Seriously, I don’t even need to write this review. The title of the episode is LITERALLY all that happens this week. What’s that? You want SPECIFICITY?…Why?
Oh well fine, I guess this IS a review so um…pfff. Here we go I guess.
The episode starts off with the french chick (Chloe) really upset for some reason, but she won’t tell anybody what it is.

All of her friends soon notice that she’s sad. Because you know…this is Girlfriend, and if every single person is complacent and ambienly filled happy, then something’s up. So everybody begins to snoop on her to find out what’s wrong.

Finally the gymnastics girl calls in that favor from the first episode when she returned the picture (holy shit they remembered that?) and uses it to find out what’s wrong.

It turns out that Chloe has to move back to France because her father says it’s too dangerous in Japan.
Too dangerous in Japan?! Have you SEEN this show? Like…I don’t think anyone’s SWATTED A FLY this whole series. The closest thing we’ve gotten to violence is this episode covering a girl’s mouth when she was saying something embarrassing. I literally do not think there is a safer anime to be in. I seriously think your life expectancy here is like 100..and you’ll be hot no matter how old you are.
So the girls think “Hey, lets show her father how safe it is” and they make a movie and write a letter in french telling him how safe it is.
However, they learn that after all their effort, it doesn’t work and the father still wants her to come home.
Devastated, the main girl talks to her father about him. And basically responds with “Well that sucks, but instead of finding a solution, just deals.”

So they decide to throw a big going away/christmas party for Chloe since they can’t stop her from leaving.
they get everything all set up, but then her father shows up.

The girls ask him why he thinks that Japan is so dangerous. and…pff. He says its because Chloe told him about the dangerous things that happen around new years in Japan. Which she mistranslated. Because she’s an idiot.
They clarify that she’s wrong and she doesn’t have to leave.
That’s fantastic. So basically the father wasted all this time, money, and energy to come up status quo because your daughter can’t ask for clarification. GG show, GG.

And that’s basically where the episode ends.
Ugh. I can see what this episode was trying to do. It was showing that even though you can’t change some things sometimes, you just have to let things go, but also you can make those final memories happy. BBUUUTTT That entire point is made moot by 2 things.
- The fact that she DOESN’T have to leave and she gets to stay after all despite the entire episode with no real mind change, just claificiation.
It was all just a misunderstanding.
See, there was no change the characters made the father through or show that the daughter loved it so much there she’d do anything. He basically just thought Chloe would be beaten on New Years. And they’re like “um, no that’s stupid.” and he’s like “oh okay, then, never mind” this entire episode could have been clarified with the father asking the principal for clarification (Because, oh yeah, he speaks Japanese too)
I like how everyone came together to help, but it was a moot point. It was not needed. It was a simple thing that could have been cleared up. It did not need to be the plot of the entire episode. Besides, it made them bring back Two hair colored chick!

This wasn’t a fantastic episode, or really a good episode. Once again, it was filled with “Meh”. It was even more unnecessary than usual and I feel like it wasted my time. (Once again more than usual)
So um……meh?
Episode 5/10