Well it looks like it’s that time again. Time to talk about “Toribe Kuru Kuru” (as they call it in Japanese).

So what’s the topic of this week? As of last week they were invited to dance road, so I assume they’re practicing. But the question is, what’s the big deal about practicing this week?


Ah yes. picking a center. That’s the crux. For those of you who don’t know, the center is the person of a dancing group who is literally in the center and the other people in the group dance around them usually making the theme of the dance based around them. A few of the people offer to be the center with some pretty funny results

Not gonna lie, that would be horrifying, yet also very amusing.
Not gonna lie, that would be horrifying, yet also very amusing.

Of course Haneru wants to be the center because well, he’s got Shonen main character syndrome. So basically a lot of the episode is him getting better through training and time passage montages.

We're gonna need a dancing montage! montage!
We’re gonna need a dancing montage! montage!

The sad thing to say about this episode is, there really isn’t much to say. he wants to be center, he trains a lot. That’s really about it.

And of course, he eventually becomes center. Because he’s center on the poster for the show so it only makes sense. This way they don’t have to change the posters they use to sell this show.

You ARE the main character after all
You ARE the main character after all

And that’s when we get to see their awesome CGI dancing, which, in their defense is actually pretty cool looking. TRIBE cool looking as it were. haha ahhh….. yeah. special place in hell for me.

My special level of hell will definitely be in CGI
My special level of hell will definitely be in CGI

And that’s basically the end of the episode.

Okay, yeah i missed a scene where Haneru met up with the cup and ball jerk guy from before but ehhhhh it’s not important.


Honestly, this is one of those episodes where’s not a lot to talk about as a lot of it was just training and montaging, but at the same time it was a nice episode. It was somewhat amusing and there were some good parts of it but at the same time it’s one of those episodes that, if you were to have skipped it, you really wouldn’t have missed anything whatsoever. Unless of course you count Haneru straining his back comedically important to the plot…. Cause I really don’t.

Tee hee....still not important
Tee hee….still not important

Still, if you want the full experience, this episode won’t piss you off, but sadly, if you’re looking for episodes with plot advancement or revelations, you’re not going to see it in this one.

Episode 6/10
