Chihayafuru Ep 9: Sweet Sixteen
I end up feeling very fulfilled every Tuesday, especially today since this episode was BEYOND AWESOME!!!!! Scuse me I want to go watch it all over again xD
Bleach 349 & 350: Mistress in Distress
Phi Brain episode 9: Another Boring day at school
C³ Episode 8: Killing Organ
Apologies if this was a bit short – it was supposed to be a double, but I felt Ep 9 deserved its own post.
Fate/Zero Ep 9: Emotional Episode
Random Reviews: True Tears
Title: True Tears
Animation Company: P.A. Works
Genres: Drama, Romance, School
Aired: Winter 2008
Number of Episodes: 13
Personal Rating: 8/10
Here goes my next random review! To be honest, before I clicked the “Random Anime” button and got this as a result on some website, I had not heard about this show even one bit Let me tell you, that in itself is pretty impressive. I know a lot about anime… Anyways, the point is, I came across this show while hating on my homework, and found myself marathoning it in two days I was very productive on my homework, you see... So then, I thought: “Hey, I should blog this!” And so I did because I’m awesome and was very productive doing my homework. (more…)
Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi S2 episode 8: Insecurity
Kisa is in love, but he is really insecure about his situation, is he overreacting or is his relationship with Yukina really in danger?
Naruto Shippuden Ep 237: Legendary Kunoichi
I guess it was too much to expect an increase in episode quality after that delay last week, but hey, these are Naruto fillers we’re talking about.
Chihayafuru Ep 8: PORKY!!!!
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