
Esdeath-sama, why must you tempt me so?

Akame 14 Img030

Akame 14 Img034Every time Esdeath is on screen, I warm to her a bit more. I’m not even sure why at this point. Maybe it’s that it’s really cute to see someone so sadistic suddenly turning incredibly dere over a single person. Is this what they call gap moe? I’m actually loving how Tatsumi gets so flustered over all the teasing – at some points he even had to remind himself that Esdeath was the enemy! Anyway, this episode was pretty much a beach date between Esdeath and Tatsumi, no matter how much the latter might deny it – and as a result, it was a treasure trove of fanservice for both Esdeath and the ship itself. The giant Danger Beasts appearing were just the excuse through which it happened! Organized by the bastard I can now name as the Prime Minister’s son -looks like being an incorrigible human being runs in the family- it’s almost too convenient that we’ve got Esdeath on the same uninhabited island as Tatsumi, although it was a good vehicle to learn more about Esdeath as a character.

Akame 14 Img020Up until now, she’s only been marketed as the “capital’s strongest” or the “ultimate sadist”, so it was nice learning more about her past and the tribe in which she grew up. It wasn’t a terribly surprising backstory by any means, but what was important was Tatsumi’s realization that Esdeath is incorrigible in her own way – even if her ideology is the product of her upbringing, she’s a pretty twisted individual nevertheless. I was actually a bit peeved that he still believed she could be changed, especially after how things turned out the last time he asked – clearly he hasn’t learnt his lesson! It would have been nice if Esdeath had been corrupted by the Danger Beast blood in her Teigu all along, but if it was corrupted to the point that others went insane, Esdeath would never have survived if she didn’t have a similar or higher level of insanity in the first place. It’s a different sort of Teigu, by the way – we’ve had all sorts, and I’m actually kind of impressed at how much variety they’re pulling out. Esdeath literally has control over the element of ice, enhancing her already strong abilities to greater heights – I always thought it was strange that she didn’t have a physical weapon manipulating the ice, but there you go.

Sadly enough, it feels like this ship is going to rapidly degrade into Esdeath and Tatsumi’s tragic love story in the very near future – his new-found conviction is a foreshadowing flag if anything. That’s also hinting that a full-scale confrontation between Night Raid and the Jaegers is approaching – not only will that involve potential clashes between Wave/Tatsumi and Esdeath/Tatsumi, but also Mine/Seryuu and of course, Akame/Kurome! Much hype.

Akame 14 Img052

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Morlphing

    Guess who will die the next time Night Raid and Jaegua fight, i dare you to guess. Hint: there will be 2 death.

    1. Vantage

      I don’t think it’ll be anyone crucial to the wider plot – so that means no Esdeath, and probably no Kurome. Somehow I see Mine getting her revenge against Seryuu, which will be really satisfying if it does end up happening.

  2. I.D. nameless

    You know, out of the 3 relaxed episodes (this one and the previous 2) I enjoyed this one the most. The reveal of the bastard and everything else that happened is just hype hype hype for the upcoming clash.
    This is also the last episode of Esdeath’s development and, though interesting, her past didn’t make me like Esdeath more than I already did. I guess this is the difference between me and all the people that are madly in love with her (the date itself was kinda cute though).

    1. Vantage

      The hype is real then! Admittedly I am a bit worried that they’re introducing a third party in the form of this dubious religious organization, but hopefully this gives way to a conflict with the Jaegers eventually.

      I don’t think Esdeath’s past was meant to make people like her, to me it seemed like a vehicle for understanding her and her ideals. Although if people like her exactly because she’s an incorrigible sadist, then fair enough. If it’s the last episode for her development though… is that a good thing? Makes it sound like it’s time for her to die.

      1. Morlphing

        The religious organization actually is neutral, so they not gonna make enemies with anyone yet.

        1. Vantage

          That’s very interesting. I’m expecting them to be a bunch of zealous fanatics, so I assumed they’d wholeheartedly side with the revolutionaries or with the capital, which was my more likely guess.

  3. vergiltfs

    Esdeath best girl!!!

    To bad they have no future together.

    ” I’m expecting them to be a bunch of zealous fanatics”, well some of they are fanatics, so anyone can use them if they play they cards right.

    1. Vantage

      I… don’t have a best girl. I feel like I shouldn’t really decide on one out of principle, given everyone’s tendency to be at an ever-perpetual risk of dying. Although I will now concede that Esdeath is pretty great.

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