*FLAILS* AHHH THIS WAS SUCH AN AMAZING EPISODE! I was getting all these wonderful chills and goosies and I don’t know about you, but when the Earth Engine was being put together and Daichi going into a fight knowing that the Kiltgang (Amara) that was heading straight to Earth was the one responsible for killing his father, there was this air of intensity that made my heart race. Perhaps it was because we knew three things: First Salty Dog’s prick purposely revealed this fact to Daichi so that he would be motivated to fight; second the Earth Engine hasn’t been repaired at all and is in no form for a fight and Salty Dog was hoping that handicap would allow Amara to eliminate him, and thirdly, we knew how important is was to Daichi to defeat this specific Amara. Better yet, the song Hana has sung delivered the emotions that I have always felt Monochrome (Star Driver) had lacked (not to mention this song is an infinity times better). I felt there was a huge difference in delivery between the two. Unlike Monochrome, Hana’s song served a true purpose, of providing blum for Teppei to take on his Kiltgang form.
Since the first episode, we already knew that Hana and Teppei were both Planetary Gears, but better yet it was revealed today that Amara was previously acquaintances with them. He identified Teppei as Albion, and was overjoyed to see him again for the first time in the long time- that was until Teppei turned on him in order to protect Daichi and showed him the rainbow. I found it to be incredibly bittersweet because earlier in the episode, you can see that Teppei was self-conscious about what he actually is. When Daichi had brought up the rainbow, Teppei was concerned that he thought he was a creep. This is a stark comparison to their blissfully innocent days where he would happily show Daichi the rainbow, to the years that have passed being locked up in the facility that treated him and Hana terribly. But my favourite part is that Teppei has no need for a impacter unit, he himself is a Kiltgang, which neither Globe or Daichi knew about. I am very curious of how and why he came to Earth, and how much had Little!Daichi influenced him and Hana. Looking back into the past, we don’t know for sure whether Teppei was already apprehended by Globe/Salty Dogs. If not, a part of me thinks that his reason to coming down to Earth wasn’t so much for dinner, but became very curious about Human life in general. But trust me, I am ready to be proven wrong. It would be naive of me to genuinely believe this production team doesn’t have any darker ideas regarding Teppei’s and Hana’s past.
Onto Hana!She is a vital character that is needed for many different operations. For now, we only know two things that make her important: One, Hana is absolutely necessary to the Kivitos Plan, it’s top priority for those in the Ark Fraction to have her under their control. Seconded, it appears that Hana is the Princess of Blum, which is probably why the Ark Fraction need her in the first pace (which I will discuss further below).
We meet our charming Magical Hacker Girl Akarai aka Code Papillion! Oh my goodness, she is hilarious! Such a drama-queen, but rightfully so since her father couldn’t deny anything that was being brought up. She is Globe’s new flight director and trusty hacker, a skill she proved they needed today to try and back Daichi up went being told that the Earth Engine was in no shape to fight! (Unfortunately the German Impacters are pretty much useless against Kiltgangs). I think my favourite part of her whole introduction was how her father was completely in the dark about her remarkable talent. I am also looking forward to her becoming friends with Hana and Teppei since she too is pretty laid back about what they are. After all the crap Hana and Teppei had to go through over the years, they need all the love and affection they can get!
It was good, but so long overdue for Nishikudo to stand up against Salty Dogs and take command again by telling that he forbids them to use the Gear on the kids, and finally takes him out of that facility to live with him. It is troublesome however that had Daichi never showed up, he might have never protested further against Salty Dogs’ abuse. Now everyone is able to live under the same roof without be under constant surveillance or imprisoned, and finally can breathe with their new found freedom for the time being.
A few days after watching last week’s episode, with Macbeth Revolution stuck in my head wondering what the hell is it, I decided to Google it and I discovered that Macbeth was actually the title of a play by Shakespeare. Anyone who is familiar with Shakespeare probably already knew that, as for myself- I know maybe four or five different Shakespeare plays. Anyways, for those who don’t know, the play Macbeth is considered one of this darkest tragedies. The summary of the play definitely caught my attention:
“Set in Scotland, the play dramatizes the corrosive psychological and political effects produced when evil is chosen as a way to fulfil the ambition for power…” – Wiki.
Now mind you I am not entirely certain whether the name of the plot CEO Kube is forming was inspired by that play. But it certainly doesn’t hurt to theorize on that. The plan itself is definitely going to be ugly, especially since he intends to choose who lives and who dies. This brings me to another subject I had been talking about last week, the handful of different parties that we are trying to keep track of, and figure out who is associated with who and what, and what sort of plans do they have.
Thanks to that Salty Dog jackass (who I want to punch that smirk off his face!), we learned that Salty Dogs are part of the Ark Fraction. As mentioned in the above, they too are plotting their own shit which is own as the Kivitos Plan, and require Hana to be in their hands. I have a few ideas now why they want Hana after hearing they want to use Low-Orbit Impacters (which Globe is investigating as well). I get the feeling that the reason why they need her under their control is to fuel their Low-Orbit Impacters much like she had in order for Teppei to take on his Kiltgang form. While I am on the subject, I also believe that the Livlaster has ‘blum’ as well, which is why it can start up the Earth Engine Impacter.
Overall I am pleasantly surprised with the current pace of the show so far. They are doing a good job of avoiding dragging anything on and are sure to jump onto explaining and hinting everything as soon as they can.
Shit is going to be intense next week with Amara directly attacking Globe! MOAR ACTION NEXT WEEK! YEAHHH!
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Goshh Eva stop hating so much on my stardriver!!! XD Although this episode was exactly like a stardriver episode the series’ story is absolutely amazing!! There are so many plots and things going on, and we know practically nothing about them!!! I am not into mecha, especially because i don’t really like the classic designs for the robots, but every single time the Earth Engine “constructs itself” it looks really cool. I also loved the design for teppei’s Kiltgang because it reminds of stardriver’s designs which are awesome! 😛
It really does feel almost like a Star Driver 2.0 project because of so many similarities- minus the craziness and emphasis on dorky characters. XD But it is great to hear someone who isn’t much of a mecha fan enjoying the show.