We pick up where we left off. Ulith arrives into the classroom, to join in one the “fun”. Akira thinks she did well, when all of a sudden and I was waiting for this, Ulith knees Akira in the gut. She gets angry at her, telling her what she would have done if they had been seen, the classroom a boring “show”, and calling the bruise Akira gave Hitoe on her cheek unsightly. Scars are better on places where they can’t be seen, and Akira puts her hand on her cheek where her scar is, knowing how Ulith feels about it. It’s unsightly. This just tears Akira apart. Really, she just breaks down for the rest of the episode.
We also got to see how Akira aquired her scar after her wish became tainted. A man just randomly scratched her face during the night, and Akira kept recalling that memory the whole time.
But breaking people is what Ulith does best. Breaking people. The easiest way for me to describe Ulith would be: crazy sociopathic bitch. This is what she gets off on; breaking people. She didn’t mean physically, more like mentally. She just played with people’s minds, like with Akira. Ever since she was born (as a human of course) she was always this way. We saw her kill a butterfly. She loved the way it felt cold in her hand. She pretended to be a good girl and made “friends”, but she always wanted to break someone. Break someone so bad that they would kill themselves. Just imagining the lives lost due to her actions angers me so much. Because she had to play “good girl”, she actually wanted to die herself because she was so bored. And then WIXOSS happened, and she became a Selector. This is where she really shined. Here, she could break people easily. Adults and the law had no part in WIXOSS, so she could destroy so many girls’ lives with this game. She enjoys it, she lives it, and she’s tainted so many girls’ wishes. And that’s why she loves WIXOSS so much. It’s a neverending cycle for her, to be a human, to be an LRIG, to be a human again, and keep destroying people. That’s what she wants. And she’s set her sights on Ruko, how determined Ruko is, and the thrill of destroying Ruko is too much for her.
It…was really hard watching this part. Every damn thing that was coming out of her mouth, how she messed with an emotionally unstable girl like Akira, I just wanted to grab one of the chairs in the classroom and bash her with it. She’s a sociopath. She doesn’t care about other people’s feelings. She wants to destroy them and make them suffer. That’s what she lives for. And really, this girl needs to be locked up somewhere because she just can’t be around people. She’s AWFUL.
Ruko doesn’t want anything happening to Hitoe in the hands of Ulith, so it’s now or never. Yuzuki and Hitoe don’t want Ruko to battle Ulith, but both Iona and even Tama say it’s okay. Tama wants to save Hitoe too, and there’s no telling what’ll happen if Ruko refuses, so the battle begins.
The girls are battling seriously. Tama understands the circumstances, and she’s fighting with everything she’s got. Hitoe and Yuzuki hate watching two friends fight each other, but Yuzuki says to not look away. Milulun is also there, enjoying the fight because she’s a freak. And poor Akira, broken and all, keeps getting worse as she sees Ulith enjoying herself battling Ruko. It’s the first time she’s seen Ulith so happy, and it’s killing her.
In hopes of finishing the battle, Iona grows into Level 5 again, and Mayu is also watching this fight within her white room. Iona attacks, but Tama had a powerful shield around her that nullifies any attack. She was safe, but it took a lot out of her. Iona looks at Tama and says…she’s light.
Iona recites a story. The same story Mayu had been reading in front of Futase. There was a lonely girl who was isolated and never loved. She never knew anything of the outside world. Iona mentions a very important detail I forgot to mention in my entry from last week (my bad), but the Girl of White (or Light) and the Girl of Black (or Dark) both came from one girl. Iona is Black, and Tama is White, and they both came from Mayu. Their “mother”. When Mayu hears Iona tell the truth to everyone, she does something to Iona to hurt her. To be continued!
Honestly, I have no idea what Iona meant when she said Mayu’s her mother. Obviously Iona knew this from the start and kept this from everyone, but mother? I feel like we’re going to learn more next week. I had a feeling that Mayu was the original girl from the story, kinda predictable. But really I think Ulith is the Girl of Black because she’s awful, she’s just fucking awful. I hate her so much, and I wish someone would break her. This series just keeps getting more intense. Everyone’s yelling, and crying, and Ulith is fucking crazy, Akira is losing it…I kinda miss Chiyori’s ignorant innocence.