I don’t even know what I would do this season without Yoru No Yatterman. Once again, this week has been one of disappointment and blah. However, as hoped, Yoru saved the week. But I should probably tell you what happened. so, here you go.
The episode starts off where the last one left off. They’re inside the blind girl’s house and they’re in the process of being hugged and “seeing” what they look like with her hands.

while she goes to make dinner it’s about this time that her male childhood friend comes home and sees these people in her house. He freaks out, but sees that she’s fine. They introduce themselves but that’s when the Yatterman show up looking for them.

The guy decides to hide them and, to hide their presence, throws their old clothes in the fire. Convinced, the Yattermen leave and we find out that both the girl’s and his parents were killed in an accident in the capital of Yatterman because they were forcibly taken to work there. They all eventually go to sleep except for the boy who spends the night working on clothes to replace the ones he destroyed.
The next morning they depart early and he gives them the clothes he’s been working on.

A while after they leave but the blind girl realizes they left, and unable to accept that, runs after them. The boy follows her trying to stop her, but they are set upon by the yatterman.

The doronjo hear his scream and realize they have to go back and help them.
Meanwhile the yatterman give the boy an ultimatum. Tell them where the Doronjo went, or they’ll blow up their house with them inside it.

Then, at the nick of time, the Doronjo show up and save them. They do this by summoning a GIANT DYNAMITE MECH that blows up their bird mech. not even joking.

And, during the explosion, they all escape.

The episode ends with them agreeing to take the two to the capital of Yatterman with them.
And honestly, albeit not too heavy of a plot episode in terms of moving things forward, this was also, a really good episode.
This episode seemed to focus a lot on the boy, however, even then, it was still good. We learn about his hardship dealing with his dead parents and having to take care of the blind girl (and also having a huge crush on her because obvious crushes are obvious)
I don’t exactly know what they’re planning on doing with these 2 added to the group. I don’t know whether they’re going to stay, or they’re going to leave the group once they reach the city, or they might even die. I have no idea what’s going to happen with these two. However, I’m actually interested to find out.
One thing I can say about this show is I never get bored with it. There’s never a minute when I go “damn, i could be watching something else.” I could literally marathon these same episodes over and over. I love the characters, i love the story, i love the art, i love everything.

The thing about this show is, I really can’t describe much of the things about it because a lot of it is FEELINGS. A lot of it is stuff you have to feel for yourself. It’s hard to explain it as you have to be in THAT MOMENT. otherwise, you lose the importance. I never usually say this this early in the series, but I SO recommend if you are going to watch ANY series this season, watch this one. There is only one way I can see this series ending badly, and I’m pretty sure they’re not going to go that route. (knocks on wood)
By far this is not only favorite show of the season, but more than even last season. The show is just something you have to experience yourself. We’re only at episode 3 so you have plenty of time to catch up.
Even with the addition of these two new characters i haven’t lost any of the interest. And now that they’re officially headed to Yatterman city, i’m even MORE excited.
Come on Sunday! Are you here yet?!
Episode 8/10