Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou Episode 7 Image 0019

Synopsis: Another incident?! Natsuno’s bra has disappeared. To think she had been wearing it… They call Suzuna and search her apartment. It’s not in her room or in the gym. 


  So this was an episode… an episode in which the plot was based around the disappearance of Natsuno’s bra… Yes. This is real life and I love it. Honestly, I’m glad this show isn’t taking itself too seriously, I mean, I love sitting down after a long day, cradling my cup of coffee and watching the light humored Dog and Scissors because – wait for it – it’s awesome. That said, the show still has it’s faults; subjective humor, repetitive jokes and a fluctuating quality of animation, to name a few, but I don’t care! Because in episode 7 of Dog and Scissors, I saw Natsuno’s dog bra, that’s right ladies and gentlemen, Natsuno loves dogs… on her bras… dogs that look like Kazuhito… Indeed.

 I’ll admit, at first I thought that Suzuna had stolen the bra in some creepy attempt to get beaten/slapped/flayed alive… yes, this is, again, real life. Ultimately however, it turned out that Kazuhito had ‘accidentally‘ stolen the bra in an attempt to find warmth and comfort whilst he slept. Just saying, but a bra usually isn’t the best piece of clothing to sleep under, the textures are often coarse and unwelcoming, there’s barely enough fabric to cover you (especially in Natsuno’s case) and the bras’ curvature causes for an unwelcome breeze in your sleep. A shirt would have been much more suitable for a dog… yes, yes, or a sweatshirt.

 But I digress, the fact that the show has once again returned to it’s ‘sudo-detective’ routes tells me one of two things; that they are either trying to ‘play it safe’ or that they’ve finally found a ‘formula’ or genre that they want to stick to and that’s the way thing are probably going to be from now on… a part from the odd ‘fun episode’, that is. But I can’t help but wonder, y’know? This episode wasn’t really a ‘detective episode’ and there’s still no definitive consensus on ‘where exactly the plot is going’ (unless you’ve read the light novels, that is). I don’t know, this show seems so random, almost like on of those five minute anime shows, y’know?

 Earlier however, I mentioned that the humor in this show is subjective, a statement that I still stand by, however, such comedic tropes as the ‘Make It Bigger ‘Machine’ will make any viewer of Dog and Scissors giggle… even if it’s just a little bit. Whilst the ‘small chest’ joke can also be seen to be ‘getting old’, I think that the show and it’s writers do enough to exacerbate the nuances and therefore make the ‘joke’ funnier with every ‘repeat’. ‘Natsuno your chest is small and… you’re using a pump to make it bigger’. ‘Natsuno your chest is small and… your lifting weights to make it larger’. That sort of thing.

 Natsuno though… she was particularly kawaii in this episode. From day one I knew I’d love here character but… I didn’t realize she could be this tsundere! Now episode 7 was all about DAT DERE, but, that tsun be flaring all over the place, y’know? And I’m just saying and all but…









 That is all.

 Seeing Natsuno get jealous over her DOG, is a humorous experience in and of itself. I honestly can’t tell if she’s in love with her dog and that’s the problem. Was she inspired by the girl in that video where she f*cks her dog? Will the finale simply be bestial hentai? Can the world handle Human and Dog (who used to be a human but died and was brought back to life by his love for books and, whilst also being a human on the inside, is actually a dog, with a dog penis and therefore it’ll probably look jank, but, I might be up for starring in the live action version as the dog because, y’know, anyone who looks like Natsuno is the girl for me…) love? Or am I asking for too much? Taking all that into consideration… I’m up for it!

Oh! And it was nice to see the ol’ Natsuno Kazuhito crime fighting team back together… even if it was only for five minutes and one of them did turn out to be the culprit…

 Let’s move on, shall we? I guess we should probably talk about the maid with no name who likes to dance and sing… Before I do so however I’d like to point out that…









 That is all.

 I have no idea what she was doing and why she was doing it, but, I can just tell that there is going to be a ridiculous reason for her doing it and… and I just don’t know if I can handle it. Just how much more ridiculous can this show get?

 And, finally, just who is following Natsuno? Is it Kazuhito’s father? Maybe Natsuno’s father? As of right now I have no clue, but, I can however postulate and say that it’s very likely that he will be an integral part of the final episode… that said, we’ve only just past the half way point and I shouldn’t be putting any bets down yet considering how quickly they cover arcs in this show (or should I say, how short the arcs are in this show).

 To conclude: Everyone in this show is bat shit crazy.

 That is all.