Oh Mikado, Izaya and Shizuo where the hell to I start…..well let’s start at the beginning. That’s a good place to start. So, we pick up with where we left off at the end of last episode. Celty being chased by a biker gang and a few people left over from the yellow scarves. Dotachin comes and saves Mikado, Anri and…uh, what was his name again? Izumi? Wait, no that’s something I need to talk about at the END of the episode. Aoba, alright. There we go, that’s his name.
There’s a huge chase going on, Kodota’s group and Celty meet up and they arrange to stop what’s going on. Celty goes to fight as Kadota tells Anri, Mikado, Aoba and the Orihara siblings to run. Mikado and Anri…..run back towards the conflict.

Also in this time, we see a lot of how the relationship between Celty and Shinra has evolved between season one and now. It’s so cute, like if you didn’t squeal like an idiot when they bump heads later in the episode. You have no heart or soul! NO HEART!


Meanwhile, Celty is beating down the bikers and is soon joined by Ruri, dressed in a suit of armor assuming the role of Hollywood and Egor, who has been taken over by Saika. Apparently while they were at the karaoke bar and he touched Anri on the shoulder, Saika discreetly cut into his hand and possessed him.
He tells Celty to take care of Anri, so she goes to leave but not without giving them two large bits of advice. First, if they saw any Traffic Cops, run, there was a monster among their midst and even more importantly. Do not pick a fit with someone dressed like a bar tender no matter what.


Uh, kind of late on that one Celty.

So she takes Anri, Kadota and his gang take Mikado and they leave.

Then we return to skipping around in time a bit, first off we learn about the Orihara twins plan to meet Celty. They could have Egor pose as something to be transported and have him brought back to Celty’s lair where he would call them with the location. That ended up being a total failure. Also, is it just me that finds a Russian Assassin pretty much working as the twins cook/maid for this scene kind of amusing?

So, then we cut to some down time for Celty in which she thought she’d learn how to cook. She went to ask Anri but Anri’s not much of a cook, so they went to Erika. Japanese cooking is beyond her, so Anri suggests Mika Harima and so Mika, Celty, Erika and Seiji are all sitting around cooking.
They get to a part in the meal where the fish needs to soak over night and that leaves them without anything to eat for dinner. So Shinra suggests a hot pot. Not just with the people who were there, but to invite all of their friends.

So EVERYONE [minus two] is invited over to Shira’s for a hot pot party. However, the two that weren’t invited, Izaya and Namine are left to their own scene. In which Izaya asks her if she would like a hot pot and she turns him down, if he was seriously bitter that everyone was invited but him or if he really didn’t care is up to your own interpretation. However, I think it was first the best. Since Shizuo was there that he wasn’t invited. We wouldn’t want the hot pot party turning into a total brawl now would we?


There’s a lot in this scene I could talk about, Namine’s intentions, Izaya’s intentions. The slow web that is being weaved but overall, the most important part of the episode of all comes right at the end of the episode. We cut to Aoba in a abandoned building, relatively similar to the warehouse at the end of last season. Telling some people we don’t know the story of what happened in Kadota’s car. Mostly about Mikado’s reactions.
His interest in Mikado, his knowledge of the dollars. The name ‘Izumi’ and how it reminds him of his brother. Also, he’s out to get rid of Izaya. Sorry to tell you Aoba, you best keep your hands off my babu or I’ll find a way to jump into this show and cut you.


This is only the smallest of summaries of everything that happened in this episode, I feel like this episodes title should of been something akin to “The plot thickens” the episode or, “How Hot Pot brings friends together.”….I want hot pot now, I think I understand why Izaya would be jealous. It’s not because of the friends, it’s because the food sounds so dang good.
I am so hyped for next episode, I love this show so much all the time. So many layers and so much intrigue and it all seems so confusing right now but it will all make sense in the end. Season one gave me the exact same feelings and I just can’t wait for more!
