So we open with a continuation of last episode, Haruka is stable for now and laying in a hospital bed. Takane feels bad that she hadn’t noticed how bad his health was. I feel kind of bad for her but at the same time it kind of serves her right, just walking out at the end of last episode like that. She’s too ashamed to look at him, so she goes to get his stuff from the school.


Ayano and Takane have a talk about Shintaro and what kind of girl is right for him. Aw, then the subject changes to Takane and Haruka. Ayano tells her to work up the courage to tell Haruka how she feels. I honestly, don’t believe she’s going to get the chance.

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She runs back to the hospital, knowing she wants to be with him. The world shifts and she passes out, the professor is standing there. The world starts to collapse again….and Takane vanishes and….is that the creature of despair?

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Oh man, we cut back to present times. It was Ene telling the story of how she knew Ayano. I am so confused, what happened to her? Why did she collapse? What happened to Haruka to turn him into what he is now?

This whole thing is kind of trippy. People becoming a computer program, the strings of fate coming together like this. Aw man, Seto called at the good part! Seto calls and says that one of Shintaro’s friends was in an accident and said to come to the hospital.

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Everyone is sort of shaken up by the idea he has friends. They all go to the hospital with the exception of Kano. Kano stops and talks to Ayano’s grave, Ene hangs out in Kano’s cell phone.

This entire episode is dedicated soley to pulling at your heart strings. Nothing has happened but dialouge and I am near breaking down into tears. visually there is nothing going on in this scene, it’s Kano talking to Ene on his cell phone. Everything in this scene is words and it’s amazing.

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I feel so bad for everyone in this show. I feel so bad for Shintaro, who is plagued by nightmares of not being able to save Ayano, I feel bad for Takane who could never tell Haruka how she felt. I feel so bad for Seto, Kido and Kano who lost their big sister so suddenly.

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Kano, oh god! Stop, you made her remember. Haruka died that day too…KANO, THAT’S NOT NICE! THAT’S NOT NICE AT ALL! Turning into Haruka and torturing Ene with your powers isn’t nice. I mean, you’re my favorite character and I like you because you’re a morally questionable jerk but this is just cruel.

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We cut back in time to Haruka as he’s in the hospital. Mr. Tateme, the professor. His eye is glowing red as the Haruka we know now appears…and then is ripped away from him. We end with the words “I want to see you, Takane.”

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MY SOUL! This episode hates my soul, that’s all there is too this! It seems like there is a lot after the credits this episode, time to stick around.

The story of the monster continues, and that isn’t any more uplifting then the rest of the episode. I said at the beginning of the series it was the mystery that really drove me to this series and now isn’t any different. As the threads come together I still have so many unanswered questions I am so curious about. On a complete side note, I need to make a seperate file for all my pictures of Kano. Jerk in this episode or not, he’s still super hot!

Coming up next, episode 8: Lost Time Memory.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. HowlingAtMidnight

    Lost Time Memory will be a sad one too. Lots of dying

  2. Moonlight

    This episode just ran over my feelings like a truck orz. The whole scene with Kano, man…that hurt.

  3. Seishin

    Takene suffered from a condition that caused her to fall asleep for long hours at a time and sometimes at random times.hence why she’s in the same class as haruka. right now you are lead to believe that this is the reason why she has fallen unconscious. as to why the professor is there well you can come up with all sorts of reasons.

  4. Littlekitty

    This episode killed me, oh god. Next episode will be a FREAKING EMOTIONAL KILLING RIDE SERIOUSLY. Just, I feel so bad for Shinny. Now people understand the ship Shiaya ;3; and KonEne and HaruTaka

  5. ZedWave

    Goddamn I hate Kano, using his logic, you should just wallow in depression your whole life after a friend dies rather than moving on, and then he purposely torments Ene. What a dick, I don’t care if he’s ’emotionally scarred’, that was just uncalled for

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