Gosick Episode 6: Another Mystery!
After a bunch of complicated schnizzle I love that word, I should use it more often, it turns out there was a big misunderstanding about who was covering what on what week and whatnot so many whats, which made every thing quite complicated and in the end I am covering Gosick once again, for the third time in a row. Please note that Oki will be covering the next 2 episodes in order to catch up.
-Myst (more…)
Infinite Stratos episode 6: Magical Breasts
Ichika understands a bit more about the reasons that pushed Laura to hate him, and he learns a little more about Charles secrets too.
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Ep 6: The Ugly Truth
Yu Gi Oh 5Ds Ep 27: *GASPS* Start of the Shadow Games?!
Kimi ni Todoke Season 2 Episode 5: On his way to redeemance! (Finally…)
Kazehaya… Can… Do this! …Possibly? Maybe? Well, it doesn’t change the fact that Miura Kent beat him to it, that’s for sure… Too bad Sawako didn’t go for him instead of the other wimpy guy… -_-‘
Bleach 308: Battle of the Titans
Gin lost his last chance of overthrowing Aizen and now that he is defeated, there is no one to protect Ichigo’s friend from the overwhelming power of the new evolved Aizen. Or so we were led to believe before an overly calm and confidant Ichigo appears.
Yu Gi Oh 5Ds Ep 26: Yusei VS Jack: The Conclusion of the Fortune Cup
The extraordinary battle comes an end (more…)
Level E, Episode 5: Baka's level of idiocy is over 9000
Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? episode 5: The Broken heart of a Zombie
Aikawa has a date with Kyoko, he is quite excited about it but after meeting her she reveals something unexpected to Aikawa that break his heart.
One Piece Episode 486: Am Scared O.O
GYAAAA I SWEAR THESE EPISODES ARE DAMN INTENSE!! The action never stops!!! (more…)