmed today) implies two possibilities: it’s a defense mechanism with the intentions of protecting it’s wielder, or they are simply going berserk for whatever reasons, and the moment their wielder is vulnerable they exploit that vulnerability.
I was so proud of Yuuya overcoming the darkness and mustering up the courage to summon Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon. Out of all the duels, I would say this is probably Yuuya’s most vulnerable moment because he is bearing so many emotions. Yuuya finally understood Yuuto’s wish, and made up for the dark act he previously had. It was incredibly emotional for me because it was so beautiful. Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon has an intimidating appearance and power, but with Dennis’ help, Yuuya was able to let Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragons shine in a different light. Oh goodness, I wish both Shun and Yuuto had been able to see it. (YUUTO WOULD BE SO PROUD! *GROSS SOBBING*)
Speaking of the devil, it appears that the Knights of Duels are not done with Shun just yet- or so that’s what the preview implies- unless they pick a fight for the second time. But the fandom wasn’t exaggerating when they have been describing Episode 44 to be shit storm. Surely enough Sora will be back next week, and will be picking a fight- but the question is: with who? If he sees Yuuya, will he eliminate him first for having interfered with his duel against Yuuto or will he go straight to Shun (because that’s his personal top priority)? Either way, it’s time to brace ourselves because it looks like a lot of things will be happening with many of the characters.
my bias the best for last, QUEEN Yuzu! She finally was given the opportunity to make her Pendulum Debut and she was super ecstatic. However she wouldn’t have won had it not been for Gongenzaka having taken both hits, not realizing the second would eliminate him from the duel leaving Yuzu to a 2 VS 1. However with a little bit of luck that most if not all Yu-Gi-Oh protagonists are blessed with, Yuzu made the draw of destiny and pulled a quick-play magic card that quickly turns the game into her favor. With that she eliminates the first student, and then uses a second quick-play magic card (Defusion). So proud of her and Gongenzaka! Once the duel was over she gives Gongenzaka two Pendulum Cards telling him to take it since it was a Tag-Duel. Initially Gongenzaka didn’t want to because he had lost and that’s just his style, but Yuzu persuades him and he takes the one that he had made the bet with- and I’m glad because Gongenzaka earned it.
You should check tumblr after this episode, everyone was calling Yuzu Queen/Goddess of Duels XD, I know the episode was supposed to be about Dennis and Yuya but to me Yuzu stole the spotlight, I swear, when we are watching live and Gongenzaka lost I thought: “Fuck, they are trying to hype the international duelists, there’s no way Yuzu will defeat 2 duelist with more lp [Olga: 2600 and Halil: 4000] in one turn, specially because it’s YGO, they never let the girl win in a tag duel with a man”
And boy, I was wrong, so wrong, Holy Sh*t, Yuzu subverted like a bunch of stereotypes against girls in YGO franchise, I was screaming my lungs of, she looked so cool and the music that played when she Pendulum Summoned gave me the goseembumps!Kyayaaaaaaaa!*¬*
Ahem, sorry for that, my bias and love for Yuzu ins unparalleled after this, she not only defeated a man in a serious duel, but she defeat 2 opponents in 1 turn! She’s really related-not-really with Shun MWHAHAHAA, OTK must run in their dimensional family XD*kicked*
Yeah, I found really weird and upsetting the way Dennis is invading Yuzu’s personal space on the preview, thankfully it’s YGO, so it won’t turn into a rape scene, but it still made me very uncomfortable, I hope he isn’t a two-faced asshole, at least when his VA gave a interview he didn’t give any signs that his character would be like that so who knows, I hope it’s just a bad case of not knowing personal space or else the fandom will kill him ^^’
So… In short, Yuzu, kick his ass.
Yeah, Dark Rebellion is a dick, while Odd Eyes only tries to help Yuya and have fun Dark Rebellion tries to destroy things, and speaking of Odd Eyes, poor Dragon, he didn’t appear at all in this episode, another surprise, he must be crying in the corner HAHAHA XD
Well, Dennis made me laugh a lot with his stupid antics, but after seeing the preview I have mixed feelings if I liked him or not(again, Yuzu bias), I hope he isn’t really a creep as him and Yuya has a good synergy.
LOLOL, Sora you’re supposed to find Serena not to go after Shun, the fusion people really have a problem to obey orders isn’t that right?XD
Hahahaha I have to avoid Tumblr on Sundays till whenever the subs are released because the spoilers flooding everywhere! XD I have been checking out the tags, waiting to reblog all Queen Yuzu GIFS Sets there are bound to be.
They are doing such a great job with her character in this series, I just hope they can continue to deliver till the very end because she is too good to be cast aside.
But in all seriousness, if Yuzu needs to kick Dennis’ ass, she will. Count on it. She kicked Sawatari’s ass, so I am sure she’ll kick him too if necessary. Hopefully he isn’t two-faced as we fear him to be… OTL||| but it does look like he’s going to be an ass next week.
Well that makes Clear-Wing Synchro Dragon a dick too then. XD I think, if it’s intended to be a defense mechasim, the Dragons could just be doing it the wrong way, following their nature/instincts that what their wielder wants. It’s like putting them in their best interest, only to backfire. On the other hand if it’s simply because they are going bonkers, then we will have to wait any see how we feel then
Sora doesn’t give a shit about orders, he does what he wants, when he wants.
You know what the best part was? Yuya didn’t use a single action card. Sure it was due to being attacked by the Ryouzonpaku jerks and being interrupted by Dennis but it is a step in the right direction. Hopefully he will also learn from Dennis since Dennis has many monsters whose effects negated the action cards used.
