Time for another short episode of Recorder to Randoseru, this time we go shopping !
ZeroG’s Impression
This episode was a little less funny than the last, but it was cute nonetheless. On one hand you have Atsumi who drinks milk and fantasize to be taller and on the other you have Atsushi who is taller than a regular adult even if he is younger than his sister. It was really sad how Atsushi is just a child but he is confronted with the harsh reality of being seen as an adult. Poor kid, when you grow older, no one wants to give you candy and you get labelled as a pedophile, this is the harsh reality of adulthood.
But Atsushi is so damn cute, but so tall, It is impossible to believe that he is really so young. I’m confused as to what to think about him. I feel so sorry for him, he can’t even hold his older sister hands without sending her flying around the room. I want to see what is going to happen next !
ZeroG signing off
Myst’s Impression
Last episode I was fangirling about Atsushi, now I’m overloaded by cuteness because of Atsumi. Golly gee, this show is so politically incorrect sometimes, and makes me feel all weird inside…
Not much happened in this episode, it wasn’t that funny and had no time to do anything else, but to be honest I still liked seeing both brother and sister form a small bond, which showed how close they were. Of course, when you get reminded that an adult wearing a trench coat that he seriously needs to get rid of seems like he’s holding the hand of a cute little kid, you remember how politically incorrect this is, and you stop thinking this is cute to laugh. Then again… This is still cute… DAMN YOU, JAPAN!!! WHY YOU CORRUPTING ME?!?!