Everyone in Division 2 is safe, no one died, and to easily sum it up, Akira and Michelle captured the cockroach/grasshopper hybrid.

Michelle is so uptight, but she’s really admired Akira and owes her life to him for saving him. She even called him her friend when she was yelling at the terraformar before Akira had crashed next to her. Calling him a great man and a pig bastard after was very much like her. Once the roach was captured, Akira took everyone to the site of where their vessel crashed. The roof was blown off, they won’t be able to fly in it anymore, and it’s pretty beat up. But, the technology still works, and they can still drive in it after Alex and Akira changed the tires, to where they had a fun exchange with the girl that loves food, trying to get at her so they can peek at Michelle when she was changing.

But the main focus on this episode was on Division Russia. We got a look into Asimov’s past. His daughter who’s currently pregnant right now is inflicted with the virus, and is in the U-NASA hospital. So he has a personal vendetta with these roaches. The only death from this group is Ivan’s sister. Everyone else has taken their medicine, and a fight ensues. It’s easy to say, they won.

tf7.20Asimov’s animal is a king crab, so the arm he lost before has regenerated. I think he looks pretty cool, he’s got giant claws for arms. His body is the same strength as a crab’s shell, so no matter how many of the roaches punch or club him, it barely does a scratch on him. He’s taking out roaches one by one, calling them disgusting creatures and whatnot. Obviously he has his daughter in mind when tearing these things apart, so he’s really going at it. The others in the division are fairing fine against the roaches. At one point during the fight, you think they had all gotten killed. One roach, we see, is holding Ivan’s head, while the other roaches are holding the others’ heads. But thankfully, it was all just some crazy hallucination we were seeing from the cockroach’s point of view. Ivan, I’m not sure what animal he’s supposed to be, can emit the pollen (or something) from a species of flower. It’s a hallucinogen, so this roach was trippin. And really, the hallucination was fucking disgusting, and weird, and creepy, oh my god. The members’ heads were crawling at the roach and climbing on it with their hands and it was in its mouth and ugh oh god. It was just really gross, and trippy and yuck. Ivan had captured it they caught a sample. After all were defeated, the Russia group heads into the pyramid structures.

tf7.40Akira had told Michelle about the SOS transmissions he had gotten. Adolf had contacted Michelle. He wondered if he should aid one of the groups, but Michelle told him to just head to the Annex. It starts to rain, and there’s worry that there might be acid rain. A weird thing that Asimov’s division noticed was a butterfly. At the end, we see Adolf at the crash site of the Annex, with an army of dead roaches beside him. And that’s it! The next episode looks like it’s going to be about him, since the next episode name is in German. I’m really eager for it, since I’ve always been interested in this asshole. Plus, Eva is in his group and we haven’t seen her for awhile now. I thought she’d die first from the main group, but guess I was wrong. Also, guessing from the roaches’ wounds and the subtitle in the preview, I’m gonna say that Adolf’s animal is a jellyfish.

Also, in sad news, the entire China division has been wiped out. We didn’t have any major characters there, so I’m not surprised that we didn’t get to see their demise, but really I don’t mind because it would have just made me upset.

Also, animation quality went down this episode. It was kinda ugly.

Honestly I was feeling a little fucked up watching this part


Unfortunately still a weeb