Has it really been a week already since the last episode? Huh. well anyway, welcome to Episode 2 of Denki-Gai No Honya-San. Or as I call this episode ‘Damn Sommelier wants some loli lovin’
Why do I call it that? Well let’s start the episode.
Part one starts with the gang opening up late because of a new release of a long awaited manga, spurring a midnight release.
Once they open all sorts of wacky hijinks occur. Most of them being the craziness you see from a midnight release.

Finally things calm down and they close up shop. To celebrate, they go to a restaurant together. They realize though that one of their employees Fuu missed the last train so they offer to let her spend the night in the spare room at the store. And Sommelier offers to take her

He takes her back to the room and puts her to bed. But then he sees her hand is twitching like she’s looking to hold something. So he puts his hand in hers.

Eventually the gang comes back and sees that Sommelier and the director had been drinking. The director is passed out and Hiotan wants to draw on his face. Since the director was nice to him however, Sommelier vetoes this and carries Hiotan off caveman style.

As Fuu wakes up we learn something interesting about her. Apparently she has a zombie fetish. Huh, who knew?

And the episode pretty much ends there. Well, part one anyway.
Part 2 seems to be the focal part of the episode. Akihabara is apparently having a contest to see which store is the best. there’s a grand prize of money and some canned drink. But I assume it’s more for the bragging rights. There’s several different events. And trust me, they’re all perverted as fuck.
The first challenge is a race where you have to jump up and grab panties. Not even joking.

The second one is a golden ball push where Hiotan has to push squishy, egg shaped balls. She freaks out at this being so insanely shy about sexual things, and loses the race.
The third event is carrying a figure of your anime wife on a spoon.

The next event is the tug of war, which they also lose by tricking one of the teammates (Kameko) with the promise of an awesome camera lens. she’s discovered she’s tricked and mentally shuts down.

The final event is the water gun contest. Basically they break into teams of 3 people. One of the person has a flag on their head. If that person on their team gets wet, they lose. And so they break into 2 teams. Fuu’s team and Hiotan’s team.
This is when we learn that Fuu is a fucking BADASS with guns as she takes down a crazy amount of guys by herself.

Speaking of which, how’s Hiotan doing?

Ah yes. She’s being embarrassed by all the guys in speedos and she can see their bulges. Pretty soon though she gets ganged up on and gets kicked out of the contest.
Fuu on the other hand is doing really well until the other teams pull out a hose. To which Sommelier proceeds to do this to protect her.

Unfortunately it’s all for naught as Sensei comes out of nowhere and shoots Fuu randomly and wins it.

Now now, I know what you’re all thinking. Hideki. Sommelier doesn’t want to put his dick in her. That’s terrible! I mean she’s like in 5th grade or something and he’s obviously around 20! He thinks of her as a daughter and-
And I will stop you right there. Because…they’re playing by Moetan rules.

Yes. Apparently this girl here is sixteen. So naw. they ain’t saying he’s a father figure. They’re saying they’re gonna FUCK.
And so the episode ends with Sommelier and Fuu hanging out together, him telling her that he would like to hang out with her again. (Points to featured image as sign #4 they want to fuck)
But what about the episode. How was it? Well this episode DEFINITELY wanted to feature Fuu and Sommelier’s relationship. And for that, it did a good job. It showed how Fuu can be a petite little cute loli but also fucking insane. It also showed how sommelier DEFINITELY has feelings for her, but not quite sure how to express it. To me, their relationship was the highlight of the episode. Everything else was kind of tacked on.
It seems the show is doing that thing where they have episodes early on focused on each character so you get to know them. And honestly, i wanted to see more on Sommelier, so seeing his interaction with Fuu is adorable. And now that I know she isn’t horrifically underaged for him, It makes me feel less awful that I DO ship them together. The only character I thought less of in this episode was Sensei. I didn’t like her bullshit win at the end. Other than that, both parts were pretty solid, and I’m definitely interested and going to keep watching. Not the best episode but a solid 7.5 out of 10.
