Death is the number one troll in Fairy Tail, and it almost pisses me off that no one dies in this thing – even characters who aren’t mandatory to the progression of the anime. At first, when I was devout to the fandom (
I still am…I still am) I never wanted anyone to die and I was happy that Fairy Tail was different in not killing off people. But Arcadios’ troll death is it. I almost can’t stand it anymore. That’s one gripe.
For now that rant is over.
This episode picks up with Arcadios, willingly sacrificing himself by walking in lava to save Yukino and Lucy – the only celestial mages who can make the Eclipse Project happen. During his slow demise, I didn’t know whether to laugh at the melodrama or cry out of obligation to sad scenes. From his glazed over eyes to his final speech as he sank deeper in the lava to Yukino’s scream (honestly, I couldn’t stop laughing); it was just too far from tragic and far more comical than anything. I was almost confused.
Horologium popped up out of nowhere and saved Arcadios. I knew this all would happen because I read the manga but I don’t really remember much of what I read excepting key parts that stood out for me. So when Arcadios didn’t die, I was mad. It would have made sense for him to die…BECAUSE LAVA!! Then again, his death was anticlimactic anyway so I guess it makes sense to keep him alive.
Loke returned also, since he’s the only one who can travel between the spirit and human world. He brought back Lucy’s and Yukino’s keys, Yukino had a brief moment of reunion with Pis-ces and Libra. They had the upper hand for a bit fighting Uosuke; and most of the action came from their battle. I’m not sure how I feel about the ears. It’s not very lion-like..but I guess it works a bit. He’s still sexy throws diamond rings
Natsu is still occupied with Kama, who kept rambling on about sins and repenting, like someone from a cult. His power isn’t too bad with his two axe-staffs…are they axes? Idunno, but I think he has some decent power.
Meanwhile, Wendy might be “dead” scoffs. Cosmos used this magic, after making Wendy useless with the sour fruits, and if she inhaled the fumes that the plants released then she’d die. BUT! We know death is a farce in this anime.
Mavis knows something has gone wrong because she can sense their magical power. Warren tries to contact them using telepathy but the guards said that all telepathic magic from the outside is unable to reach Hell’s palace; and that news further depresses Hisui since now her plans have really backfired. Makarov continues the talk of having faith in them and that’s that for this scene.
Yukino summoned Pisces in their human form to be more effective against Uosuke, but he was still challenging and brought out more lava. Pisces then used water as defense and it took Lucy about 10 to 15 seconds to remember that she has Aquarius…
…but with a face like that, it’d probably take me even longer to muster the courage to summon her. Aquarius is awesome though and the best of all the celestial spirits, in my opinion.
Most of the humor this episode came from the celestial spirits, Loke and Virgo specifically. Virgo is the best, I love her humor and for the small time he appeared, Taurus made me laugh too. Now they’re going harder then ever on the “moo” puns. Otherwise, Fairy Tail must realize that death isn’t a bad thing, it’s a natural part of life. We cannot always be saved from death.
//Otherwise, Fairy Tail must realize that death isn’t a bad thing, it’s a natural part of life. We cannot always be saved from death.//
Oh rest assure it is coming, and it’s going to hurt like a bitch.
I haven’t read the manga in so long. I’m almost worried =’/