
OKAY, litterally one second into this and my reaction is “WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY!?” did I miss an episode somewhere? No, this is episode three. Then seriously, who is this guy? Okay, his name is Takasu, that explains NOTHING!

Okay, he’s an octopus person. He has come to the house for reasons unknown until the end of the episode. By that, I mean, Wow uh, -throws down computer and walks away-

THIS SCENE, JUST CAME OUT OF NOWHERE. I MEAN, i’m gonna get personal with you here. This covers two of my biggest fetishes but even so it was so random and came so far out of left feild I was like “THE FUCK JUST HAPPNED?”


Takasu just like, wraps his tentacles around Tatsumi. I get it, It’s for a massage. Which was very nice of Wakasa to ask him to come to do that. I think he should warn him, i mean. being grabbed by a man’s tentacles suddenly.


That’s all there really was to this episode. I know this guy is in the opening so we’re probably going to see him some more. I think I know where the Shounen-Ai comes from now too. I’m not sure about this new character.


I was actually just okay with it being Wakasa and Tatsumi. Also, does anyone else think Takasu looks like that one guy from Saiyuki…his name escapes me right now. This is so short, but this was such a pointless episode….so done.
