Was I supposed to be moved by this episode? It really wasn’t anything special, at all.
I think what made the episode really weak was the fact they had completely skimmed through the whole training (running routines), which made the episode so boring. It wasn’t like last week’s episode where we had Hades and Yui constantly interacting with each other. Another thing that I am pretty much dreading that it looks like (and I really hope this will not happen), that they will continue (per character central episode) put Yui in a damsel in distress situation where she has to be rescued like she had today. If they do that, it will be so annoying because of the repetition (spoiler alert: it already is), but at this point, I could really care less because this show is already below average for me- yet here I am, somehow still watching it. Frankly, I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to press on, cover this episode, and keep giving it chances, but today’s I felt the need to critique it because it could have been so much better, truly.
Takeru’s back-story was a lackluster, especially with his whole trusting issue and willing to be open to others because of being misunderstood in the past. There was a Goddess who he really cared about, who had fell off a cliff and died- and everyone though he had pushed her off when he had actually tried to save her- and so this is where the trust issue comes in.
Like I has mentioned in the above, I wished he and Yui had more conversations to show that- and there is a reason why there is a rule called: Show not Tell! Takeru’s character felt so disconnected, and I couldn’t feel anything for him, and even when we are shown Yui getting all emotional after being told this, I still didn’t feel it. In fact, I felt that had they given us more interactions, and shown us more in actual conversations of the developing trust between them, I would have actually felt happy for Takeru to be smiling after he has been frowning for 98% of the time since the first episode. (Although I will admit, his smile is cute and he looks like a total badass in his divine form).
But despite the ‘letdown’, there were some good moments. I particularly loved the fact that Yui stood up for Takeru against Zeus and was basically like, “HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT UP, AND TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE.” and without any hesitation,
ripped him apart gave him a good lecture. I rejoiced to that because Yui is a strong heroine, and I want to see her portrayed in the light, and despite her grim D.I.D. situation earlier in the episode, she is a stubborn girl with a backbone and is willing to stand her ground up against the mighty Gods, no matter how terrifying it may be.
There was also an occasion, earlier in the episode where Takeru had challenged Yui to a duel, expecting her to cower away. And much to his delight, Yui stood her ground, and despite how intimidating he was when they had a kendo duel, she once more didn’t run away. As result, she was rewarded with them putting their duel on hold, and receive an invitation to train with him (which I have to admit, was cute).
There was a little plot thing that we did learn today, but I could really care less about it. Basically there was an actual reason behind sealing the God’s divine powers because it makes this garden as Zeus calls it, that they are in, unstable. Which is why he is proclaimed that if anyone breaks their seals, from here on out, they will be expelled (which is being turned into Statues), *rolls eyes* whatever Zeus. In Kamigami no Asobi, he does whatever he wants when he wants.