Yuzu Pendulum summoning, then Fusion summoning, then Defusing her monster was good to.
Yup, but to be fair he only had to do what, one turn? XD So the major trial of the lack of action cards will be saved for another day! ONE DAY, ONE DAY YUUYA WILL STOP RELYING ON ACTION CARDS AND LEARN HOW TO NEGATE ATTACKS ON A REGULAR BASIS LIKE THE GOOD OLD DAYS.
This episode really showed us that you can’t always depend on Action Cards, just as Yuzu’s was negated by her opponent’s monster effect.
Well still doesn’t really change the fact he was trying to rely on them. I just want to see him do one duel that isn’t an Action-duel, and I’ll be happy!!! Dennis…I’ll say his deck is more convenient to the show than anything since its been a thing in YGO for characters to include random effect damage dealing cards and cards that negate effect damage in their decks (though IRL no one ever uses cards like that unless its ChainBurn or DDD).
LMAO AGREE! Nothing more convenient that a ChainBurn gobbling up all the Flame Balls. XD
Well I just got done talking to someone who claims Yuzu and Gong are being carried throughout the tournament/show and that Yuya deserves all the praise and they shouldn’t even be there….and puts both of them on the same annoyance level of Shivers kid (believe me, their reasons of why they hate Gong and Yuzu are pretty dumb as there’s more). Boy-o-boy did I intelligently rip into them for saying that. In retrospec, De-Fusion is now an applicable staple in Melodious decks. Even in the show since Yuzu could always just re-fusion summon them using her Soprano. I’m glad she actually used a card like that, OTK potential right there. Also I got to say, Olga’s Synchro summon techno-OST was pretty cool. Glad we get to see the disney-duo in the next ep…though moreso Olga than Hali personally….I’m in a happy mood now~If anyone is aware of the price of it, I just pulled of Nekroz of Brionac out of my box of Secret Forces that came today ^_^
Yeah Yuzu using her De-Fusion Card was the BEST THING they did. It wasn’t an ass pull, it is both a believable and strategic scenario! I have seen many people to be pleased that Yuzu’s deck is something we can build and use because it has enough to stand on it’s own- maybe not for local/major tournaments, but at least just for fun.
LUUUUUCCKKYYYYYY! Secret Forces is the first ever Booster Box I ever bought (best decision i ever made, I actually regret not pre-ordering two ahahaha), I didn’t get Brionac, but I did managed to snag at least Valkyrus, who it appears to be under-appreciated since the hype is all around Brionac and Trishula! TT v TT I have heard that Nekroz of Brionac (or was it Trishula or both) were short-printed- and a lot of people are upset about that because, WE ALL WANT TO BUILD THE ULTIMATE NEKROZ DECK!!!!!!! It doesn’t help that the price of the box just SOARED plus ten dollars, even higher in other stores the minute it came in stock. The Ritual Beast Tamers are also something I would like to build/collect.
Brionac and Trishula are both short printed. Trishula is apparently only one in every 3 boxes while Brionac is one in every 5. So if we want to get technical with pack amounts, there’s only a 2.2% of pulling a Brio and a 7.2% chance of getting a Trish. But Valkyrus is a pretty good pull (even price-wise as he’s the second most expensive being $65 floating right behind freaking Brio at $150). I initially wanted to also do a Nekroz deck (I have weird card crushes of Trish and Valkyrus….of all reasons) but to make a complete deck is over….$600 (though people say it even pushes past $800) so yeah….heck naw. I’m just sticking to Ritual Beast Tamers honestly as they’re now better with the Ulti-Kannahawk loophole and more budget friendly (if it weren’t for that $22 Emergency Teleport that the deck needs 3 of….) I seriously lucked out with this one, since I pre-ordered for around $65 + free shipping. Though since I’m not doing Nekroz, unfortunately I’m selling Brio since 1) I’m kind of low on money for artschool supplies 2) Most likely Nekroz will drop in price somewhat next banlist when they get hit.
At this point I think I’m just buying cards to collect them….like there’s Spirit Beasts, I’m currently doing Melodious, and I have a full GHostrick deck, all it needs is Ghostrick Dorklord that gets released in the US this April….even Unicore Raccoons (probably first to go if the HP Lovecraft cards aren’t released in april). Gaaahh!! If there were only people around me who were nice that played the game.
TT ^ TT Such a pity it’s so bloody expensive. DAMN YOU NORTH AMERICA KONAMI!!!!!! *SHAKES FIST* Yeah, people are already dreading the possibility of them being banned.
You’re lucky to get free shipping, I can’t find any online deals within Canada that offers the best price + free shipping (unless it’s over 500$, which is ridiculous =_=). Amazon from time to time might have something, but the odds are against me.
; ____ ; Awwww that’s such a shame. Hopefully the price will drop later on so that you could get it again.
Yeah I pretty much collect them since I have no one to play with ahaha *SOBS* I tried to persuade my family but they were like, “WTF are you talking about, this is too confusing!” So most of the time I am building the decks and I end up just staring at their pretty art for hours.
De-Fusion is honestly one of the more easier ways to get a special summoned Elegy/Aria on the field. Even moreso if both were used to summon Schuberta. After you use Schuberta’s effect, special summon both of them and get your field locked.
Another fun thing about Yuzu’s victory was that she realistically had a high chance to pull a card to give her the win if she got another monster to attack for game, and she could have beaten Halil on her own in their duel considering Soprano can fuse with material that are on hand and then de-fuse latwr, she didn’t need the pendulum summoning at all, but it was still cool ^^