Ans so we continue our adventures deep into the cave…Komatsu is currently facing another gigantic Devil Snake. Desperate, the man who captured him throws Komatsu right in front of it and then runs away, only to get eaten by other creatures
loser. Komatsu decides to use Toriko’s “secret weapon” that was given to him: Firecrackers that make a humongous noise and makes all the creatures run away in fear. The thing is, Komatsu forgets the whole “you need earplugs before firing them” part, decides to fire it and knocks himself out in the process Good job. You just went up a level on the scale of FAILURE.
It turns out that his failure caused him to die for 3 minutes, only for him to be revived by “the legendary Bishokuya Jirou” He just plain looks like a creepy old man, in my opinion. Toriko and Coco then finally find Komatsu, and they continue their quest for the Puffer Whale as they finally reach the Sandy Beach inside the cave took you long enough. It takes them 2 seconds of swimming for them to see the said Puffer Whale, who turn out to become the Puffer Whaless. In fact, there are so many, and they need to be caught with extreme delicacy. Coco shows Toriko how good he is, then Toriko copies his technique after having seen it only once, and in the end they have a beautiful moment of “oh my, we have both improved so much…”
But screw the bullshit. The 2 Heavenly Kings come out of the water with the Puffer Whales they caught, then Komatsu proceeds to take out the poisonous glands, however fails 8 times and only manages to get one of them it’s better than nothing I guess. All 3 characters have a feast, and they are about to leave when they encounter some kind of bird-man-monster-dark-shadowy thing coming their way. Coco and Toriko both realize that the “guy” is incredibly evil, however the thing ends up ignoring them, leaving with a bunch of Puffer Whales. At the end of the episode, Coco tells the others “It’s not a living thing” Then what the fuck is it? O.o I dunno about you, but it’s walking and looking at people… How could it not be living? Anyways...
Well, well, well. That was cool. I guess…
I dunno, it may just be me, but it looks to me as though the manga for this would be way more interesting than the anime will ever be. I mean, there are a couple of fight scenes that are nice animated, I’ll admit that, but on the other hand, the rest is pretty terrible. The art is just horrid, the animation isn’t the best, the OST is way too noticeable and not that great, and even some voice actors piss me off, like Komatsu’s voice. I’m slowly losing motivation for this, so it better start showing me something interesting before I drop this… -_-‘ .
Anyways… Story-wise, I have to admit it isn’t that bad. Okay, I’m kinda getting sick of the “this is way bigger than expected!” or the “this is impossible to catch, but since we caught an impossible thing to catch a few episodes ago we’ll catch this impossible thing to catch as well!”, but apart from that, I like the concept of them catching different kinds of creatures, and I also really like the fact that the plot seems started already, with the dark things walking around and not living. Seriously speaking, I think if the anime continues to deceive me I’ll just go right ahead and read the manga now that’s rare. I rarely read manga that has an anime show still ongoing.
Anyways… I thought I was done with dropping shows, but seriously it looks like my luck was terrible this season. I’ve decided to blog the most random shit ever, and it barely paid off :/. Meh.