Okay, I know people are going to make a bunch of Avatar jokes so I’ll stop right there. But would it really kill you…for once, just for once….TO NOT MAKE THE FIRE TRIBE/NATION/WHATEVER THE BAD GUYS. MY GOD.
So the episode starts off with Hak picking up some weapons before departing. He’s almost set, and he’s definitely going to leave. He’s dropped his name, and he isn’t the Wind Tribe’s general anymore so he’s serious. While that’s happening, Yona awakens to hear that Heang-dea’s back with the medicine. Pretty long trip, but at least Tae-yeon is completely fine now Yona asks if he needs anything, and holy crap this kid is the cutest thing because he just smiles and says he’s fine and all the girls just jump at him like OH MY GAAAAAAH even the boys are affected.
All is well, so Yona steps out and bumps into the lady from before that had wanted her to do the laundry. Yona helps carry blankets to a building where all the wounded are being treated, all of them attacked by the Fire Tribe. Yona is stunned, and realizes that it’s her fault all these people are hurt. She gets really upset by this, but Heang-dea’s words get to her when he says everyone will be fine, they’re all a family, and that also includes Yona. She admires everyone’s diligence, even though they’re in pain they still put up a smile, something Yona wasn’t able to do. And hearing she was part of the Wind Tribe family, she comes to a decision and her resolve becomes even stronger. And so she decides to leave Fuuga as well.
She gave a goodbye to Tae-yeon, who had also just said bye to Hak (he was crying :'( ), and Yona catches Hak right before he leaves at the front gates. And basically, Yona won’t take no for an answer, even when Hak tells her he has no obligation to stay by her side anymore since denouncing himself as General. She wants to leave so she won’t become a burden for the people of Fuuga, her new family. And no matter what he says, she just keeps saying she’s going with him. It wasn’t until super slo-mo shoujo time that Yona says “I want you” and “Give yourself to me” which out of context sounds REEEEEALLY WEIRD. Like whoa girl, chill. And then Hak gets really embarrassed and blushes and tries to hide his face like “Hrmrmjfhkjfhsdkjgdsk what the hell, Yona.” And so they both leave. Of course, not without saying one last goodbye to Mun-deok, reminding Yona that Fuuga will always be her home. He also gives these two a tip, saying there’s a priest out in the mountains far away from people that would probably be able to help them out when they don’t know what to do, so those two head out. Also interestingly, the other guard (whose name I don’t know…the other sleepy one) actually knew Yona was a princess. Don’t know how he found out, but that’s pretty important.
The gross guy from the Fire Tribe who wanted Yona from before, I can’t even remember his name, I’m actually having this problem with this show (whoops), but I don’t like him so I won’t bother remembering. Anyway, he’s sulking because he was yelled by his father for doing things on his own. But good news (for him) rises when he’s told that Hak and Yona have been sighted. This perks him up, so you know what’s coming next.
Hak and Yona are at the area where Mun-deok said the priest would be, but they actually have no idea where exactly this priest is supposed to be. Hak continues his snarky attitude, but Yona isn’t fazed so this just makes it fun to watch Hak mess up, and then we get a lot of hot and shippy moments, yum. Unfortunately, Hak hears footsteps approaching and WHOA NO WAY the Fire Tribe appears to attack them. Great. This part can be easily summarized: Hak is kicking a lot of ass while protecting Yona and also giving her lip. I love this man. They’re surrounded, and gross dude comes before them, but Hak and Yona turn around and they’re looking at nature because it’s way more interesting and pretty than the other idiot.

Loser gets hurt by this, then he finds out Hak isn’t even a general anymore, but he doesn’t care because he just wants Yona. Again, arrows fly at them and they both get away, Hak swiping all the arrows aside. Yona trips on a broken piece of arrow, and she’s about to get shot, but Hak takes the hit for her. He grabs Yona, jumps really high away, and the army is literally so amazed by Hak that they just stand there and let them get away. They find a hiding place, and Hak tells Yona to stay put while he takes out the other men.
Yona overhears some a man and nasty dude talking, and finds out the arrow Hak was hit with was laced with poison and that he shouldn’t be able to move, so my babe Hak is way too cool to be affected by poisoned arrows. Yona doesn’t like the fact that she’s slowing Hak down, that it was her fault that he was hurt. It was then that Yona ran out, came before the man that was about to shoot an arrow at Hak and LITERALLY PUSHED HIM OFF THE CLIFF. SHE PUSHED HIM OFF THE CLIFF. LIKE YAAAAAASSSS BITCH PUSH HIM OFF THE CLIFF, KILL ‘EM. But really I thought that Yona was going to grab the bow and arrows Hak had conveniently left behind and shoot them, but whatever that works too. After pushing the guy off the cliff, she turns around and gives nasty dude the scariest glare I’ve seen her make like YAAAAASSS BITCH. Nasty dude is trying to tell Yona that he only wanted her so they both can get rid of Soo-won from being king and blah blah blah, but Yona sees through his bullshit and questions why the Fire Tribe would put pressure on the Wind Tribe, hurt the merchants, and just plain being assholes. And then she says this where I was cheering so hard for her.
Nasty dude is stunned, won’t take away his gaze from her piercing glare, her red hair looking like flames…because…THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIIRE! Nah but really, everything changed when the fire nation attacked. Yona is the one that changed, and these fuckers are screwed.
I. LOVED. THIS. EPISODE. I’m so happy Yona made a stand against Hak, and then to nasty dude. She’s questioning herself and what she should be doing, and she wants to do everything to help the innocent. Step 1 to Badass Yona. Hak was awesome, Yona was awesome, this was all awesome. The not so awesome part was that I don’t think the music thing is going to get any better because it was so damn loud. The music is pretty, but keep it down. I’m so excited for next week!
Yeah I REALLY noticed the music this week; it was way too loud! It was too loud for the dialogue a lot! That was pretty annoying at times, but that’ll probably be the case for every episode… And like you said, that “give yourself to me” part was very suggestive! (Probably why Hak blushed, thinking “I’d love to give myself to Yona, but not the way you mean.” xD ) It was word-for-word from the manga, so at least they didn’t change it, I guess?
I’m so excited for next week!! One of my favorite Yona scenes will be in next week’s episode! 😀
(And if it makes you feel any better, I’ve been reading this manga for years and I STILL can’t remember most of the names. I look them up after every chapter/episode…)
I want Hak to give himself to me……..
I should make a word document with a screenshot of a character’s face and their name next to it because I’m not used to Korean names.