Kimi ni Todoke Season 2 Episode 7: DOUBLE REJECTION O_O
Wait, whaaaaaat? I thought I heard this was only appearing in July? The DVD was, not the OVA apparently.
Everything is working their way back to normal in soul society, the injured are getting healed up, Karakura town is getting transferred back to the real world and Ichigo’s friends are coming to congratulate him on his victory over Aizen.
A new girls appears, she is a vampire ninja, she belongs to Seraphim’s rival clan. But when Ayumu meets this new girl, he skips multiple steps in their relationship and reach a point of no return he did not foresee.
Color Rangers finally made it to the castle (more…)
So not much has changed since I was gone. Except girls dressing as boys, girls dressing as fancy ladies in robot overalls, and CECILIA ALCOTT REMAINING MOE!!! <33
W0uld it be creepy if I keep pretending to smell her hair? Because I don’t really…care…..mmmmm…you smell like cutesy british girl…mmmm
Screw censoring right now!!!!!!!!! I WAS HOPING HE’D SHOW UP DURING THIS EPISODE, OMG OMG OMG OMG IT’S SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAANKSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH I think I just went crazy
Gore, Blood, Horror, Happeh happeh, I am happeh to be blogging this amazing show that is called Hellsing Ultimate :D. (more…)