I’m so happy this series is back, I missed it so much. I’ve never seen so many plot twists in a show before and I can’t wait for things to finally come together.
The aftermath of Iona’s event really took a toll on Ruko. She’s smiling and all at home, her brother visiting and taking note of her happiness. But Grannie can sense there’s something not right with her. Ruko has an outing with Hitoe, who’s regained her memories from before again and can now make friends THANK GOODNESS. Because watching her all depressed last season after her wish was tainted was hell for me. Ruko and Hitoe go out together, with Yuzuki in tow as well (Ruko also brought her card). The girls are having pretty fun, but Ruko spaces out. She sees someone that looks like Iona, who is now Ulith, and even goes after her. What’s worse, there’s an all-girl WIXOSS event taking place. Luckily, there weren’t any Selectors in the event, but Yuzuki suggested they leave anyway. It was obviously making them feel uncomfortable, and for good reason.
Until Chiyori comes in. She was only in the first season for one episode, so I was wondering why she was even on the show’s poster since all she

did was battle Yuzuki. But it looks like she’ll be in this season more. She and her LRIG, Eldora, ask both Ruko and Hitoe to battle her. Knowing the truth about WIXOSS, the girls refuse and explain to Chiyori WHY they don’t want to battle. Yuzuki even had to explain, showing that Yuzuki’s now turned into an LRIG. Your wish can only be granted when your LRIG accepts the wish. Once the wish is granted, the Selector and LRIG switch places. Yuzuki then became an LRIG and is stuck in a card, while Hanayo is now in Yuzuki’s body. The girls explain every little detail to the ever innocent Chiyori.
And it has no affect on her. In fact, it makes her even more excited. She keeps spinning and jumping around, even taking out a WIXOSS novel, saying that the same thing happens in it. She even tries coming up with her own LRIG name. Her exchanges with Eldora are pretty cute, but this situation is pretty fucked up so it’s hard to find it cute.
Ruko can’t take it anymore, and she runs off. Knowing the pain of losing someone to this game, and for the game to ruin lives, she runs off. She finds a spot to herself, and then takes out her card who is now Iona. The scene shifts to the events of what happened after the finale last season. This was pretty obvious to figure out when it happened, but Iona explains to a confused Hitoe and Yuzuki. Iona’s wish was to become Ruko’s LRIG. She was in the search of someone stronger than her, so she can find someone worthy enough to be their LRIG. The only way for the wish to be granted is to have a condition, and her condition was to lose against Ruko. She became Ruko’s LRIG, to continue her battle fetish, and Tama is still gone and no one knows where she disappeared to.
Iona asks Ruko why she hasn’t thrown her away. Selectors don’t have to be Selectors if they don’t want to, and they can throw their LRIGs away with no repercussions. But Ruko hasn’t thrown Iona away, she even brought her along. Iona points out…she still wants to battle. She keeps urging poor Ruko to battle to her heart’s content, and if she keeps battling, she may find a clue as to where Tama went. Hitoe finds Ruko, and Ruko says she’ll keep Iona for that reason: finding Tama, and also help Yuzuki and everyone else, hoping to fix this terrible WIXOSS game. Iona is her clue to finding Tama. But Iona doesn’t care about that. She just wants Ruko to battle and battle “along with her”, which probably means with Ulith too. Iona is one crazy bitch.
And that’s where the episode ends. Not too much happened here, but I didn’t expect much to happen. So much happened last season, this was more of a cool down. But we’ve got a goal in mind: Find a way to find Tama. I’m glad Hitoe is happy now. But poor Ruko. WIXOSS has really

messed her up. A game she was innocent about and loved battling, is now a game she detests and fears. She had really wanted to help Tama. She wanted to end this horrible game and make all the LRIGs human again, so they could all be friends and happy. God…this makes me really sad. It makes me even more sad that we see more LRIGs in the opening, and I might get attached to them dammit. And where Tama is? I have a feeling she’s in that white room with Mayu. And I just know that there’s some weird connection with Mayu, Tama, Ruko, and Iona. Plus, we still have that weird nightmare Ruko had in the first season that hasn’t been explained yet. So many questions and I’m still trying to figure it out. WIXOSS is fucked. Oh, and I have no idea how I feel about Chiyori. She’s adorable, but…she’s taking this game too lightly. She worries me.
And you bet I’ll be covering this show this season, so stay tuned!
Chiyori concerns me too. It feels like there’s something…not right about her, the way she’s so eager to get into all this, and is even more excited KNOWING how terrible the game is. I can’t tell if she’s just so innocent that she doesn’t realise the awfulness of the situation, or what, but it frankly makes me wary of her character.
Judging from the opening, Akira’s gonna be making a comeback, so I’m pretty curious about that, but I’m even more curious about the issue of Tama’s whereabouts. While the theory that she’s in the white room with Mayu is probably the most plausible, I can’t help but wonder if she’s become the LRIG for someone else, since the opening showed her battling multiple times, most notably against Iona. Well, it’ll be revealed eventually, so I’m just gonna sit back and wait. XD
To me, I just think Chiyori is just really REALLY naive. I just don’t want her to go crazy or something, she’s the only innocent one of this show.
Tama being someone else’s LRIG is a good possibility. That would just make this worse for Ruko. Poor kid.
Woohoo! Aki-lucky returns!
I too feel a bit taken aback by how Chiyori’s taken those revelations. I’m thinking Tama’s now become Ulith’s LRIG, and she’ll be forced to clash with Ruu in a swirl of suffering and despair as Iona goads her into battling. Or maybe she’s Aki-lucky’s new LRIG? I don’t really imagine Piriluk playing a major part even though she’s in the OP.
I was thinking that too. I’m gonna stick with Tama in the white room and hoping that’s true so Ruko doesn’t suffer anymore. There were also more LRIGs in the opening, so Akira maybe got one of them or we might get new characters.
Really disliking Chiyori. I can’t believe that even after Ruko and Hitoe took the trouble to explain the danger of WIXOSS, Chiyori still thinks it’s all fun and games. She has no idea what she’s getting into. I guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of her this season though.
So excited to see Aki-lucky again! Also, Iona is creepy. And I’m really glad you’re covering this anime, because it’s so underrated even though season 1 was so good!